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Im going to end things


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I'm a father of three and I've been where you are now. Right after my divorce I thought my world had ended. She'd left me for someone else and I just couldn't deal with that thought. I spent one very bad night getting drunk and thinking about putting a barrel of a shotgun in my mouth. But I loved my kids and I know you love yours. You can't even imagine the kind of harm this will do them. This will scar them for the rest of their lives. I got through it and you can too. I absolutely promise that there will be better times ahead for you. It's dark now, but if you hold on there will be a brighter time.


Things aren't perfect for me, but no matter what, I've always had the love of my children. Just think of how much they will miss you. Don't do this to them. Call a suicide hotline, go to the hospital, talk to someone. Just don't hurt your kids this way.

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Hey Steve - there are a lot of people here who care about you. You are not alone. The feelings you have right now are temporary and they will pass. That I assure you. It's really important right now that you speak to somebody like on the link above immediately. Would you do that for us all here?

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I know you're in a lot of pain right now but you have responsibilities man. You HAVE to think about your child's future, it's really selfish of you to just leave him/her behind. I really know how you feel about not wanting to live anymore but there are way to many negatives with that decision, CONSIDER TALKING TO SOMEONE AT LEAST, even you'll see that this is a very very bad idea. If you really decide to do it, I hope you'll know you'll only cause a lot of negative effects. I hope you'll do the right thing, I believe in you.

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Steve, you have to drum up the teeniest, tiniest sliver of hope, spring it from your babies, and juice it for everything it's worth. They need their daddy, they need YOU. Before you do anything else, please contact the Samaritans.


When our pain seemingly outweighs our coping resources is when we seek means to an end. You're not hopeless or incapable of coping, even though every piece of you believes that is the case. Your pain has simply taken over. Feelings are temporary, Steve. This is something that's been drilled into my head for the 14 years in therapy, and a belief I can tell you has saved my life, 10 times over. This is not to say your pain will magically disappear, but the exact way you feel right this very second is not how you felt a year ago, and will not be how you feel a year from today.


Call someone first. Take a breath, and pause. Even if you can't think right now, if your heart and mind are so clouded, just wait. Let it wash over you and leave it be without judgement. In that pause, take a second to reach out.

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If anyone has any information about Steves actual location, could they please PM me with it.



- Contact the website owner... He can track the IP address and give you a location. He would have to get ahold of the isp though in England.

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Steve - you are overreacting. I know it feels unbearable right now, I know it hurts, but trust me when I tell you that you will get past this....and one day, you will look back and wonder how in the hell she ever had that power over you......


Do not give HER the satisfaction of hurting yourself because of her bad deeds. Do not ruin your childrens lives because she hurt you. Your children will never forgive you. Do you really want them to walk the earth for their entire time knowing their father killed himself? You cant cover it - it will come out eventually and it will destroy them.


Call for help, go see friends and family....but do not sit and wallow in suicide. It just aint worth it.


When my ex left, I contemplated suicide many a times....looking back? I feel like a fool. Shes not even worth a papercut. Things do get better.......the sun will shine again.

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Steve, take it out on your pillow. Run. Cry, scream. Do anything that will let it out of your system but don't let it go inward.


This isn't your fault, it's hers. She's the one that let you go, she's the one that cheated. YOU should not pay for HER mistakes. HER mistakes aren't worth your life.


You can't let this consume your life, you have kids, you have family, you have us. Think of the people that have absolutely nothing. You're better off without her.

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Read what you just wrote yesterday.....


Cheers buddy,


Certainly was a tough one but I'm still here and I got through without breaking nc, it was never in doubt. Yeah right


I am getting there kev, been over 2 months now and although still have my moments, on the whole things are going ok and certainly in the right direction.

You sound like a new man mate, when I last spoke to you, you were in a very bad place, I'm really pleased you got out the other side, good on you, I'm guessing having the family home again has made a huge difference to you.


I like your post Kev, speak soon fella.


Remember this - seeing her does not change this - its just a minor setback

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6 months ago she came off the pill so we could start a family, i spend months trying to feel better after previous dark thoughts and finally im getting there and then this, i can not explain how i feel now or how i felt when i saw her pregnant, they were our plans and our future, she then says what she says and that its not mine, its to much, just to much

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Steve, she's a fat, slovenly cow from the sounds of it. Seriously, what a hormonal sow. You really dodged a bullet here in that the kid isn't yours. She will make the new guy's life a living hell...NOT YOURS.


You deserve so much better than this. Please don't end your life over her. You have so much to give another woman who will appreciate you.

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You are not weak. You are a strong person who has so much to live for. You have children!!! They need you, what will they think when they get older? Would you want them to do the same thing becasue their father did? Please don't lose yourself. You are a good person and good things will happen for you. Believe in yourself. Everything in life happens for a reason. A door will open for you!!!


Please think of your life past what your feeling right now. Think of all the times you were happy before!!!

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I was exactly like this when I found out he had run into the arms of the best friend. That girl I always told him I didn't feel comfortable about. I always had suspicions about her, and then after our breakup, just weeks later, they're together. "In a relationship" read FaceBook, both deeply in love apparently.


Did it hurt? Like hell. Does it still hurt? Yes, but not as much. Did I want to die? If only had I had a gun in my hand, I would have shot right off. But now I think of how dumb I was.


And then I thought, he's trash. He doesn't deserve me. He doesn't deserve my life. He doesn't deserve even any of the tears I've shed. And guess what? There's millions of guys out there that can make me feel the same way, or even better than he ever did. And guess what? They can appreciate me.


And the same goes to you, there are million of girls out there that would love to be with a guy like you. And I know this is the last thing on your mind right now but it's THE TRUTH.


You have to live through your feelings and let them make you stronger. Don't let them make you weaker, just let yourself live through them, and release them, let them go. You will look back at this and think of how dumb you were for ever thinking of ending your life because of her.


This isn't the Steve that has been posting on here the last few weeks, showing great improvement. The Steve we know would cry, post madly, let all those feelings out, and wake up tomorrow and think it'll be a better day.


Don't give up. You have us all here.

You can always PM me.

We are all here for you, Steve.

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Steve please listen to everyone. No-one wants you to do this. We all care. You can get through this. I know its tough but you can get through this. She really isn't worth it. No-one is worth this. You can and will find love again. You can be happy again. Be strong for your children. They love you, they need you. Think of your parents. Please. They won't be able to cope with losing you. Please speak to someone.

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The pain is temporary.


There's not a single soul out there that can endure this type of pain a whole lifetime, so we know it will go away sooner or later.


It WILL go away.


Don't let this set you back, Steve. Don't. You have a lot of things to live for, just 1 reason to die. And that reason isn't enough, no reason is enough. There's always a beautiful alternative: life.

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