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Mercury Retrograde and the Return of the Exes


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Wow... you must be doing something right to be that unforgettable. Sounds like you've treated them well. Hope you get your heart's desire.


I have a tendency to emotionally spoil the crap out of the girls I date. I'm a hopeless romantic. It typically ends up ruining them after the break up when they find reality... though only one girl has ever broken up with me (and she's now discussing the possibility of reconciliation, though we aren't sure yet).

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I don't think I'm going to bank on this to think my ex will want to return and reconcile lol but oddly enough just a few minutes ago I ran into my ex on campus!! And now I go to ENA to PM someone and see this! What the...haha And on Monday, he texted me asking if I wanted to hang out and get groceries with him (but of course, it was my breaking NC that maybe got him thinking it'd be ok to contact me).

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Very interesting......


10 reasons to love (okay, love is a strong word) Mercury retrograde:


1. If your computer crashes, at least you don't have to work.

2. If the train doesn't show up, well, you can't really work either.

3. You have an instant excuse for being a raging * * * * * .

4. You can pretend that you "just didn't understand" annoying people.

5. You no longer have to drunk-dial an ex to hear his voice-- he'll probably call you first.

6. No need to invent elaborate stories when you run late; just blame Mercury.

7. You'll finally lose the contact information of all those toxic people you needed to ditch anyway.

8. When the Internet goes down, you'll actually go outside this summer.

9. If you're a control freak, you'll be forced to learn the art of surrender (okay, so maybe it's not so great -- but we'll blame Mercury retrograde for giving us this crappy idea).

10. Procrastination is no longer a bad habit, it's an "essential coping strategy."


When Mercury goes retrograde, the past has a tendency to resurface. Old friends, ex-lovers and unresolved issues pop up out of nowhere. This is a perfect time to deal with the past and finish up old projects. Here are some ideas on what to do to make the best of this retro period.


* Reconnect with old friends and family members.

* Revisit old wounds and resentments that need healing and releasing.

* Do follow-up paper work and tie up loose ends with past projects.

* Take extra time with travel and be extra clear in communications.

* De-clutter your home and office.

* Prepare last year’s taxes.


If you go along with the retro energy and finish projects rather than start them, you’ll be less affected by glitches.


What to Avoid During Mercury Retrograde


Although we can’t stop moving forward in life just because a planet in our solar system decides to do a backward flip, we can put off certain activities or at least be prepared for interruptions and slow movement. Here are a few things to avoid, hold off on, or be prepared for during this time.


* Avoid traveling or be prepared for delays if you must travel.

* Don’t purchase vehicles, computers or any electronic devices.

* Hold off on starting new projects at this time or at least let go of the outcome .

* Reschedule important meetings until after the retrograde period.

* Double check emails and phone messages to make sure they were received.

* Clarify conversations to ensure everyone understands the same thing.


If you focus on cleaning up the past, avoid starting anything new, and not be surprised by glitches but instead be non-resistant and go with the flow, you will move through this time period with more ease and joy.

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  • 1 year later...

Sooo... I'm confused. Since we're now in a mercury retrograde for August, does this mean we should BREAK No Contact with our exes, or are we supposed to just be waiting for them to contact us?


What if he's thinking of me but doesn't want to contact me because he's afraid it would be unwelcome? I was pretty pissed when he dumped me 2 weeks ago...


This is all silly, I know, but at the same time I have been highly susceptible to the craziness that ensues in Mercury retrogrades in the past.

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Astrologers say the highest return rate for exes is during mercury retrograde. April 17 to May 11 is a mercury retrograde period. Some say this may just manifest as receiving more triggers that remind us of them, if they don't actually show up in person. Let's see if this is true. We sure have a huge group longing for this manifestation. Good luck to all of you.


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Weird, my reconciliations have occurred during this time period (which coincides with my birthday). It's also spring and the weather is usually beautiful.

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Sooo... I'm confused. Since we're now in a mercury retrograde for August, does this mean we should BREAK No Contact with our exes, or are we supposed to just be waiting for them to contact us?


What if he's thinking of me but doesn't want to contact me because he's afraid it would be unwelcome? I was pretty pissed when he dumped me 2 weeks ago...


This is all silly, I know, but at the same time I have been highly susceptible to the craziness that ensues in Mercury retrogrades in the past.


Wait, are we in a retrograde now? My ex texted me on July 25th... out of the blue. Crazy.

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Oh my, I forgot about this thread.... talk about memories from the past!


I actually hope "Mercury the communicator" leaves me alone and sends his powers elsewhere ... my life has resettled itself quite nicely, though it took a while to get there.


I am, however still waiting on the great pumpkin

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Maybe it's just my understanding of the whole (very unscientific )) thing but were you not supposed to wait until she texts you, instead of making contact yourself?


Hear what you're saying WDW - but then again, she could have been thinking the same thing....I suppose I was the catalyst..I know one text doesn't really amount to a great deal, but I could say that its a start

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When Mercury goes retrograde, the past has a tendency to resurface. Old friends, ex-lovers and unresolved issues pop up out of nowhere. This is a perfect time to deal with the past and finish up old projects. Here are some ideas on what to do to make the best of this retro period.


* Reconnect with old friends and family members.

Well BND47, I remember this thread to be our first bonding thread.


Funny memories reading back over it.





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How funny, the 2010 retrograde is what really increased my interest in astrology since it was so dead on accurate. Anyway, I forgot all about this retrograde until..within the last week an ex from over 5 years ago sends me an email, another guy who poofed on me appeared apologizing (I wasn't emotionally invested in either so I'm like whatever) wanting to "go to dinner," and friend I haven't spoken to in over a year called. I said to my sister wth I have people I haven't spoken to in forever contacting me and that same day I read an article about Mercury going retrograde and I had to laugh.


The funny thing is I haven't thought about my most recent ex AT ALL and lately (beginning over the weekend)I cannot get him out of my head. I keep replaying different memories we've shared in my head. Last night I dreamed about him and woke up to a vivid sexual memory. Eek!!! I have no desire to reunite with him and don't regret moving on so * * * ???? If this is retrograde messing with me, I'll be happy once it passes.

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I think that exes mostly return around the same month of the year when you initially met. By that time everything reminds them of those times - the smell outside, the exact season, be it sunshine, rain or snow, everything is set in a way to remind them.


Jibberish mate..although a good theory

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It has happened to me in reality twice already.


It's like; you meet in December; come together; later on you are split up in summer (could be after years or next summer); so IT'S SUMMER and she is having MASSIVE fun, finding new guy, flying in paradise; but then eventually NEW GUY lets her down; FALL comes; everything is colored with golden leaves and the cold breeze creeps in from the woods; then comes the first snow that you once watched together while holding hands, she is all alone and it's so much about you again.

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I saw my ex tonight when I went to collect my stuff. I'm not reading too much into it, but he wants to see me again - and soon - from the way he was talking. I told him I will email him in a couple of weeks and collect the rest of my stuff which I couldn't fit in my car. He had suggested I come back tomorrow, and when I said no, said this weekend would be okay too. I don't think he wants to be back with me - he may even have somebody else - but it was very obvious that he does want to see me.

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