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Am I cheating?

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My man and I have been dating for 6 years. We do not live together. We have talked about marriage to combining both homes. I have cheating thoughts. A much younger man came into my life. We have kissed, but no sex. I do want to have sex with this younger man. Will I be cheating?

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Yes, it would be cheating. Honestly, I would consider kissing a form of cheating too. (I'm assuming that you and your man are seeing each other exclusively and have jointly decided not to date other people.)


If you are not happy with your relationship with your man then you should talk with him about it. If you still plan to continue a relationship with this new man then the proper thing to do would be to let your current man go.



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If you've dated this man exclusively and both of you have voiced being a couple to others and if you have told each other that you are committed to each other, then just kissing this other man is cheating.


At least break up with your current man first before doing anything with this new guy. But don't expect him to not be hurt, or to be there after you're done with the new guy, or when the new guy is done with you after he gets what he wants.


Treat your partner with respect, as you would want to be treated. If he had feelings for a much younger woman, wouldn't you want to know, or at least wouldn't you want him to tell you that he needs to break up?


The way I see it, if you really wanted to sleep with this other guy, you would have absolutely no reservations about telling your current guy that you want to break up. If the desire is not that strong, and you feel like hiding it, then I'd say to stay where you're at cause it's not worth it.

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Yes that would be cheating. There is something deeper that needs to be answered. After being with your bf for 6 years why do you want to stray away from the relationship? Is this a one time want or do you not want to be in your current relationship for some reason/s? This seems like a small decision but it can have drastic effects on your relationship. It would seem that there is something lacking in your current relationship which is most likely related to emotions and thats why this younger man intrigues you and you want to have sex with him. Find out what is lacking in your current relationship and see if you can remedy the problem.

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Well I definantly don't think you should marry this man. You don't deserve him. Do you realize what you are doing? You are keeping this big secret from him & if he ever finds out, it will hurt him a lot. How could you do this to someone you want to spend the rest of your life with?


Why is it that you feel the need to have sex with someone else, or even kiss someone else? I think something is definantly wrong in a relationship if a person feels the need to cheat. Maybe you should talk to your boyfriend, its obvious your relationship isn't where you want it to be at this point, so you should talk to him.


You need to decide how you feel. Its not fair to have your boyfriend & be cheating on him behind his back. How could that be fair. Your suppost to be loyal to him & honest with him, thats what true relationships are about. If you still feel the need to have sex with this younger guy, then maybe you should break things off with your boyfriend first. He deserves someone who is true to him & wouldn't dream of hurting him & wants to be with him & no one else.

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Erm? . Your with one man, but thinking of having sex with another man, and your questioning if this would be cheating? Well if thats not cheating I wonder what is? Would you be happy if the man you are with at the moment was sleeping with another woman?


You should seriously question if its worth marrying this guy, if you have found someone else in your life. Your ment to be satisfied with him, and if not, you should not marry him.

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I'm gonna go one further than anyone else - I think the emotional intimacy that leads up to the kissing is cheating, too.


I totally agree. In my opinion, its cheating if you do what you know would hurt your boyfriend or girlfriend if they found out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

definitely cheating.....But I understand your desire for the younger guy. I'm sure he compliments you a lot, maybe buys you gifts, tells you that he cares about you, flatters you, etc etc etc......


I and many other guys i'm sure have used all of these 'Techniques' to get into a woman's pants....


The question is: Does the Younger man mean what he says/does for you?


And the comment you have probably heard/read a 1000 times: How would you feel if a younger woman was trying to take your man?


Good Luck!

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