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Dream Vacation


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Dropped everything and drove to Los Angeles, solo. Nothing planned - not where I was going to stay, nothing. I remember on the 3rd night I stayed at some dump in Needles, CA - no A/C, it was over 100 degrees at 10pm. But I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was all by ear. Stopped in Utah, decided what the heck, I'd like to see the Grand Canyon even though it's a couple hundred miles out of the way. Mount Rushmore? Kinda out of the way, but what the hell, I'll do that. The whole trip was like that.


I'd been to Europe and while it was nice, nothing beat the feeling of pure, unadulteraded freedom. Can't wait to do it again someday.

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Dropped everything and drove to Los Angeles, solo. Nothing planned - not where I was going to stay, nothing. I remember on the 3rd night I stayed at some dump in Needles, CA - no A/C, it was over 100 degrees at 10pm. But I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was all by ear. Stopped in Utah, decided what the heck, I'd like to see the Grand Canyon even though it's a couple hundred miles out of the way. Mount Rushmore? Kinda out of the way, but what the hell, I'll do that. The whole trip was like that.


I'd been to Europe and while it was nice, nothing beat the feeling of pure, unadulteraded freedom. Can't wait to do it again someday.


that sounds so awesome, me and my friends almost took a trip like that to Atlantic City, NJ but they chickened out at the last minute

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that sounds so awesome, me and my friends almost took a trip like that to Atlantic City, NJ but they chickened out at the last minute


I did it solo, so can you. You don't need friends to do it, and you don't need anyone to share it with. The fact that I did it on my own is still amazing to me. Racing down the highway, singing at the top of my lungs, not having to stop for someone ELSE to pee or having to change the CD because someone ELSE wants to hear something...a year and a half later and the trip still hasn't sunk in.

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Dropped everything and drove to Los Angeles, solo. Nothing planned - not where I was going to stay, nothing. I remember on the 3rd night I stayed at some dump in Needles, CA - no A/C, it was over 100 degrees at 10pm. But I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was all by ear. Stopped in Utah, decided what the heck, I'd like to see the Grand Canyon even though it's a couple hundred miles out of the way. Mount Rushmore? Kinda out of the way, but what the hell, I'll do that. The whole trip was like that.


I'd been to Europe and while it was nice, nothing beat the feeling of pure, unadulteraded freedom. Can't wait to do it again someday.


I did a trip somewhat similar. My boyfriend and I both had a free long weekend, and we just decided to go on a road trip up the California coast. We stopped at multiple locations all the way up and it was a blast! I would love to do it again. We live in orange county and drove up to the Oregon state border, and then went back home. So much fun. I love road trips!

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so what's your dream vacation or place you really want to visit. or if you where lucky enough to have one where was it and what was your favorite part. I've always wanted to go to Venice and maybe Rome.


Do it! Venice is a marvellous place; of all the places I've been, it's probably the one that I most want to go back to. Rome is very impressive too in a different way, and in reality you can go to both places on a single vacation if you have time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Dropped everything and drove to Los Angeles, solo. Nothing planned - not where I was going to stay, nothing. I remember on the 3rd night I stayed at some dump in Needles, CA - no A/C, it was over 100 degrees at 10pm. But I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was all by ear. Stopped in Utah, decided what the heck, I'd like to see the Grand Canyon even though it's a couple hundred miles out of the way. Mount Rushmore? Kinda out of the way, but what the hell, I'll do that. The whole trip was like that.


I'd been to Europe and while it was nice, nothing beat the feeling of pure, unadulteraded freedom. Can't wait to do it again someday.


That's my idea of travel!

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Oh man. An around-the-world trip for a year. Rent a car in the early June, drive from California up to Oregon, Washington, and finally Vancouver, Canada. From there, fly to Toronto. From Toronto to New York and Boston. (North America would take a month and a half) From Boston to Iceland, then to Denmark. Fly from Denmark to Norway and take trains there and to Finland/Sweden. (Another 2 months) Fly to Germany, then take trains to Switzerland and Belgium (Another 2 months!) Make sure I get to see Croatia and Greece, then float in the Dead Sea in Turkey. (Another month and a half) After that, I would head down to South Africa for 2 months, renting a Jeep to drive around the country. Then fly to New Zealand, stay for a month. Then go around to the Pacific Islands for a month, including Fiji, Solomon Islands, Cook Islands, and Samoa. Then go to South America for the remaining month...specifically Argentina and Bolivia. Then fly up to San Francisco.


PHEW! That would be a crazy year, and SUPERRRR expensive, but I would be insanely happy if I could ever do that

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'm Canadian, and I'm happy to say that my dream vacation was actually to Halifax, Nova Scotia. I went there on a high school trip and it was amazing! I've had the luck to live in many regions of my country but never near the ocean, and I'd never been to the eastern coast. It was such a cool experience to visit a place that was so different from my home without having to leave the country!


The food was great - even for someone who detests seafood like myself - and the scenery was astounding! The culture and history are so rich and proudly displayed, at least from what I saw. I'd definitely suggest it for anyone thinking of travelling!


As a youngen I visited somewhere (can't remember where) in the Mayan Riviera with my parents as well, and that was boss. Apart from all the neat ruins and beaches, there were lizards EVERYWHERE, which tickled my fancy.




My dream vacation now? New Zealand! My boyfriend and I dream about moving there one day, or even just doing a work exchange for a year or so... and going on vacation there is the logical first point. I would love to learn about the culture, my boyfriend would love to explore the awesome landscape, and both of us are giant nerds so the novelty of it being where the Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed certainly helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've travelled a fair bit, but still high on the list of places I'd like to go:



  • two month language course in France
  • a couple of months in West Africa
  • diving holiday in South East Asia+ the Caribbean
  • hiking holiday in some beautiful mountains somewhere
  • a couple of weeks on a beautiful beach... Fiji?


...OK, time to stop day dreaming... image removed

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I've never left the US.. blahhhhh!! My dream vacation would be to go to Egypt and study the culture, from Ancient up until now. I have always found it fascinating ever since I took a course on it in 6th grade (got a 100 in that class, ha!). I love the art of their culture, the hieroglyphics, architecture, it's all beautiful. And the people are a good example of how I believe Americans should be: revolutionary. Oh, and it's hot over there. I HATE the cold weather we have over here!

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