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Could she be interested? (kinda long but I would love input)

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Last Friday I had a little party at my house and my friend brought over one of her girlfriends who just got out of a relationship. Her and I hit it off pretty well. We hung out most of the night just talking and flirting a little bit and we found out we had so much in common we both thought it was unreal.


So Saturday comes along and I have another party at my place. Her and my friend came over again but this time it was kind of strange. Me and the girl I'm talking about were sitting by each other on the couch in the living room but I had to get up and leave the room for a minute. I come back and my friend told me that he asked the girl if her and I were going out and he told me that she laughed when he asked her that.


Sunday we all wake up (they crashed at my place) and I ask them if they want to do something later and they said let's go swimming. So we went and all day while we're driving she's sitting up front with me while my friend sits in the back. After that we went to my neighbor's memorial day party. My friend drove her truck there but the girl wanted to ride with me in my car. While we're there my friend tells me that the girl thinks I'm cute... but cute in a way that she wants to pinch my cheeks. What's that mean??? After the neighbor's party I asked them both if they wanted to go to a club downtown and the girl told me that she was actually going to ask me later on if I would like to go out on a date with her to that club next weekend and then she started to blush. We all decided to go to the club that night but this girl's ex shows up after awhile and starts hassling her. I eventually yell at him and tell him to leave us alone. We decided to end the night kind of early after that happened.


I guess what's really bugging me is how playful this girl is with me even in the short amount of time we've known each other. Her body language towards me is a plus, for example she touches my arm or leg whenever we're talking, and we both maintain eye contact while talking. A couple of times she's asked me if I want to make out. I know she's joking but I play along with it anyways in a joking manner as well.


What do yall think about this? I know I should move slowly since she just got out of a relationship but should I pursue this at all?

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Whether you want to pursue it or not is not something that's easy to answer. But from what you describe, she is interested and does like you, at least that's what I would read from the bod language you describe.

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Yes she does.

She has asked you to go on a date, so go and see how it works out. Try to go somewhere where her ex will not be. That way you will not have to make a macho exhibition of yourself.


Enjoy it, theres nothing better than being with someone who is interested. Most of the guys on here have the opposite probelm.

Good luck


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I think it's pretty east to tell by the way that she acts that she's interested in you. I'd say give her a chance and go out with her. I also agree that you should probably try to go somewhere where her ex probably won't be, you don't want to get into that at the moment.

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I agree with the others, the signs are definitely there! The key is you enjoy each others company, take your time and enjoy the journey. Who knows when the right timing is to meet that "special" person. It's when were not looking that Cupid catches us off guard.


Have fun and good luck!



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So yall don't think it's just her way of being friendly? She's a really friendly person and I haven't hung out with her enough to know how she acts around other people she's close with.


I read some stuff she wrote about her boyfriend at the time and him and I seem to be completely opposite. I'm thinking she's looking for something different.


Thanks for the help!

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