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I still miss my ex G/F

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Hi. Bit new to this.

So i'll just type and hope it works.

My and my ex split up 5 months ago and i still miss her like crazy.


We where together of about 4 years. All thing where going well until last year 11/03. Everything just hit me at once. My sister had an abortion and she atempted suicide shortly after the operation. Then my ex's grandmother died, and she was so upset, and i just got so lost i was such a wreck, i just did not know what to do, I was so worried about my sister and my girlfriend.


So i had to make the diecsion go and see my sister. I hoped she was ok (alive) that i told my girlfriend that i would be back within a few weeks, just to make sure she (my sis) was ok. Then i got a text message from my girlfriend (ex) saying that she found someone else, i was gob smacked. I almost lost my sister and now i lost my girlfriend.


It's been 5 1/2 months and i's still crying over my ex, and i want to be with here, but she say's that she found someone else and that she's happy and all that she want is for us to be friends. But i can't get over her, i miss her so much. i wake up in the night just crying, wanting to hold her in my arms, i love her. i feel so lost without her.


I have this big hole in my chest where my heart was. i have lost the only girl that i have ever loved this much. I was hoping to ask her to marry me this year. But a friend of hers told me that this new bloke is going to ask her to get enganged to her on her birthday 27/06. I've lost her and i just don't know what to do.


Please anyone just give my some for help. Yours a heartbroken guy .

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You have come to the right place. We are here for you and you are certainly not alone. I understand your pain as I too, am dealing with the pain of losing the person you love the most. There is nothing that I can say to take away your pain, but please know that anytime you need to talk or just vent, you are welcomed to make a post. Or PM me anytime.


What you have to do now is to try and heal yourself. It's been 5.5 months, what are you doing to keep yourself busy? Try not to agonize over her too much, it's not healthy for you. Have you tried working out? Spending time with your family and friends? How is you sister doing now?


Your post brought tears to my eyes. I understand what you mean about waking up in the middle of the night. I, myself can't stop the dreams from happening. Dreams are the one thing that I can't control. It haunts me almost every night.


Try to keep youself busy, life goes on and so must you. Please take care of yourself.

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I'm sorry to hear about your lost and I feel your pain...I too can't seem to let go of my ex (3 years relationship). Although I must say, I doing better than before when my first week of so of breakup...I can't eat nor sleep, I have lost alot of weight and everyday seems to be not worth living, what I did to become better is by telling myself in my head that "God, has a bigger plans for me, maybe we're not meant to be", til this day, when I think about my ex, I always say that lil phrase in my head...maybe you should think of the bad times you have with each other and keep reminding yourself of that....I started to eat and slowly getting my life back on track, believe me its hard but you have to realized that maybe you and her are not meant for each other....


take care!!

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First off, just want to say, "keep your head up -- through every dark night, there's a bright day after that." It's been about a year and a half since my girlfriend of 3 years left me. Technically speaking I should be over her by now -- a guideline I read somewhere is that it takes half the time you were together to fully get over that person. I still think about her, especially now that the weather is getting warmer and I remember the things we did this time of year. It's not easy, but it does get better, I promise you. From time to time I still have dreams about her and even now that she is married and has a small child, I still have these ridiculous thoughts that she might come back. Maybe I don't really want her back, but just want to know that she regrets what she did. It's not fair how one person can effect part of your life with their selfishness. Email me if you need to talk some more, because believe me talking about it, even through email, helps. Peace and remember keep your head up, stick your chest out, and handle it.

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it mazxs again,


Just trying to cope with out my ex G/F. and im doing badly, she sent me an email saying she's getting engaged to this new bloke of hers (im 31 and she's 24 her new bloke is 20), and i cant cope.


i want to die i dont want to live me life with out her, she everything thst i hold dear. imiss her so much i killing me so much, i have all these dark thoughts of wanting to die, to killl myself just to take the pain away.


i just dont know what to do. how can i win her back. it her birthday next month (june) should i send her a card, fill her room with flowers? how can i win her back. tell her how much she means to me.


I have not slept since we broke up, i just end up crying at home and at work, i so messed up right now i just cant get passed it,


please some one tell me it going to stop (the pain).


The worst thing in my life is that i was told i had cancer about 10 years ago, she came with me to all my check up's. this is the first one in five years that i had to go alone, i was crying and such a mess, i love her like crazy, what do i do.


i cant live like this, i want this pain to stop NOW. i can't bear to be with anybody else, there's is no one like her, i love her so much.


