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Everything posted by snoopydog

  1. I made a topic about a month ago thinking about contacting my ex after 5 months nc, bleh can't believe I even thought about contacting her, glad I didn't. I've been feeling on top of the world the last couple of months and the last 3 weeks have been amazing, nc works. Wooohooooo. 8)
  2. 6 weeks nc tomorrow. I'm glad I have accomplished things during that period with my career and working out in the gym. The one area I need to improve is my social life, I still spend too many evenings alone now she's gone. Looking forward to the 8 week landmark. That will be where I decide whether to reach out or to continue going forward without her. I had a similar dream two nights ago. She told me on the phone she had a new boyfriend and then he came on the phone to speak to me and I ended up hanging up. Glad it was just a dream.
  3. 5 weeks nc here. Focusing on career, gym and rebuilding my social life. I miss her. Hope has dwindled to pretty much nothing now but I feel disinterest towards dating others since my feelings remain strong. Beautiful day today.
  4. I miss her Tough day today. Heart hurts and I feel incomplete. I regret my mistakes.
  5. you're on msn right now i so badly want to unblock you and talk but you initiated nc and told me to never try to talk to you again
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