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yeah but that doesn't mean she's happy with her new man. women do this all the time to mask their unhappiness ,they're not like men who throw things around and act like a Neanderthaler,they put a fake smile and post million happy facebook pics.


and hook up with some random dudes to enforce their "oh my, i'm so happy". some even rub it in the exes face "look how fkn happy i am".


life's good



I dont want to get into a pissing match with her. I thought about that but that wont bring us any closer. Plus I think its bad ass to say "whatever" when they say look how happy I am. I just laugh. Sure you're happy. Indifference is way more cocky then faking the funk with a bunch of hussy's I could give to * * * * s about ya know.

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Yeah I know. I am stubborn and have done it in the past. Thats what the ex is doing now. Those feelings probably already are real. Even more of a reason to let her go.


Although I am still wondering what this weekends 3 am call was in regards to. I didnt have my phone on me and she didnt leave a message so I guess Ill never know.

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yeah but that doesn't mean she's happy with her new man. women do this all the time to mask their unhappiness ,they're not like men who throw things around and act like a Neanderthaler,they put a fake smile and post million happy facebook pics.


and hook up with some random dudes to enforce their "oh my, i'm so happy". some even rub it in the exes face "look how fkn happy i am".


life's good


sorry gallop but I'm going to have to tell you that your WRONG! it has nothing to do with being male or female. I've NEVER once done that but my ex on the other hand does it all the time. I don't need to openly flirt ( on FB) to show were up at when I'm only lying to myself. He obviously does he's also living in denial and has a low self esteem and that's why he looks for reassurance by openly flirting or making it known that he's " happy". But I'm going to love to see that bite him in the ass once he's true feelings resurface.

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Yeah I don't really post on Facebook and people know I am a real person. That's why I get along so well with everyone. I know a lot of people who do that though. One of my best friends broke up with his lady. He would go on and on about how many chicks he's banging and so on. I'd look at him and be like damn. He's miserable.

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yeah but that doesn't mean she's happy with her new man. women do this all the time to mask their unhappiness ,they're not like men who throw things around and act like a Neanderthaler,they put a fake smile and post million happy facebook pics.


and hook up with some random dudes to enforce their "oh my, i'm so happy". some even rub it in the exes face "look how fkn happy i am".


life's good


i second that.. lol

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Yeah I don't really post on Facebook and people know I am a real person. That's why I get along so well with everyone. I know a lot of people who do that though. One of my best friends broke up with his lady. He would go on and on about how many chicks he's banging and so on. I'd look at him and be like damn. He's miserable.


Sounds like someone I know very, very well...

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I would be willing to bet most dudes are like that.


My night went pretty well honestly. I was hella depressed earlier and a little stressed with my exam coming up in 2 weeks. I went and played dodgeball with a few work buddies and started to feel a little better. Then I checked my email which let me know my ex reposted something I blogged a week ago. That put a smile on my face. Then she texted me to see if I had my phone back yet. Its been 7 months and she just can't let contact go. Strange. Then I went to "S"'s house and watched inception for the 12th time. "S" was looking pretty good in all honesty. She wanted me to stay the night but being one of little predictability I of course declined for no reason and went home. I'm about to pass out now while "S" texts me about staying there in the future. I guess lifes not so bad.

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I just had my boss' boss call me to ask if I want to meet with the president of the company at an all day seminar for up and coming leaders. Basically its for people that are being groomed for management. I said No. Life is good.

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I attended this in the past. Basically its for people who want to manage other people. I am cut for sales and have more of an appreciation for the product side of finance. I am not really interested in management at this point in my career. I am young, single, and have nothing holding me to one place. I am sure he will appreciate my honesty and the fact that I know where I want to go.

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I attended this in the past. Basically its for people who want to manage other people. I am cut for sales and have more of an appreciation for the product side of finance. I am not really interested in management at this point in my career. I am young, single, and have nothing holding me to one place. I am sure he will appreciate my honesty and the fact that I know where I want to go.


Having that clarity of purpose is great!

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"S" wants me to come over to her place later tonight but I think Ill pass and go to the gym. I am not trying to be a jerk or whatever. Just doing what I want to do for a change. I dont want to spend too much time with her. I think she is already getting the wrong idea. Plus I need to really focus on my studying. This exam crept up quickly. I think Ill find a coffee shop full of young educated ladies and get my study on.

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For some strange reason my insomnia has returned. I still have some sleep medicine so I can start taking that again until I get back to getting the shuteye I am used to. That sucks. Plus I think I sleep eat. Like I think I wake up in the middle of the night and go downstairs and eat. I cant remember it but I find open food in the morning. Pretty funny.


As for how I am feeling in general I feel as though I can feel myself progressing through this. I realize what I needed to fix and am consistantly a work in progress. The only problem I have is that I miss my best friend. I dont really miss my ex in a needy way or jealous way or whatever. I am not even really mad at her anymore. I just miss her as someone I was really close to. Thats the suckiest part about this. Ill get over it though.

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you think you'll be able to be friends with the ex? since you miss her friendship that much.


i doubt that would be possible right now. i also had fun with my ex ,i won't deny it,and with many other as well,but it leads to sex once there's too much fun ,especially with a little alcohol involved,you know how that works. and that will ruin all the friends part,i couldn't help myself you know. i better leave it the way it is.


be lucky nobody broke into your house (like KIds) and stole the ice cream or whatever you have in there,you'll be pretty upset if you sleep eat and find nothing there.

i do that sometimes too,i'm like a pregnant women ,it really looks like someone vandalized my fridge the next day.

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Hey SA,


I love reading your journal . . . I totally agree, yeah, you are too damn good looking to be friends with your ex All bets would be off..... *sigh*

Re the sleep meds, studies show that not only sleep-eating but sleep-driving (yikes!) is often a side effect of ambien and similar sleep meds. I'm sure you know this already.....it is one reason I avoid them, the traffic around here would not be conducive to sleep-driving...


Keep us all posted on how your weekend goes - you are due for great things, in my humble opinion!

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I went out to dinner with "S" last night which I could tell made her really happy. It's funny how so little effort can please someone else so much. I took the ex out to dinner so often that it just became the norm. Antways we ended up going out for a drink after that and called it a night. It was a pretty chill night. After getting pretty drunk last weekend I thought it would be best to slow it down for a couple weeks. I have a pubcrawl to go to next weekend though so we'll see what happens.


There's a part of me that doesn't want to go out anymore though. Like I could skip next weekend and St. Patty's day and I'd be fine with it. I have a lot of studying to do for this exam coming up and I'm starting to feel the pressure so I'll probably use that as my excuse to pull back a little. I have to get my head right.


Lately I've been more conflicted then usual. At times I feel like I am truly finally starting to move on and see the relationship for what it was the last year which was not good. At other times I feel as though I still expect it to work itself out in the end. I am starting to enjoy time alone more though. When no one is around and I can dive deep into my head. I can sort out how I feel and what my expectations of myself are. I can see where I am making the right decisions (at work) and the wrong ones (at the bar). Although I'm working hard to get through this, I want to remember how I felt amd what I thought. These are important lessons. I am becoming a much better me because of the situation that was forced upon me. I'm proud of myself for that.


Now its off to the gym and the books. I feel like I'm in college again!

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