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Tickling seen as a sign of flirting......what do you guys think of this??


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Is tickling a sign of flirting? Or is it just playful behavior? I am someone who is playful with both my girl friends as well as guy friends. I know that it is okay to be playful like that with friends of the same sex, but is it okay with friends of the opposite sex too? Does it send the wrong signals to a guy that you like them just because you hug them or tickle them or have any kind of physical contact with them?


I was talking to one of my best girl friends yesterday about how I have so much fun being playful with this guy and she tells me that perhaps we are moving a bit fast. I am not sure of what my feelings for him are yet; whether I see him as a friend or potential boyfriend. We have held hands once or twice and he had given me peeks on the lips before. Are we moving too fast? Did I give him the signal that I am interested in him (in that way) by giving him tickle attacks?


We met each other through the internet (through craigslist). Have known each other for two three months before we start to contact each other on a daily basis. Met each other two or three times and never had he made a move on me, even though he had held hands with me and given me quick pecks on my lips before. He is quite a gentleman. I like him for his words and actions seem to match. He lives in Contra Costa County, his car was in the shop, and he still took Bart out to meet me. I woke him up at seven once and he just jumped at the chance to be with me. He makes me SOOOOOOO happy and I know that I make him equally as happy.


He would rather text me, be with me, talk on the phone with me than be with his friends (when he is with him). He would rather listen to me (and be laughed at by his friends) than upset me. His close friends were jealous of the time that he has chosen to spend on me until they finally realized how serious he is about me. His friends, co-workers and mother already know about me. He has told me that he feels a little bit insecure because he had already kissed me, that he would have waited longer, but it just seemed like “the time was right” for him to kiss me at the time. He is so ready to fall in love with me and I keep holding myself back, I would feel bad and guilty for doing so at times sigh. There are so much that I have not told him yet, because I am afraid of his reaction once he heard what I have to say, and he would leave me at that point. That fear and insecurity is always there; I am sure that it will create troubles for us in the future, if I do not get over this.


He seems to be genuinely into me and has labeled me as his new "love interest". He is two years younger than I am. He has been really open and honest with me about everything, he never questions where my questions come from; he would just answer them then and there no matter what it is. Even now we are texting each other back and forth. He is there for me whenever I need him to be. There is just something about him that I can’t put my hands on. He is an optimistic person while I’m not and we manage to balance each other out. He is respectful of what I want and need at the time since I just barely got out of a relationship. He knows that I want to go slow and so far we have. This started at the end of October and has been a month. He seems really persistent with his actions and in his pursuant of me. He even said he wants me as a gift for Christmas hehehehehe.


What do you guys think about this?

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