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Why do so many rape victims not report the crime?


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this is so sad to read, I am so sorry, to say I feel for you would be an understatement..


That's what gets me. The victim is powerless, some f****ed up idiot abuses you and you have to pick up the pieces for the rest of your life...so unfair. But apparently it's not unfair becauseas adults WE have the responsibility of our lifes and feelings. But how can this be overcome? how? when you had no control.

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this is so sad to read, I am so sorry, to say I feel for you would be an understatement..


That's what gets me. The victim is powerless, some f****ed up idiot abuses you and you have to pick up the pieces for the rest of your life...so unfair. But apparently it's not unfair becauseas adults WE have the responsibility of our lifes and feelings. But how can this be overcome? how? when you had no control.


I have forgiven it though Quirky.I had to for my own sanity,plus I realise something similar had to happen to THAT person to make them do it to me. My success and triumph was I never would or could never do that to another person EVER. I did not continue that person's cycle. I AM a success and the better person.

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Victoria I feel for you, sorry for what happened to you. I have worked in court, and i understand exactly what you are talking about. Everysingle detail of everything will have to be relived and in front of people you don't even know. Can't even imagine how hard that can be for someone. It is truly unfair to put someone through that after soo much suffering.


And that is why I agree with capital punishment. Even though it doesn't apply to rape, which is quite sad, it really should. Because if the person was strong enough to go through all of this crap, and the scumbag has been proven guilty, it is really the only way to make the victim feel like they received justice. Principally when it is a repeated offense, involving assault (physical harm) on the same victim. You literally are commiting a type of murder, you are killing that person on the inside, you rob them of a peaceful life. Forever gonna be tormented by memories from the past.

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I agree the legal system in this regard needs a big overhaul. I am not sure what has happened in the 30 years since I testified, but I can imagine not much. Mind you the decision to go to court was not made by me as I was a minor. My parents made the decision for me and they were highly influenced by the police to do so. Mind you I was made to feel like dirt when I could not continue. It is not something I would ever wish to go through again. In fact I know I never would because if anyone ever tried to rape me again they would not make it to court because I would make sure they were dead.

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  • 8 months later...

i feel like people would call you a part crasher and a snitch for helping that girl.

the first thing that happens when you stand up is you are asked why is it your fault,were you dressed like a and how you consented to that abuse because nowadays inanimate objest such as heels speak louder that silly women.

reporting a family friend could have your family being pissed at you say it was your dad ,ive seen people discard kids in the mental ward for "lying" about rape. when people admire the rapist they turn against you. the justice system is a joke and pedo's get a month or two for ruining a childs life what makes you think they care about women ?

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