What on earth do i do. do i send her flowers to her room or a card what, anybody, please..



yours a depressed guy

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It sucks...life plain sucks...it will play with your feelings, make you believe in your gut that you found that someone, then...BAM!! they leave you...then you can't even trust your own instincts. I was planning on giving the ring to my g/f this summer...in fact, in just two weeks....but she broke up with me for someone else because she was immature and didn't understand love...i always held back on buying the ring because of some gut feeling...look the point is its been 2 months since my 2 year relationship ended, and you know what? Life absolutely sucks without her...or for that fact, without someone to hold you, and assure you everything is ok...but if you hold on to her you hurt worse...cut off communication ASAP...you'll get to a point in your life where you'll be like me...I'm not depressed anymore when i wake up, but there is no inner happiness or feeling of completeness...i'm in a middle state where i am basically just doing the motions...and I will be until some princess will come and make me happy...so just hold on....it'll be an emotional rollercoaster

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Hey maxzs,

I'm sorry you are hurting so bad. I hope your check-up went ok. I know how you feel because a month after my ex and I split up I had a scare about that and I wanted him with me so gd bad. It was super super hard. But you know what? I went by myself to all the doctors and everything turned out fine and I found out that i have more strength than I ever knew and YOU DO TOO!!!

Why in the hell would she send you an email about that? It sounds to me like she is just trying to hurt you. Did you send another back telling her congratulations and all the best? Better yet, send her a wedding present, make sure it's something she can use and everytime she uses it she'll remember where it came from. Act like you are so happy for her. Don't let her know how bad you feel. It sounds to me like that is what she wants. And another thing....This guy is 20 and she's 24? How long do you think that is going to last? It sounds like she is very immature and cruel and you will not play into that with her anymore. Please don't play into that anymore. Be strong. Do not ever cry in front of her. You smile and act like you are so happy to be on your own. Life couldn't be better.

I'm sorry to be so blunt but she doesn't sound like a very nice person and I personally think you're better off without her. But we fall in love with who we fall in love with and other people's opinions about them do not really matter. God knows I get people's true opinions about my ex everytime I bring his name up. I just hope that if you give her another chance that you will make sure she respects you. And I repeat IF YOU GIVE HER ANOTHER CHANCE. Don't let her run the show. People can be so mean to someone who cares so much for them. I cannot understand it. Take care hon, and we are all here for you.


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Man, max, do I understand you. My ex-fiance and I of five years broke up a while ago ( will be two years this fall). We freakin broke up on our five year anniversary. I called her up a few months ago wanting to get backt ogether and marry her. She is the only woman that ever stole my heart and was very nice and considerate to me but I made unwise decisions in our relationship and forced her out of my life.


When I called her, she told me that she was in love with someone else and is very happy. This crushed me, of course. I felt emotional pain and heartache like I never knew could be felt by a human.


I still had crazy dreams and thoughts that she would be waiting outside of my house for me when I walked out of my house or would call me to tell me that she still loved me and wanted to be with me. I would have dreams of me and her sitting on the couch holding hands and watching our favorite tv shows like we used to do.


A month after I called her, I found out that she just recently found out she was pregant and her current boyfriend asked her to marry her. She accepted.


They are probably by now. I don't know because I don't try to contact her or anyone else with info on her. I was completely devastated and lost all motivation to do anything and I became very reclusive.


The dreams still haunt me every so often and I feel sad to be without her but I am far away from the infinite amount of hurt I felt 3 months ago. I thought I would die with that level of pain but I am getting better as time go by just as many have told me.


Yesterday, I felt that I could use a good laugh so I finally returned to a movie theater we used to visit so often to see Shrek2 (it's just as funny as the first one). I avoided the route we used to take and the restaurants we frequently patroned though. I am still taking baby steps and didn't want to risk being flooded with too many memories.


I was surprised that I actually enjoyed the movie with out even thinking about her once during it and then I got the hell out of there. I will try again in a while.


My point here is that, several weeks ago, I wouldn''t even have came within ten miles of that theater because I hurted so bad for her and did not want to be crushed by memories of us laughing at that theater. Now I can do it . Sometimes I still cannot believe that she will actually spend the rest of her life with someone other than me but I have to remind myself sometimes that these sort of things happen to someone all of the time and I am no one special to get a free ticket of avoiding it.


