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Unexpected joys of marriage!

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Okay, so we have an unexpected annoyances in marriage thread, and someone suggested we start a thread about the unexpected good things, so here it is.


Seriously, I love having a bed heater. My husband is SO WARM all the time... when I get cold, I can just cuddle up next to him.

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My husband also has an internal furnace...and it's awesome because I am always freezing!


I really enjoy having my husband as a partner. From raising chinchillas together to traveling accross the country...I just love experiencing life with him. He's also an AMAZING cook (must be those Italian genes) and I love that he really enjoys cooking meals that we can share as we discuss our days. We don't get to eat together every night, but I really cherish it when we do.

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Oh, I love watching entire TV series over the course of a few months. We've done that with Dexter and How I Met Your Mother. Sitting alone watching these would have been okay, but having someone there experiencing it with you makes it way more of an active participation thing.

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Oh, I love watching entire TV series over the course of a few months. We've done that with Dexter and How I Met Your Mother. Sitting alone watching these would have been okay, but having someone there experiencing it with you makes it way more of an active participation thing.


Yes! We recently got hooked in grey's anatomy. Even when we were on a childless vacation, we spent much of our time in the hotel bed watching grey's, drinking wine and eating Thai takeout.


I also love the daily back and foot rubs, having someone to walk outside with after dark, how he will make me laugh when I'm starting to get mad about something silly, having someone iron my clothes in the morning, someone to go to jazz clubs with, someone I can share good new songs with and know he will appreciate them as much as me, someone to make breakfast for me on weekends, and of course someone to make me laugh every day.


But my favorite part is getting to watch him become the person he was put on this earth to become and be appreciated for his talents. He really is the most talented, impressive person I've ever known. I'm especially in awe of his social skills.

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Actually my husband and I like some things on TV. We like the same British Comedies, we like things about history and animals, the universe.. Mostly though he is a 24/7 news guy. He got that way living in an all male world for 4 years. He has trouble converting back to family world in that regard. But we do have a similar sense of humour when we have humour.....lol......because we are both first born so we tend to be more serious.

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Oh, I love watching entire TV series over the course of a few months. We've done that with Dexter and How I Met Your Mother. Sitting alone watching these would have been okay, but having someone there experiencing it with you makes it way more of an active participation thing.

We do that with how I met your mother. We loooove it. The song we walked out to at our wedding was that 500 miles song that plays over and over in Marshall's car. We did that song bc we both love that show so much.

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But my favorite part is getting to watch him become the person he was put on this earth to become and be appreciated for his talents. He really is the most talented, impressive person I've ever known. I'm especially in awe of his social skills.


I love that too! When we started dating, he had some non-specific plans, but he was currently just managing a pizza place with a friend. Now he's got only one year left of college, doing an internship in his field, and already has a couple of job offers for when he graduates. And all of that while remaining the down-to-earth, optimistic goofball I fell in love with. I'm also in awe of my husband's social skills. He makes friends everywhere he goes... I hide in the corner avoiding contact wherever I go.


We do that with how I met your mother. We loooove it. The song we walked out to at our wedding was that 500 miles song that plays over and over in Marshall's car. We did that song bc we both love that show so much.


Win. That is one of the most awesome things I've ever heard.

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Reading all of these marriage threads makes me feel like we're already married. I can just relate to everything. And yes, it is so amazing watching him become this businessman, full of talk about conferences and projects and grants. He sees what he wants and he goes for it without too much waffling or worrying (unlike me) and it's really inspirational.

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Oh, I love watching entire TV series over the course of a few months. We've done that with Dexter and How I Met Your Mother. Sitting alone watching these would have been okay, but having someone there experiencing it with you makes it way more of an active participation thing.


Not married yet - but we do this too.

We just finished watching season 1 Modern Family and I've never really like How I met your mother, but he does so we agreed to watch it together from season one and see if I like it.

I only watch 2 shows alone everything else we watch together - definitely better than watching tv alone.

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Reading all of these marriage threads makes me feel like we're already married. I can just relate to everything. And yes, it is so amazing watching him become this businessman, full of talk about conferences and projects and grants. He sees what he wants and he goes for it without too much waffling or worrying (unlike me) and it's really inspirational.


Same here. L is so driven in life. He knows what he wants and goes for it.

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