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A bit of a blow to my ego


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Have you consider its a matter of chemistry that bonds them together and not looks? I've dated a few lookers but there is a lack of chemistry compared to the "average" looking women in the past. In fact all of my long term relationships were with women that was average in looks but the chemistry was there.

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This reminds me of a story my dad told me about an ex GF. She dumped him to go back to her ex. He was really upset about it and wanted to see what this guy looked like. He went to her house one day and the guy answered the door. According to my father he was really ugly and had bad teeth. He actually felt better after that. He calls the guy Snagglepuss.


Don't worry about that guy. If he didn't seem very interested when you were dating him then you probably wouldn't have been a match anyway.

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Everybody gets jealous from time to time, even guys it's human nature. And yes I'll admit I'm being a bit jealous.


People click for all sorts of diverse and sometime downright unpredictable reasons.


That's actually the real beauty of attraction. Yesterday I ended up, totally by random, alone in a pub with an strange, older women for the day - somebody who I didn't even know and didn't have anything in common with on the face of it. I don't think either of us were there because we inititally lusted after each other, but sure enough by the end of the day there was definitely "something" there.


This type of thing IS the magic of meeting people, the magical unknown of dating.


And the type of experience you're talking about is good, as well, because - as sure as hell - none of us is perfect and we can all improve ourselves to some extent.

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