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i was proposed to this girl 3 months back.. families liked it all were happy about everything.

she is 19 n im 25. but we r suppose 2 get married after 2 years..n we r Christians n born again in Christ.

coz i need to complete ma studies. im stable n confident n ready for the challenge..


the first day i saw her i fell in love with her beauty n the first day we met @ her place we just kissed..i hve no idea how it all happened.


we meet ones a month and we call every day for hours coz i sent her a new mobile with a number.


but suddenly which everything was like a fairy tail. things changed last week.

she called me n said she dosent like me n she put a stop. she even told her parents n i was shocked to hear every thing just ended within a day. after all these months.


i dint call dint text just kept silent n now her parrents also spoke n just put a stop.. normally i let go in life.

wht do yoll think wher did i go wrong. is it ma fault.... i want a idea



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Who knows. All you need to understand is that its over. She has changed the way she feels and it's time to move on. It doesn't matter in the least that you are a christian or that the families liked the idea. She obviously didn't like the idea of being tied down, and at her age thats not unusual. Best to move on from this and acept whats happened.

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