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Please help... small but important


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Okay,, heres the deal,,, Just recently one week ago, i met this girl , who is totally sweet and a super good girl... and has never really been in a serious relationship.. Basically we hit it off a week ago, and things have been moving some what fast,, as far as us considering our selves a couple and thinking about the future with one another in it together....


SHes 22 by the way.. i'm 26...


So last night my ex of about nine years, who is engaged to be married called me crying cause she got into a fight with her fiance,, ... so i invited her over,,, one thing led to another and we hooked up.. went all the way... and we both realized how much we didn't really want to be doing what we were doing, and that it felt not right at all...


OKay... so back to this girl,,, she told me part of the reason she has never really had any long term serious relationships, is because the majority of her ex's have cheated on her....


SO................. SHould i tell her?????????????? its been only one week, but were actting like were boyfriend and girlfriend......... Or wait,, because we might not last anyways,,, and if we do,, whats the first week of a relationship,, when you have spent years together?????


please help

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i just have a really bad history of cheating on girls that i meet with my crazy ex... I swore to my self to change this time,, and that i would be different with this one,, cause she is absolutley perfect!!... I PREY to God, that i don't ever do anything again like last night to this girl ever again... she deserves sooooooooooo much better than me,, and i want to treat her right... and be the man i know i can.


I just feel like crap today...

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Id tell her if i was u, maybe not rite away..maybe not rite now....maybe when she is sure that ur serious about this relationship(if u are)...the biggest thing people hate in a relationship is either finding out that they were cheated on from someone else, or a long time after it happened.....think about the ake u will have for the rest of ur life if u do end up spending it with her....i couldnt have barred the pressure...

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If you guys have not entered into any kind of arrangeemnt to be monogamous yet then maybe it isn't really cheating.


It depends on the understanding you guys share.


I probably wouldn't tell her. It is so early in the relationship so you haven't fully committed yet.


Sit down and have a discussion with your girlfriend. Discuss with each other what you want the rules to be from now on, eg can flirt with others but no bodily contact . Whatever you want.


That way you will know what the rules are from now on and so will she.


As for your crazy ex, she sounds like bad news. I would avoid contact with her at all costs. You may, out of habit, end up sleeping with her again and believe me you do not want that to happen. The guilt you will feel if it happens again will eat you alive.

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