I starting to realize that when two people fall in love it is like some sort of magical spell that comes over the couple. Once the spell is broken for whatever reason, it can never ever be the same. The events that led up to the two falling deeply in love is a unique pattern of events....some magical formula that cannot be reproduced at will.


No matter how much you firmly believe that you will always hurt this much, I can tell you just as many of the others here can tell you, you will not hurt like this for very long.

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this is mazxs.


thanks for your replys.


I wish I could find all the words to describe how low i'm feeling, it been like 5 months almost 6. i still think about her and how much i want to hold her, but i can't. i love her so much i fell so stupid, all my friends just say that i have to be kept busy do things, go out see people and stuff like that, but all i can think about is being with her.


i saw her in town today, but i don't think she saw me, she was by herself and with new love bite on her neck . so i all i can think about is her being with this kid (he's only 20) and them having sex together and stuff like that which, is really getting me down.


i do try and put her out off my head but it does not seam to go away..


i had my scan in february. got some spot's came up on my xray .

i wanted her to be with me, but she said she could not make it, i felt so gutted, i was sitting in the examination room crying my eyes out.



i had to take these pills to kill of the growth cells. i had to do it all by myself, i just could not tell my friends how bad i was doing, mentally and physically. I took my pills and it got all cleared up, felt like crap through the whole thing (being sick etc). i Just wanted her to hug me and tell me things are going to be ok, but she was not there, i missed her so much.


i just did not want live with out her, i called her up, crying on the phone saying how sorry i was for leaving her like that and not being there for her, and that i had to go and see my sister (read my first post). and how i have changed and i would spend the rest of our lives together doing things like travel and stuff.


But when i saw her today with those love bite on her neck, i just went home and cried, it getting so heavy, trying not to think about her and this kid.


It her birthday in June what do i do, send her a card, flowers or nothing.

My friend just say that i sould just send her a card keep it plain and simple. I was going so send her load of flowers, like what they do in film and fill her house with them, but my friend thats stupid a bit overboard.

I fell it what i should do but, i don't know.


Should i reply to her emails or not just not talk to her, txt her call her. I'm feeling like so stupid, just crying all the time. Missing her with a big hole and all those years with her just gone, and i have this emptyness in my life.


i'm just crying typing this post to you know, but thanks for your reply i will try and hold on. (i have ben having these really dark nasty thoughts of not living anymore, i 'm hoping i don't do anything stupid.


she sent me an email saying that she is getting engaged to this kid and that she's happy, and we can only be "friends" as she put's it. What does that mean "friends" i'm getting so lost. I'd never had feelings like this for a girlfriend before, i wish all pain would just stop.


thanks for your reply, i need all the help i can get, so thank you.


i miss her so much..

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Sweetie let me tell I have been where you have,


I had Lymphoma Cancer and my ex threatened to leave me during my chemotherapy so don't feel bad. he finally left after all treatment was over. So to me as my friends say otherwise I still believe that he stayed only out of feeling sorry for me.

It hurts I can understand especially when you are dealing with a life threatening illness.


But for you as painful and stressful this is the most important thing to worry about is your health . Easier said then done. My ex left me when I needed him the most and could care less. It hurts like hell 5-6 months of it but I am alive and well. Free from cancer and that is something to be thankful for even though I ask myself why survive anyway?


Yeah I felt my life fell apart but it is just beginning and you need to look at it that way.


Don't let her get to you surround yourself ith friends and family.


Talk to other survivors who went or are going thru what you experiencing now. It will help your recovery.


If you need support or you thnk you need to support email me pm or anything.


God Bless.


Get better that is your goal not your girl now!

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Sweetie let me tell I have been where you have,


I had Lymphoma Cancer and my ex threatened to leave me during my chemotherapy so don't feel bad. he finally left after all treatment was over. So to me as my friends say otherwise I still believe that he stayed only out of feeling sorry for me.

It hurts I can understand especially when you are dealing with a life threatening illness.


But for you as painful and stressful this is the most important thing to worry about is your health . Easier said then done. My ex left me when I needed him the most and could care less. It hurts like hell 5-6 months of it but I am alive and well. Free from cancer and that is something to be thankful for even though I ask myself why survive anyway?


