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Devasted, all hope is gone!

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So I passed by my old house, the house me and my ex fiance shared tonight on the way back from out of town. Another mans truck was there. Im devasted. All hope of getting back together is gone. No wonder she hasnt contacted me. Its only been a little over 4 1//2 weeks. God I hate her so much right now. And im sure its another guys and not a relatives. Wow how much this hurts right now. Im empty. Oh how i hate her right now!!!!

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I'm sorry man. I lived with a girl for over a year, then she dumped me about 2 months ago. I found out a month ago that she started seeing someone only 2-3 weeks after dumping me.


It really hurts, and it really sets you back in healing. I'm so sorry. Getting dumped is bad enough. Knowing that they've already 'moved on' and are with someone else is complete hell.

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I'm sorry man. I lived with a girl for over a year, then she dumped me about 2 months ago. I found out a month ago that she started seeing someone only 2-3 weeks after dumping me.


It really hurts, and it really sets you back in healing. I'm so sorry. Getting dumped is bad enough. Knowing that they've already 'moved on' and are with someone else is complete hell.


i second that man its atough world and some people are just not who we thought they were.

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I agree it is much worse than the initial dumping. It can destroy you if you let it. Which it is and I am trying to stop it. The only positive is that there is no way you can get back together now.


Yes. Learning that they've moved on AND already found someone a couple weeks after getting dumped IS worse than getting dumped. It freaking sucks.

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My ex ended our 3 years together by telling me she was going off with the new guy...They are still together today after 1.6 years..(as far as I know. Thankyou NC )


As the others have stated, it is a pain unimaginable....However, that pain does decrease as time and life moves on...


And so, sorry to hear you had to see that, but just know that:


A) You are not alone


B) You will get there...


Ever Forward


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The positive side to this is that you got the inevitable over with sooner rather than later. Many people, after a break up, spend months agonizing over how they will feel if the ex gets a new partner. You no longer have to wait for the other shoe to drop. That bandage was ripped off quickly so you can endure the searing pain immediately rather than through slow torture. It is over and done with and now that you know it will make it so much easier to move on. Don't even think about what the two of them are doing...it makes no difference to your life anymore and it is not a reflection on you. From now on focus on your life and forget about what she is doing with the new guy...over time you will wonder what you ever saw in her anyway.

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I'm sorry man that sucks.


I was driving past my ex's place one night after she told me she wanted 'space' and I saw her male friend's car there... Now it's platonic but he wants her bad - it's very obvious - and a part of me always wondered what if she did end up doing something with him.


My point is this: some guys hang out Around good looking girls post-BU trying to hook up with them (and do not succeed) but sometimes they are just legitimately in the friendzone.


However each situation is unique and I would just stay NC. Now here's the kicker, if she does reach out to you (don't hold your breath), do not bring up if she's been sleeping with another guy.

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I dont really want to sound mean, but what are you doing driving by the house? Did it happen to be on the way or did you have to make a few extra turns to find the house? And if you are going to go drive by the house, you have to be aware of what you might find. I know you would of been happy to see one car, but the demented side of you knew that you might find another one, and thus adding justification to your sadness.

Dont drive by the house again. And as the saying goes. "Careful for what you look for, cause you just might find it"

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Honestly, that is probably the best thing that could have happened to you. Not knowing why you were broken up before and hanging onto hope, really keeps you from fully healing. She could feed you lies and half truths and you would have been happy to keep being strung along in hopes of reconciliation. Now you can see her for who she is and that the relationship is completely over. Heal and move on. Your future precludes her having any part in it, so who cares what she is doing right now. In a way, she has lost her power over you by having the truth revealed, and ultimately you will find that as a result, you will be stronger and better for it.


I know that I was devastated when I found out that she had lied to me and cheated on me, but it also made me realize things were over and I moved on with my life and the days are getting better and better.

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I agree with everything you guys have said. Its 4 am here now and I cant sleep. Im going to try again but the pain is almost too much. God I pray you let me just let go of this pain and move on.


Ya.... It's hell... I feel like crap this morning too. It's best not to think about it.

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So I passed by my old house, the house me and my ex fiance shared tonight on the way back from out of town. Another mans truck was there. Im devasted. All hope of getting back together is gone. No wonder she hasnt contacted me. Its only been a little over 4 1//2 weeks. God I hate her so much right now. And im sure its another guys and not a relatives. Wow how much this hurts right now. Im empty. Oh how i hate her right now!!!!


I'm sorry you're feeling like this. I've had a similar thing happen and know what that immediate feeling can feel like. I remember seeing a girls car outside his house and i felt enraged, dizzy and weak all at the same time.


I think the last little bit of hope has just gone for me today...all of a sudden. It's hit me like a tonne of bricks. It really physically hurts.


sorry i can't offer more advice just now. Just kind of feeling what you're feeling and wanted you to know you're not alone. I guess we just have to pick ourselves up and try to keep some self respect and move on.


Take care xx

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