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Not calling/texting back. Bad sign?


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I called the girl that I been dating for 2 months last Sunday, she was in a car with family. Cut the nice little convo short, and she said she would call me back when she's home. Resulted in her not calling me back at all. I sent her a text on Wednesday wishing her luck on a test she had that night. No reply after that. Texted her again earlier today saying "have a good weekend cutie." To my surprise... No response or an effort to initiate contact!


I want to call her on Sunday, but I don't even know because I don't wanna seem desperate or thirsty. I really like this girl too, and she knows the ball is in her court to let me know when she wants to go out again. I don't get it.

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hmm... i dunno - this girl seems like she has a habit of disappearing and reappearing.


are you guys exclusive? i don't know how interested she sounds. not so much really.

I agree. Time to assume it is over and move on. If she suddenly messages you and wants to see you don't agree until she explains why she behaved like this.

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Not exclusive, but I'm trying to get there. At the same time I don't know anymore. The week before she called saying she really likes me, and that she's sorry she didn't make plans with me that weekend. She showed interest that whole week. Now this past week it didn't feel like that at all, and looks like she didn't decide to see me this weekend.


She finally texted me back saying "thanks (: hope you do too." Should I just let this one go? I'm thinking of just letting her be until she decides to initiate contact.


I'm also starting to think she has her guard way up, and is probably scared to get into something. One conversation I had with her awhile ago was the last time she actually got mad, because she's a really nice person. Her answer was that it had something to do with a guy she was seeing.

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Hate to break it to you, but I just don't want you wasting your time. She's not interested. Yes, her non-response is a bad sign. It takes less than 30 seconds to respond to a text. She could've even just responded with a courtesy "thanks", but she didn't. I know personally, I'll just leave a guy hanging if I'm not interested and they haven't gotten the clue. If i'm interested I respond atleast within an hour or so at the latest!


I suggest you move on to someone who will reciprocate your feelings.

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Not exclusive, but I'm trying to get there. At the same time I don't know anymore. The week before she called saying she really likes me, and that she's sorry she didn't make plans with me that weekend. She showed interest that whole week. Now this past week it didn't feel like that at all, and looks like she didn't decide to see me this weekend.

If a romantic interest doesn't respond to messages or responds very late it is a sign of disinterest. It's very rude of course and there are much better ways of expressing it but who would want to be with someone like that anyway.

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I said I was shocked that she actually texted me, and she said "because I missed talking to you." Then I just told her "I missed talking to you and miss seeing you, so ha!" about 30 minutes ago, no reply back yet. Should I have done that?

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After a ton of experience with this type of stuff, I generally assume that if a person is not calling me or otherwise communicating with me and not responding to my attempts at contact or only doing so intermittently then that person is not thinking of me very much and is not into me.

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Sounds like she's trying to keep you hanging, because she might want you around as a backup. As someone else said, girls usually don't play hard to get with guys they are into. However since she's not completely ignoring you, and she has initiated contact with you, I'd say her interest is very low and she might be keeping you around as an ego boost. I know it's a lousy thing to do, but it's something us girls do.

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How rude is this girl?! Unless some major drama occurred in her life there is no excuse to not even bother to reply to someone you have been dating for 2 months!!!!


I am with the others, assume it's over, and unless she has a VERY good excuse I would let her go!



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