Yeah I felt my life fell apart but it is just beginning and you need to look at it that way.


Don't let her get to you surround yourself ith friends and family.


Talk to other survivors who went or are going thru what you experiencing now. It will help your recovery.


If you need support or you thnk you need to support email me pm or anything.


God Bless.


Get better that is your goal not your girl now!

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She keps sending me emails, asking if i'm ok?


She say's that i wil always be loved and wanted, but only as a friend, what does that mean?


I'm so low right now, i can only ask her to come back to me, but she say's that she is still getting engaged on her birthday to this 20 yr old kid.


What am i supposed to do? I thought about talking to her dad about how sorry i'm that i let her down and if he could pass on how i feel about her.?


Is that a good thing to do or not?


What does she want from, me why does she still e-mail me?


I just want her back? I love her like crazy but i can stand not being with her i love her so much, i just don't want to be without her, i have so much pain going through me, and i want to stop.


she's talking to me on MSN asking if i'm ok and stuff. i'm so messed up right now all i can do is just drink, trying to end the pain, i miss her, oh god i wish she would come back, i now that she's the one that i want to spend the rest of me life with...


please help me...

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I'm in the same somewhat similar situation as you, missing her, wanted her to come etc...I know its hard I feel like crap right now not knowing that if she will ever come back to me or not. I still have hopes in us getting back together and thats why I can't seem to move on. I called my ex last night but she was busy so I let her go and asked her if and when she has the time to give me a call so I can talk to her and tell her how I feel, if she doesn't want to be with me, I guess thats my closure and thats what I wanted to hear and that will be the end. Just hang in there and maybe you will get your closure too...

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hi people,


my ex emailed the other day asking if i was ok.

I want to win her back form this 20yr old kid that she seeing (she's 24 and i'm 31).


we where together for 4 years, all was going ok until last year when i found out my sister tried to commit suicide and then hrer gran died, i got so lost and confused that i had to go and see my sister, but in the mean time she went out to this club and found this kid.


Their getting engaged next month June on her birthday 27, i feel like i want to try and win her back. i still love her so much, i know she goiong through a rebound even her friends tell me that she doing a big mistake, and that i want to send her a big bunch of flowers to give us another chance together.


If i snd her some flowers it will be today 28 May, then i'm going away for two weeks, work related, then see how she feels when i come back. We broke up in dec last year 03, it been 5 months she still send me email and MSN's me, asking if i'm ok and stuff like that, i can't think of being with anybody else, i love her so much. I would like some advice on how to go about thing's, Please she mean everything to me. I wish i stayed with her when her gran died and told her about my sister trying to kill her self (she had and abortion), maybe we would still be together and i would never have this pain, Oh god i'm so messed.


I still cry in the middle of the night, waking up holding the pillow pretenting it was her, i miss her so much. We have so many thing in common. What can i do?


Please help me.

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I read through all the threads and wow, I am sorry for what you are going through. I have been through what you have and I know how bad it sucks.


The only thing I can say to you is, the sun will rise tomorrow and the day after that, and so on. You have to find a way to get on with your life, even though it seems like the world is crumbling around you. Your friends are the best remedy. Do not call her, do not IM her, do not take her calls. You need to heal. The only way for you to do that is to have absolutely no contact with her.


If you do this, each day gets better, trust me. A week goes by, then another, then another. Next thing you know a few months have gone by and you will realize, "Man, I do feel better." It's strange how time can heal. And when you are ready, go on a date. I know that sounds impossible now, but it is one of the best ways to get over someone.


Take up a hobby, a sport, do something that you have always wanted to do. Time, friends, keeping busy, you will heal. I truly hope that you get through this my friend.

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Listen, to all those in this forum I just want to say one thing. I fell in love for the first time a while back. She was the first girl for me. Because our connection was so strong..it was almost as if we were meant to be. So, a long distance relationship resulted.


We parted a few months ago. The future seemed impossible and we had to end it in a pre-emptive manner. This pain is unbearable because rationality took precedence over emotions. But the heart and mind don't speak the same language...


...it feels as if a part of me was ripped out, the day I told her that we can't continue. But can I say something?...


