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Nicotine tests for jobs?

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Okay, so I have a secret vice that no one really knows about...

I like cigars once in a while.


I know, I know, it's terrible. All my friends think they are disgusting and if they were going to smoke, it would be cigarettes (EW!). But hey, I know what I enjoy.


About 2x a month, I get one high quality expensive cigar, light up, and enjoy it on an evening outside, usually when I walk. I love the taste and smell, and it's quite relaxing. It's fun to do with a good friend too. Then I go take a quick shower and no one knows the difference.


The last time I smoked one, it was about 2 weeks ago, on a weekend.


Now, my concern is, what about drug tests? I have done urine drug tests before. I am going to apply for a few jobs in the summer (all minimum-wage, cashier-type jobs). I know I have a good shot because there are a bunch and I'm applying a bit early. I believe at the one place, they test both urine/hair.


Obviously illegal drugs would be out (I haven't done any of those ever) but do jobs turn down people for nicotine? I would put down that I am a "social smoker" if they asked - I don't lie. I just don't know what the answer is here. I am 21, so it's not illegal for me, it's a simple cashier job, etc.


I don't know if they test for nicotine AT ALL or if they do, do they just not care, because I'm over 18 and it's a legal drug?

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What is the WHO?


I haven't heard of any places either. I tried to read "employee policies" and it made no mention of nicotine. Just your typical illegal drugs, which make sense.


Not even the healthcare places that I have worked/volunteered at ban it.

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Haha, well that definitely makes sense!


I'm surprised to see that many hospitals (at least in my area) don't care too much. They have designated areas for smokers even.


I'm not too concerned about them being "accommodating" to smokers (since I only have a couple cigars a month, am not addicted, and won't be bringing them to work) but just want to know if they test for it.


I guess for a minimum-wage, entry level job, I'll be okay.

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Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if in the future, more hospitals don't hire nicotine users. at the campus hospital near where i work, you have to be about 100 feet away from any of the hospital buildings to smoke. i don't think nicotine is something people test for (besides, you can usually smell it if someone is a regular smoker!!)

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Yeah I hear that drug testing is expensive so it may not make much sense to test for nicotine versus other drugs...like pot, cocaine, etc.


I do want to work in healthcare in the future so I may have to stop my cigar-lovin' but until then, I'm not worried. I want to enjoy it while I can.

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Okay, so I have a secret vice that no one really knows about...

I like cigars once in a while.


I know, I know, it's terrible. All my friends think they are disgusting and if they were going to smoke, it would be cigarettes (EW!). But hey, I know what I enjoy.


Oh man, cigars are way less unpleasant to be around than cigarettes! They even smell GOOD!

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Haha thanks. Yeah I don't like cigarettes AT ALL. But I like cigars. And of course, I only do them outside.

My parents don't know I do them. I throw my clothes in the drier on "low" with a nice smelling drying sheet and no one knows the difference!


But yeah, they taste good. I actually just had one today, as it's been about 2 weeks. It was delicious.

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This reminds me of that episode of Kendra when she was having a cigar with her friends.


Did you know that Star Jones smoked cigars too? I think it's becoming more popular.


Really? That's awesome. Hahahaha.


I don't know of any other females who smoke cigars but personally, I think it's kind of cool.

(although I wouldn't advocate for it b/c of health reasons but if I find another female who already smokes a cigar once in a while I'll be like "HIGH FIVE") haha

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I like an occasional cigar. I never smoke one on my own, but I enjoy sharing if I'm dating a guy who smokes cigars socially. Besides the WHO I don't believe there is anywhere that doesn't hire because of nicotine. It isn't illegal so I don't believe it is tested for. Employers actually give employees time to smoke. You have nothing to be worried about as far as minimum wage jobs go.

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I have a related question. I was on the WTO website looking at jobs and they have a little note at the bottom of the job posting saying "The WTO is a non-smoking environment". Could that possibly mean that they test for cigarette use before hiring?

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I have a related question. I was on the WTO website looking at jobs and they have a little note at the bottom of the job posting saying "The WTO is a non-smoking environment". Could that possibly mean that they test for cigarette use before hiring?


Here's a quote from their website:


Recruitment restrictions

Relatives of WHO staff and individuals under the age of 20 and above the age of 62 will not be considered for any vacancy;

Policy on Non-Recruitment of Smokers: WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or other tobacco users who do not indicate a willingness to stop smoking. This policy underscores the Organization's commitment to promoting a tobacco-free environment.


Doesn't mention anything about being tested, but they do ask you smoking related questions during your interview (i.e. do you smoke or do you plan to quit) and if you lie, it qualifies as misrepresentation and that's grounds for dismissal.

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Yeah I hear that drug testing is expensive so it may not make much sense to test for nicotine versus other drugs...like pot, cocaine, etc.


I do want to work in healthcare in the future so I may have to stop my cigar-lovin' but until then, I'm not worried. I want to enjoy it while I can.


i've heard that statistically there are alot of people in the healthcare world that smoke...heavily....occasionally...whatever. probably a non-issue...other than the stigma.

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I have heard of heavy smokers going to a job interview and keeping their interview clothes in sealed plastic bags so they don’t smell of cigarette smoke on the day.


I shouldn’t think anyone will notice/care whether you smoke for a cashier type job. If you’re worried: avoid smoking before the interview. It doesn’t sound like you intend to smoke during working hours anyway.


My dad used to work in railway engineering and any staff carrying out safety critical work e.g. out on track were subject to a zero tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol. If you were seen going into a pub or bar during working hours it could be a sackable offence. Even those whose work was office-based and weren’t tested also followed the rules.

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Smoking cessations can be very expensive to a company's health plans, plus there's the fine line between a habit and addiction (just like alcohol).

If you claim it as an addiction, companies have to be careful in how they handle any possible termination as it can be classified as a disability. You can't completely justify a 'grounds for dismissal' even though John/Jane disappears every hour for a smoke/drink break as the more legal procedure would be for you to pay/enroll them in programs first.

A lot of companies wants to avoid that now.

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  • 1 year later...

I do not think you will have a problem working as a cashier and being tested for nicotine. I work in the health care field as a nurse and our policy use to be no smoking on campus and now they have added to it, and all new hires must submit to a drug screening and nicotine screening. If either of which come up negative you are asked to reapply in 6 months. I know it sounds unfair, but its do to the rising cost of health care and the affects smoking has on your body, thus making your health care more expensive. They are also trying to improve the wellness of the invdividuals that are in charge of life and death situations, and maintaining the care of others. I do not personal agree with the screening, I think that it violates our right as an American, because it is not legal, but companies have free will to make their own policies and do as the please.


Nicotine only stays in the body between 2-4days depending on how heavily of a smoker you are.

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I actually recently got a healthcare job (technician) in NY and there was no nicotine screening. The hospitals where I am apparently don't do that (if they did, I'd just not smoke for a month and start up again once I passed). I still smoke once in a while. Not stopping either.


Considering that I took on a job with full-time, flexible hours but NO benefits (I am on another heathcare plan, they aren't giving me healthcare at all) they have no business telling me what legal substances I consume in my free time when they do not pay my healthcare.


I am not a heavy smoker. I smoke 1-2x on the weekend, either in cigar or hookah form, and not every weekend either, but most weekends, yes. I've been doing this for a looong time now. I guess the only reason I'm not addicted is because I take a large dose of a common smoking cessation medicine. I take it for depression though.

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