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What is this guy thinking?


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So, I told my crush that I liked him. He was so gracious and nice about it. He told me he was busy with college and how he works 50 hour weeks. I asked him to get to know me and hang out but he said, "I just need time." And that he wasn't taking as many courses for school next quarter and that he would see then if we could hang out. A lottt of girls like him and I said, "Would you want to hang out with me before any of them?" His response was, "You are a nice girl. I would give you a chance." He also talked about how he was married for 5 years and then had a relationship for 2 years with another lady.


A girl at work said he talked to her about it and that he didn't state whether he liked me or not.


What should I expect? I like him SO much. So, so much.

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Yeah, I'm not sure. You also cant get anyone to be head over heels for you. I am just so sick. 22 yrs old and NEVER have had a boyfriend. No one is ever going to want me! Guess how many times I've taken the initiative and have asked guys out? 3 times and turned down 3 times. It's so hard, it never happens for me.

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I would interpret what he said as not being interested enough in dating you (at most mediocre interest and dating is hard enough without starting out having to prove that you're worthy of more than mediocre interest) and I would move on ASAP. Sorry.

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Yeah, I'm not sure. You also cant get anyone to be head over heels for you. I am just so sick. 22 yrs old and NEVER have had a boyfriend. No one is ever going to want me! Guess how many times I've taken the initiative and have asked guys out? 3 times and turned down 3 times. It's so hard, it never happens for me.


Finding somebody to like you is based on how you market yourself. Kinda like finding a Job. The more you get out the better. Join social groups at school, family or friend parties, going out with friends or drinking coffee alone at starbucks. You usually meet somebody when you least expect it.

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A lottt of girls like him and I said, "Would you want to hang out with me before any of them?" His response was, "You are a nice girl. I would give you a chance."


Guess how many times I've taken the initiative and have asked guys out? 3 times and turned down 3 times. It's so hard, it never happens for me.


First off, I commend you for taking the initiative. I understand that it can be pretty scary, especially if you're new to dating. Rejects sucks, period. It may seem like getting rejected 3 times in a row is a lot, but in the grand scheme of things, I guarantee you it's not. My first long-term relationship happened when I was 21. And it was 2 years between my first long-term relationship and my second (my current). I can't count how many guys rejected me during those two years (and I rejected some guys myself, but to be honest, I was rejected more often). It happens though, it's all a part of the dating game.


Something I also I noticed: You asked him if he'd date those other girls before you. Asking something like that reeks of insecurity, and that's a big turn-off. I'd say that this guy is not interested, I'm sorry. You'll eventually "unlike him". Just distance yourself from him if you can, and take some time to yourself. Get over these rejections, build some self confidence, and then when you're ready, get back out there.

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