Slowly...each day, the pain decreases. However PLEASE understand (those of you that have been hurt)...the pain will NOT go away just like that...it is like a FEVER. You will feel every inch of it, and then...from time to time you will look back and say "Hey, I felt a lot worse then, but feel a bit better now" One day...it will be gone. But you won't know why, or how and you won't be able to pinpoint your finger on the moment when it happened. It is exactly this lack of CLOSURE, that will hurt you...but the good news is, by this time, your heart would have healed and only your mind wants answers.


And you know who will answer these questions???? No person will....only TIME will.


If you want to talk, just email me..


email removed

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Are you sure you want her back? I mean, she has done the ultimate betrayal. Are you sure you still love her, or do you love what you thought you guys shared? Its the most painful thing when someone you love leaves you and it IS a huge betrayal, BUT dont look at it like life goes on. Your life goes on, and its worth good. This girl does not sound like for one minute she is going to come back to you. I know this hurts. but think.. Do you honestly really want her back? I cant imagine that she was all wonderful to you this whole time and then turned around and conveniently found this guy. Use this time to heal and learn health for yourself. Make way for your soulmate to come in. Find out why it is in your heart you really want someone back who could betray you so much. Dont waste one more minute on someone who has your heart like this and throws it away. You deserve more, and deep down I know you know this,. Best of luck... This road is hard enough, dont make it harder on yourself by romanticizing the relationship.. Do a few reality chks for yourself. You deserve better.

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i'm visiting my sister a.t.m. in cyprus.


We been going out to the beach and clubs and places together. Me and my sister have been talking alot, chatting, it been great. she's doing well, look good. busy, getting on with her life.


But, and this is big but, i still miss my ex so much, that i phoned her last night (a bit drunk) to tell her that i still loved her and if she would/could come back to me. It's been 6 months since we split and i just can't stop thinking about her and me being together.


Why did i leave her to visit my sister, why did i not tell her what was wrong with me and why i was so upset and uptight about things, may be she would have not found someone else. i love her so much, that i just cry about not holding her and being with her, hearing her laugh and her smell and loving her.


She's getting enganged on her birthday 26/06 and i get so upset because i know the we could sort out our problems together. i feel it she the one. i can't bear it, i killing me so much knowing that she the girl i want to spend my life with, i know she's upset (her friends tell me, how she is, and that she's making a mistake, that she's on a rebound) but how do i express to her that i love her and we can make a go of it.


What's wrong with me, even she told me that she slept with someone else during our relasnoship, why do i still want to be with her?


I feel so totaly out of control and lost with out her, i try and get over her but then i sit down and all these thing just pop in to my head.


Please help me


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I know your feeling and I have had many of the same questions in my mind when my ex boyfriend and I broke up. He was just not up to the relationship anymore, and didn't want to marry me anymore, so he broke it off. He told me he loved me and later he wasn't sure about loving me and being together with me. I was crushed. This was at the end of MArch. HE never once called me, but I would call him every few weeks. Last Friday I called for the last time, and I know that in his heart he doesn't care for me-or have a true love for me. He was going out with his friends and promised he would call me "at a later time" -bullshit-that's not the first time he said that. I was so sad and cried all day, because I knew all the hope I had of us being together was rediculous to keep clutching on to. He is too selfish to love me. He only cared of himself, and he was fickle about his feelings for me, and he lied. I loved a selfish man that could never love me because of the ay he was. I let him go finally and I am moving on with my life. I do miss him and i am grieving, but I know it is irrational to hold my life back in hopes that his selfish self will come back.

Listen to me--the reasons you feel so bad is because you were attached to her (loved her dearly), and anytime we are separated from someone we love, we will have a pain and a void there. It's natural. But now you have to look at your life realistically, and at the situation. This girl is using you as a doormat. If you do end up getting married to her you will only suffer more. She apparently only cares for herself, and you are being played around with emotionally. If she cared for you, or loved you then she would not do this to you. Think what would have happened if you DID marry her, and had some kids and she ended up pulling this crap at that time. You would have been in an even worse situation. Think of this as a warning from GOD that things were only this bad. If I were you I would look at reality and I would have a bit more self esteem. Yes you loved her, yes you think that things can change(you are a positive thinker) but it takes 2 to tango. Clearly the woman is not mature enough to love you the way you want to be loved, and she is selfish as well.

