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I need to write everything down so I can read it and keep reminding myself how miserable he has made me feel..So I don't go back when he decides he wants me back.


I guess we're just not compatible. I'm so tired of being walked out on, and mentally abused and mocked. I feel so weary. He's probably drinking again because apparently that's the only thing keeping him sane and happy. No matter how hard I try, this isn't my problem anymore. I shouldn't have to ask my significant other to stop drinking 6 bottles of beer every night right..and not be mean to me and yell at me over trivial things.


My heart is breaking...I wonder if we got sad enough, our heart would actually give out. I'm sure that are worse things in life than relationships not working out, but right now, I wonder why I'm still alive..around, breathing.


He punched a hole on my door yesterday..because apparently I made him so mad. It's going to cost me 400 dollars maybe my deposit, I'm not sure. I don't even know if it's worth asking him to pay for it. I don't really want to talk to him at all. I hope he doesn't come begging to talk to me again...I'm weak...I forgive him over and over and I know I will break again if I don't do something different this time.


I should change my number again..


I guess some people are just not meant to be close to and he's one of them. I can love him from afar..I don't want to wreck myself and my life to prove my love anymore. I'm done...

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