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my sis is leaving the house right now at 5:17 pm to go rollerblading with friends and guess what dad is making such a big fuss over it, yeah and it is a sunny day too. i soo disagree with my dad my sis is 20 yrs old i am 23. my dad wants my sis to stay at at home all day for some reason -hates her to leave the house for some odd reason.

even if we leave the house he makes a big fuss- this is the summer times too-not school days where on sat and sun we have to stay at home all day too . yea lol this is the truth. don't laugh . we are asian too-chinese if it means anything lol. parents are just so damn strict.

the don';t like her to leave the house same with me and i am a guy too.

the thing they think is that going outside-life is tough -parnoid of how rapes of women, ppl gettin beat up guys and gals-swarmings, dad just said don't leave the house-"your just asking for trouble". -meaning some ppl might want to fight with u, gangs..... well bad stuff u hear from the media and news of young ppl.

well till i move out its going be like this , maybe that why i don;t want to tell my gf or date that i have a certain time table-parents are just so damn strict of leaving the house. if i do maybe i can only see her in the afternoon only. evenings and nights are out of the questions

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they are way too over protective to even consider going away for college.


Hey Joe,

I have Asian friends and they're parents were extremely strict. My friends had to lie a little just to go out. like Im going to friend's place to study. Would your parents let you consider going away to college? right there, could be your ticket to freedom. That just sucks you don't have more freedom. Im an asian female but was always given my freedom, Maybe it's because I was adopted.

Take care


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Hi Joe,


When living under an 'oppressive regime' there are options:


Change the regime.

Change your attitude to the regime.

Put distance between yourself and the regime.

Suffer the regime.


The regime may not intend being oppressive. It may well be that this is all that the regime knows. It could be said that each generation is a new regime; and that one function of the new regime is to teach/enlighten/influence/change the existing regime. If the existing regime is not open to this it may suffer a great deal.


It is not the responsibility of flexible regimes to suffer with rigid regimes. Rigid regimes see their way as 'the way to do it' and this is the way of suffering. Flexible regimes do not have a way, they are the way.


May you and your sister be your own way,

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well the thing with my folks is like everything i do they are controlling me and if they don't have it their way they harass u about it constanly and tell u about their philosophy in life about this and that.

mom kinda ironic too hey- one day she said -when u grow up u better move out like the 3 little pigs find ur own food and place ... and there where times when she said why move out at all in ur life when u have a family -to cook, clean..better to live at home and care for each other ....-very ironic this is just an example of a couple of stories she said to me.

if i do seriously move out its out of the city or a least a 1 hr drive. to move out folks be just visiting me every day and checking out on me and phoning me every 5 minutes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My mom's side of the family are super paranoid too. I'm also part asian (filipino). I think that a lot of parents are strict because they care. they are over protective because they don't want us to get hurt, but what they don't understand is that they are hurting us in the long run. My mom and i don't have a good relationship at all. They only thing she has taught me to do is to worry and be paranoid, don't trust anyone or anything. I'm 21 and she let's me leave the house or whatever, but she's constantly asking me when do I work and what time will I be home and what did you do today, etc. It really gets old fast. I guess what i'm saying is that I have learned from my mom how not to treat my children. You should do the same. Hope this helps.

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