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Your Dream Partner


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Curious... what would your dream partner be like?


Describe using bullet points, putting the most important features at the top of the list, and starring the extremely important features. Don't forget to mention your partner's gender!


I'll go first:


Their gender: Female

* Extremely good heart (very nice, kind, gentle...)

* Patient

* Understanding

* Animal lover

Strong sense of humor

Does not care about their own appearance

Enjoys trying new things (Adventurous)

Enjoys playing sports/video games

Does not like to party

Tom boy-ish

Petite body & athletic thin

Cute face

PC User!

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Tall with dark hair and an expressive face.

Dark-rimmed Buddy Holly glasses are a plus.

Wears a lot of plaid shirts, sweaters, and sometimes interesting shoes.

Even-keeled, has a really quick sense of humor, and likes me as much as they like killing time in a bookstore.

Smart but doesn't correct grammar.

Willing to try new things and have learning experiences.

Must agree that The Big Bang Theory is a dumb show.

Cannot have a celebrity crush on Olivia Munn.

Religious zealots and anyone who makes "Women belong in the kitchen" jokes need not apply.

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Tall with dark hair and an expressive face.

Dark-rimmed Buddy Holly glasses are a plus.

Wears a lot of plaid shirts, sweaters, and sometimes interesting shoes.

Even-keeled, has a really quick sense of humor, and likes me as much as they like killing time in a bookstore.

Smart but doesn't correct grammar.

Willing to try new things and have learning experiences.

Must agree that The Big Bang Theory is a dumb show.

Cannot have a celebrity crush on Olivia Munn.

Religious zealots and anyone who makes "Women belong in the kitchen" jokes need not apply.


What's up with women only liking dark haired guys? give me a light haired guy any day.

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Their gender: Male

* Self-assured (not arrogant though)

* Well-grounded and serene

* Manly

* Smart

* Sense of humor

* Kind

* Attentive and understanding

Enjoys traveling

Is not obsessed with religion

Does not drink/ smoke too much and does not do drugs

Good with kids

Taller than me


Actually all of this is really important to me. I do not put anything specfic about physical traits and features because it can just vary too much.

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Sorry but I had to say, I actually know a female who fits your "criteria" to a T! No joke! She's my age, very petite and pretty looking but she's a TOTAL tomboy, very adventurous, always getting into something. Oh, and she has a ton of pets at home. A couple of hamsters at college, but she calls them her "fish" because it's against the rules to have them. LOL.


haha sorry I just had to say.

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My dream guy is





has an "edge"

loves me and desires me a lot




looks a bit different or is shy or has some "darkness"..just something about him is different (maybe crazy hair, too many freckles, dances funny..)

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-Sober, no smoking, drugs



-Between 5'8" and 6"

-Confident but tender/humble

-Gentleman/good manners



-Best friend


-Good with his hands


-American born and raised

-Likes country music

-My age

-Can cook and sing

-Deep brown eyes with long eyelashes

-Broad shoulders

-Clean shaven

-Friendly and easygoing

-No addicitions that aren't being addressed

-Meat eater

-Fairly healthy lifestyle


-Likes kids and animals

-Enjoys local travel, holiday celebrations

-Adventuros but ok at home too

-Likes to dress alike at times, wear matching necklaces...that kinda stuff

-No piercings/tatoos/hair dye

-Dresses casually but neat---plaid or checkered button down shirts, cargo shorts, jeans

-Wants a family, doesn't mind if I stay home and homeschool the kids

-Would like living in the country

-Likes taking quizzes out of magazines

-Will polish my toenails, buy me pads, and comfortable with other "intimate things' (my last two exes were...don't know if I can ever go back now)

-Wipes food off my lips

-Gives me high fives

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I don't like her either too much.


I don't just don't think she's genuine. I don't mind it when girls are tom-boyish (I am a bit like that myself) but I just think it's kind of hooky when people pretend to be something just to attractive to the opposite sex. She's obviously not into any of that stuff, she's just playing out a guy's fantasy. Really fake.


Sadly, I've seen lots of girls pretend to like football/video games just to get guys, and then get annoyed when the guys want to do those things with them. Just be yourself, ya know?

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I don't like her either too much.


I don't just don't think she's genuine. I don't mind it when girls are tom-boyish (I am a bit like that myself) but I just think it's kind of hooky when people pretend to be something just to attractive to the opposite sex. She's obviously not into any of that stuff, she's just playing out a guy's fantasy. Really fake.


Sadly, I've seen lots of girls pretend to like football/video games just to get guys, and then get annoyed when the guys want to do those things with them. Just be yourself, ya know?


lol, exactly. I think I will be single forever because I don't like video games nor watching sports. Well, I do like to watch soccer, but that's it. Now playing sports is another matter, I'd be up for that.

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I don't think I've ever really had a dream partner...But I would require some of the following qualities and would love some others:


* Sincere, truthful, loyal and committed

* Soft-spoken, kind, communicative

* Creative, romantic, and spiritual (somewhat religious but I am not asking for a super religious guy, just that he has the basic beliefs and basic practices down and can spend time with me wondering about the complexities of the universe)

* Family oriented

* Responsible and good at planning things

* Makes me feel safe and loved (e.g. understands me when I'm PMSing, gives me space but is there for a hug when I need it from him!)

* Will make cute babies with me

Loves animals and kids/elders

Is adventurous like me, challenges me

Opens my eyes to a better world

Oh and great in the bedroom with me haha



Nice shoulders/arms/back

Has nice plump lips

Some stubble and a nice jawline

Sexy voice

A bit taller than me (around 5'10, give or take)

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lol, exactly. I think I will be single forever because I don't like video games nor watching sports. Well, I do like to watch soccer, but that's it. Now playing sports is another matter, I'd be up for that.


It's really rare for me to find another girl gamer. I know a lot of girls who detest video games who have boyfriends.


And, I'm not a sports fan. Thankfully, my boyfriend isn't either.


I wouldn't say these are bad things not to have interest in. I'd say just as many guys are turned off as turned on by the fact that I like video games. Like it's a guys only thing.

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-freethinker and intellectual

-particularly talented or gifted in any area

-enjoys metal and going to concerts

-very trustworthy and open

-does not have any sort of anger issues

-is at least a little geeky

-enjoys nature

-similar perverted/sick/morbid sense of humor

-is not a super picky eater

-doesn't make me always take the lead or make me feel like his mother

-isn't very materialistic



-longer hair

-unique looks

-a bit of a dark/alternative edge

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*Dark haired

*light colored eyes

*Funny, able to make me laugh

*Smart. As in can hold a conversation about a wide variety of topics with me

*Same religious views as me

*Control freak (just like me)

*Financially and emotionally mature

*wants a family

*a laugh that makes me smile


Pretty much my fiance.

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*Dark haired

*light colored eyes

*Funny, able to make me laugh

*Smart. As in can hold a conversation about a wide variety of topics with me

*Same religious views as me

*Control freak (just like me)

*Financially and emotionally mature

*wants a family

*a laugh that makes me smile


Pretty much my fiance.


Pretty much?

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