I suggest a book for you that has helped me through that tough time after a break up and after such a heartfelt relationship. It is about finding the person that is right for YOU, and that person who is going to respect you and love you for real. It's entitled FINALLY GETTING IT RIGHT by HOWARD HALPERN. MAZXS your girl did not love you, nor did she respect you. You sound like a great person who has a lot of love to give and you have a caring personality, but now you have to heal, and pray that God will give you a girl who will love you back. I will pray for you and that everything will turn out good for you. Best wishes and God Bless. TC.

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hi, i'm new to this so plz just bare with me and hope i make sense.

just been readin the posts by mazxs (hope i got ya name rite). i just want to say that i too know exactly how you feel! i know every1 has sed that in here and i dont doubt them for a second. it will and does happen to every1 atleast once in this life time and many more after us!

as i'm sitting here typing this out i'm crying my eyes out! i too have been split from my one true love for 5 1/2 months now and i still wake up in a cold sweat (when i finally get to sleep!) crying and begging for either her to come back or for me never to wake up again! i too feel like i cant live without her. we went thru so much together its unreal! there is too much to list or i wud tell!

i met my ex in a club that i worked in, i fell for her weeks b4 i spoke to her, to me there was no1 in there that compared to her! 6 months l8er we wur engaged! she asked me!!!! my life was going so well nothing cud spoil anythin! that was 2 years ago and now i have nothing. since me n her split i've lost 3 jobs, lost 4 1/2 stone and became distant from my family and friends. i've came close to suicide 3 times and when i say close i mean i've swallowed half of the pills until i've stopped myself! i cant seem to pick myself up and get on with things because there is always sum reminder of her everywhere i go! its been exactly 1 year this week since me n her went to ibiza! and all i can do is think about that and her. sorry if i'm babbling on!

i just want to call her and say 'i love you with all my heart' but i know she wont say it back! she always sed that she couldnt bare to lose me and yet she ended it. she was the maker and the taker of my life.

its hard to deal with something like this and i hope you (mazxs) find the answer to happiness soon, peace.


surreal_fx 'a lost and now souless man'

p.s. take this bit of self advice 'life tends to kick you down when you cud least do without it but you always get back up just that little bit stronger'. there is hope for the future.

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well it's been about 6 months since i was with my ex (yeap still counting ).


I get emails from her saying that i'm still cared for and loved, just not in that wasy( what ever that means), and that i will always be loved. Funny way of showing that i'm loved.


She getting engaged in a few week (27/06/04) to her new 20 year old kid (she's 24 going on 25). She's only been with him for 6 months and there geting engaged onher birthday


mean while im here trying to get over her and i'm still miss her so much, everytime i try and put her out of my thoughts, memories of her and me come running straight back in and i just end up crying..


All the things that she did (read my first post i still miss my ex g/f).

And i'm here still wanting to be with her. I love her so much, i can't hate her, i try to get away from all the thing that we shared and did together but no luck.


I just miss her so much i know i love her, i think she love's me.

She ask's if im ok and what i'm doing. Send me text to my phone. Saying things like hi. I just reply are you still with the kid, are you still getting engaged? All she say's is yes yes.


What does she want?


Why do i still lie awake crying, missing her, dreaming about her.


I feel so empty inside, God. what can stop this pain.. Why do i still miss her after 6 month's...


I can't get over her, why? If she happy why does she email me and text's me. How am i supposed to feel when she get's incontact with me.?


I can't see my life being with anybody else, because inmy heart i love her ( i feel so stupid).


Why does she stay with that kid if she care's for me and say's that she loves me. Why is she getting engaged to someone she only meet 6 months ago ( we where together 4 years).. There all gone and it still i love her and think about us being together. Will she ever come back to me? Would she see the mistake that she's making.

There are so many questions i want to ask but i can't figure out how to say them, i feel so messed up.


I feel such a stupid fool.

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Awww, I feel your pain, I really do.


First off, you are NOT a stupid fool! Be confident in yourself and who you are.


Since I don't know your ex personally, anything I say is just going to be a guess....but I think she is a pretty insecure person herself to jump right out of a 6 year relationship and get engaged 6 months later. I think one day she will see her mistake - maybe she might not realize outright it was a mistake to leave you, but she may find herself unhappy and wondering why she is with this new guy once the shine wears off. She may have regrets in time about not building on what you two had together. All possible.


