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I hate this, he thinks im acting like im in highschool


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Ok so my bf of 6 months has this chick he hangs out with, he met her a week or 2 before me, i was fine at 1st cause i just thought uno the live near eachother whatever. But now when he isnt with me hes with her. Hes 28 shes 19,i do trust him, i dont know if i should or not but i do. Its just the fact i cant keep putting up with the phone calls everytime we are spending time together (middle of the night) txting constantly. The fact that i havent met his parents or been to his house yet an she has done all of that, The fact that we dont go out to eat anymore an he takes her, he takes her to the gym with him , the beach, everything i should be an want to be doing with him. Everytime she is with him she writes it on facebook an then deletes it before he sees it, just to piss me off. She is trying to cause trouble for us an he just to blind to see it. Am i overeacting ? Would anyone else put up with this ?

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I hope you let him know that you won't tolerate this behavior.


Clearly, if he doesn't do things with you and he does things with her, this is definitely a cause for concern. You have to ask yourself whether or not you'll be willing to put up with being second priority.


If my bf ever did this, I'd tell him he could have her.

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