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Getting the 2nd date


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I have some questions, Im feeling a bit rusty since Im recently back in the scene.


I went on a 1st date 6 days ago (from an online dating site). I really would like a 2nd date but have not heard from him.


He told me at the end, he really enjoyed my company, that he thought I should go out with him again, even said he wanted to introduce me to his friends. He did mention the next few weeks were busy but we would get together.


I got home and he text me a big thank you and he really enjoyed my company.


So my questions are this (I have not heard from him):


-Was he not sincere about the 2nd date?


-Is 6 days a long time to not hear from him? Does that mean I wont hear from him?


-I probably wont contact him b/c I believe that initial contact should come from him, do you agree?


SIGH. Please tell me it is not always this stressful

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Oh yes! It went like this:


him: Thank you again, I enjoyed our time together


me: Thank you again, I had a nice time too. Now I have your phone #!


him: Right... Dangerous


me: Well, I think I figured out your last name so maybe I am dangerous


him: Im brave



See? There were no lack of smiley faces. I didnt respond b/c I wanted to leave him wanting more. Or I didnt really know what to say.

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He was probably being sincere, 6 days isn't that much time especially when he said he was going to be busy. It'd be kind of awkward for him to call just to touch base this soon in. That said, it is long enough that I don't think it be weird for you to call and chat.


Double standard, I know. But hey, women like to talk, men feel they need to have a reason to call, and if he doesn't have time to schedule a date, he has no reason.

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I think given that he said he would be busy 6 days i sno big deal.


You have his number, he knows you know how to use it, you know he's not averse to texting.....I say text him just to say hi and see what happens. IMO most men find texts less intrusive than an actual phone call.

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I think you've listed some valuable clues. A lot of guys will say certain things at the end of a date: he really enjoyed your company (even if the date was terrible), he wants you to go out with him again (similar to "I'll call you"). Pretty standard stuff. But if he said he wanted to introduce you to his friends...that's a good sign. Also, he mentioned the next few weeks were busy but you would get together. Not clear as to it being during the next few weeks or after the busy is over, but still, another good sign. Then he texted you later that evening. Ditto. Now, you haven't heard from him in six days.


I don't think you have to wait two weeks to contact him. The adage is true that, no matter how busy he may be, if he wanted to find time to contact you, he would. But in your case, there are other clues to counter. I'd wait a few more days and send him a text just asking how he's doing. Guys enjoy a subtle sign of interest from time to time. It just may jog him into making the next move.

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I'm going to go against the flow here and say that I think six days without a word IS a red flag. IMO, when a guy is really interested, he finds a way to keep himself on your radar. Yes, he may be busy, but a text to say "just wanted to say hi" takes only a few seconds. Text him if you want, but prepare yourself for the possibility that nothing may come of it. Happens all the time in online dating and it's certainly no reflection on your desirability. Good luck!

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I would not wait the full two weeks. I would text him and say Hi, hope things are going well for you. No questions, then see if her responds. I am a guy and I would like to know the girl is interested in me.


It works both ways though. I think he should have text you something simple within the first 10 days. He may be really busy but it does not take much to send a text. Just text him, you have nothing to lose.

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