Fact is, she is marrying someone 5 years her junior which is fine in itself, but he is only 20! In a few years he may do the same thing to her that she did to you. I know some people get married in their early 20s....but I still think it is just way too young - as much as you think you do, you really don't know yourself, and you are just not ready to thereforeeee be ready for all the commitments of marriage. It is not a lifelong sleepover or honeymoon!


I know it hurts, it can be soo confusing when you know they are the right one for you in your heart, and you wonder why they just cannot let down their barriers and see the same as you do. But you can't force them to see that, they will only resist more. It has to just come to them. I think for many of us around here, there comes a point when our exes wake up one day (either alone or with their new "partner") and think I was soooo stupid! At least I like to think that! Sometimes though are exes really don't know what they lost until they feel like they really lost it, or until they have healed their own selves enough to realize what they are missing. There are so many wonderful people on this board, with great selfless hearts I just cannot see how the "breakers" cannot miss them and have regrets at some point in their lives!


Don't pressure her, don't even ask about her new guy anymore or the status of their engagement. If she says anything sound positive and upbeat. Get your own power back. You can still be hurting when you are away from her, but when talking to her be positive. Don't let her see you are hurting. Accept what it is right now. I know how you feel....really I do, but at least I don't have to see my ex in another relationship right now....but everytime I do see him it is still strange to not be with him, but I am learning to accept what we have right now for what we have. Maybe in time he will be ready again, maybe not. But I have to just accept what it is NOW.


She apparently does love you...but right now maybe she thinks she is "in love" with her new beau. She is just too young emotionally to realize what real love is all about. The honeymoon phase with the new guy will pass. She got into that relationship so soon, a lot of it was probably to try and forget about you...but obviously she has not.


Just take care of yourself...the pieces will fall where they are meant to fit. I know sometimes you wish you could speed things up so you at least KNOW either way, but unfortunately, things happen in their own time. Time is a great healer, but it also reveals all eventually



Good luck, and take care of yourself. Remember, you are number one.

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it been a while seince i spoke or emailed my ex, and i'm still finding it hard not to call her and say i love you.


She's still tried to add me to her msn messenger, i just keep bloking her.


i still have so many feeling for her, i still have so many feelings for her, why am i so weak, why?


She cheated on me i the first year we where together she only told me that when she stold me she found someone else, thats so kind of her to tell me that.

Then she finds this other bloke in a club (they are getting engaged this month 27/06 which happeneds to be her birthday ha ha funny NOT!). We where to gether for 4years going on 5, then boom that's it all over.


So please tell me why do i still want her back, and why do i still love and care for her.


She sent me a email saying that i'm still loved and cared for, just not in that way, what does that mean?


What can i do, do i jsut forget about her (doing the N/C thing a.t.m) or do i try and get her back..


I love her so much.


I have tried to get over her and she still in my dreams and my heart.


Been working out, went over sea's to see my sister ( see my first post I Still Miss my ex g/f). went clubbing, beach partying, keeping busy.


But then she come back into my head and all the thing that we did together and i just end up crying again. I feel so low.


So what can i do.

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my ex g/f is getting engaged on the 27/06. and i'm feeling very low.

If you have read my post >I still miss my ex g/f by Mazxs.


then you know that we where together for 4 years, and how we spilt up in Dec of last year 03,


I've spoken to her a few time and she say's that she still loves me but only as a friend, and that she still cares for me.


She's getting engaged this Sunday 27/06 and I'm here crying. She knows that I love her, why did I screw up my only love that I have ever felt, I can't see myself getting pass her, she's in my dream and in my soul.


Every time I close my eyes she there. her face, her smell, her warmth, my heartbeats for her.


Do I wait for her to see that I love her, I can't leave her, I miss holding her, laughing together, talking about us and what we where going to do with our lives, why did she leave, why did I leave her and choose my sister, I want to die, my life is nothing with out her, god I miss her, I love her so much. No one will ever come close her.


I can't get over her, I cry so much, it been 6 month since I held in my arms telling her that I love her. Why did she not see that my sister shocked (she had an abortion and tried to kill her self) me so much, that I was not thinking, mentally drained and scared she was going to die, why did I leave her when she need me the most (her gran died in the same month) why does my life suck, what's the point?


Why does she tellme that she loves me, why does she still care, how do i get her back. I miss her so much, my heart lies broken on the floor, god why do i hold on to her, my love, my life. i want to hold her, to tell her i love her to hear those words, i love you. From her

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