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My BF calles me MAN when we get intimate

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I suspected for a while that my bf might be bi or gay. Twice when we got intimate he came home drunk and started messing around and going "oh man, oh man, oh man". Then last night as we started getting intimate after his sentences he would add man to it. LIke "come here, get closer man"or whatever the sentence would be he would add man to at the end of it. Sometimes i feel like when we are intimate he is fantasizing about a man. I have asked him in the past if he was bi or gay.

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Hes only doing this when hes horny though which makes me question if in fact that turns him on. Another thing is he kisses my qin in a way almost as if giving my qin head. THe next day he accidently said you have some food on your d*... I was like what. He was like in your qin you have something. Im like thats not what you said. I dont think im paranoid honestly on daily basis he says something that i feel is off.

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Does he only like sex doggy style?


Uh...how would that be relevant at all?


And in regards to the original issue, many guys just put "man" on the end of sentences randomly. It doesn't mean "man" as in "male". It's just an affirmation. It's like how western Canadians put "Eh" on the end of every sentence. It doens't really mean anything.

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Uh...how would that be relevant at all?


And in regards to the original issue, many guys just put "man" on the end of sentences randomly. It doesn't mean "man" as in "male". It's just an affirmation. It's like how western Canadians put "Eh" on the end of every sentence. It doens't really mean anything.


I was being sardonic.


I don't think he's gay. To me, it sounds like when he's drunk, he gets a little more primal and lax. If he's eating the peach, he's not gay.

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I suspected for a while that my bf might be bi or gay. Twice when we got intimate he came home drunk and started messing around and going "oh man, oh man, oh man". Then last night as we started getting intimate after his sentences he would add man to it. LIke "come here, get closer man"or whatever the sentence would be he would add man to at the end of it. Sometimes i feel like when we are intimate he is fantasizing about a man. I have asked him in the past if he was bi or gay.


If i maya ask... when y'all are being intimate is he visually looking at you, or is he not looking at you in some way? (e.g., his eyes are closed, he is looking away, he seems as if he is "daydreaming" or picturing something else?). Is he very visually focused on very specific things about you like your body etc.?

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I know what you mean... the fact that he only really does it wen he is drunk or turned on seems like a red flag to me... I'm a guy and i have a friend who is deeep in the closet and gets physical with me when he's drunk.... and honestly, listen to ur instincts... you know him better than any of us do, and it's not like you want him to be gay, it's just a feeling right? a six sense?

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