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Mercury Retrograde and the Return of the Exes


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Astrologers say the highest return rate for exes is during mercury retrograde. April 17 to May 11 is a mercury retrograde period. Some say this may just manifest as receiving more triggers that remind us of them, if they don't actually show up in person. Let's see if this is true. We sure have a huge group longing for this manifestation. Good luck to all of you.


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I guess this depends entirely on the beliefs of the individual if one is to take this into consideration.


If this is true, then wahay! What a pleasant birthday present it will be for me!


Then again, should there be a giant armada of exes come sailing back into our arms, let us hope they don't leave port again shortly afterwards...

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A few months ago I was longing for the return of my husband... who should return but an ex from 30 years ago wanting to get back together... Had I not experienced the dozen years of mutual joy with the love of my life, I would have been interested... sadly, at this point no one can even come close... While I'm finding hours of happiness again, at times, I can definitely say that, should my husband choose to reconnect, it will never be too late for us. I am totally NC now. Finally. Let's see what happens.

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Actually, I'm pretty sure it's Bigfoot that actually exercises the most influence over reconciliations.


Very very true!!!


That must explain why both I AND my ex have hair on our heads!

A miracle! Absolutely amazing!


She sent me a text3 days ago! (18th) whoopie!

My ex sat next to me two days ago! hooray!

She emailed me yesterday! Unbelievable!

And today, she rests her head on my shoulder as I 'saved her life' with some work! - ITS ALL COMING TRUE!!!


Seriously though, I wonder how many folks have forgotten the contact they get from their exes before April 17 and after May the 11th.


Not to trample on anyone's beliefs, but come on...this forum is littered with them.



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....a giant armada of exes come sailing back into our arms...


That seriously made me laugh... I really needed that as this morning has been rough with work stress overload, and really missing her a lot today. Thanks!


So a little under three weeks, 20 days... let's get our piers and wharfs ready!

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That seriously made me laugh... I really needed that as this morning has been rough with work stress overload, and really missing her a lot today. Thanks!


So a little under three weeks, 20 days... let's get our piers and wharfs ready!


Lol! Now you are the one whose got me in hysterics

Glad I could bring a smile to someone else today...other than just my ex.


hope you are feeling less stressed and that work is going good.

Yeah, we'll miss them, but we gotta fight the fight.


If people are hoping for recon in this mercury-whatchmacallit-period, I can expect a great many slumped shoulders come May 11th....


...that gives me an idea for another thread...



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His sister called me this morning - does that count?

She's like "well I think it's good that you're moving on. And I will just leave it at that."


I don't agree with her! Actually I probably should not talk to anyone in that family. Seriously. Too hard.

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My apologies.

for some odd reason I read 'male' as gender. I guess my eyes were pasted on brandnew's name and not yours!

Either way, please don't take my humour the worng way.

I attempt to make light our intense and serious situations.


If you feel you are currently unable to talk with the ex's family then perhaps politely decline. I am sure they will understand.


I think I have digressed from this threads topic.


Either way, wishing you all the best MCR7. We're all in this together.



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TS, never posted my full story, its an LDR, many strange twists and turns, she will be staying past the 9th, just not with me. she's visiting the state for the summer. everything up in the air i suppose. i wonder how her new man feels about her staying with me. To be quite honest, i wont believe she's staying with me until she's here - shes pretty unstable right now it seems. plans change constantly.

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If I told you your ex would come back in the first week of August (no specifying year or what 'August' means), would you believe I am your one true lord, worthy of worship and your humble offerings of an unending supply of maryland cookies?


I'd give you a lifetime supply of cookies my one true lord lol

Start building that church!

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