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8 weeks after being dumped for the first time for a really stupid reason, I met someone else. I didn't expect it to happen. I was actually thinking I may end up completely alone if I keep running into guys like the one that dumped me. I can't compromise my integrity to be with an a$$hole. I don't want a relationship that bad. I just keep running into them, it seems.


I met someone who is completely age inappropriate for me. He's sweet, beautiful, and treats me like a princess. He has no expectations and he's been super honest with me. I barely know the guy and I actually like him better as a person and know him better than the guy I dated before for longer. He's been far more open with me than him too. He makes me laugh. He makes me talk. He's super affectionate and holds my hand and kisses the nape of my neck. He actually got me to talking about my last couple of relationships to see what makes me tick. He told me about his ex. And he was attentive, honest and just a good guy. He didn't try to use the weakness to exploit me like other friends of mine have done.


I know you don't meet someone and start laying out the baggage with someone, but for some reason we both kinda needed it. And although I know this doesn't have long term written anywhere on it, I do know that he came into my life for a reason. If he were my age, he would be my future husband. It gave me hope. I know that the kind of guy I want is out there, and that I shouldn't settle for some half baked jerk who doesn't know how to treat women. I realize now, that I was stupid to think the cultural differences would be surmountable. Spending time with a good guy from my own culture, I see how easy it was for us to click, relate and communicate, where it simply was pulling teeth with the other guy. I will never take sweet, giving, open American men for granted again. Even if they do occasionally tick me off.


And for the meanwhile, I'm just going to have fun and enjoy the attention a super hot boy can give me.

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I was going to post one of these threads earlier.


While I haven't met "someone", I have met quite a few people and reconnected with some old friends. I know the date that I was dumped however, I dont count the days or weeks, so I dont know if Im even at the 8 week mark yet LOL.


But good positive thread nonetheless. Helps those who wonder if they will feel better. YOU WILL!!!!

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Thanks. I know this runs the risk of being a rebound, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. Even if he just ends up being a good friend, I like the guy. At the same time, he has put himself in teh position of trying to get me to realize I needed to move on fully. I'm glad I met him for several reasons. I know I want a guy like him my own age.


I've met and flirted with a lot of guys over the course of teh past month and none of them made me want to spend time with them. I just have to be careful about where we take this, since I'm a bit more of a serious person and know there are limitations on any kind of relationship we could have.


It's just awesome having someone who pays attention and is fun, light hearted, somewhat innocent and not always listening to every word I say to find out if I'm a cheat or liar. The other guy was out of control paranoid. Crazy.

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It does get better. I don't advocate jumping into bed with new people at week 2 or even at week 8. But there's no harm flirting and taking your mind off the ex even if for one evening or a week. Some of us on here get way too down and serious and this prevents us from moving on. We deserve happiness and lightness of being. Dwelling in the past over someone who wants to move away from us doesn't afford either of those things. So move towards someone who does. ANd have fun cos life is really short.

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