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That feeling when they contact you..

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I absolutely hate it! It's like the whole world stops, your heart races, and in a way.. you feel better because they actually care. That's how I felt today when he texted me, anyway. I had woken up and was in panic mode because I had so many dreams about him, it was awful. I checked my phone, and there was his number. And I opened it and felt all of those things. The worst thing is, I feel like I have to reply. His text said:


"Just wanted to wish you a merry christmas. I know you hate me but I thought maybe you could put that aside for a sec and wish me one back. Ur on my mind"


Now I feel like, if I don't wish him one back, I'm being immature or rude. Even though what I really feel like saying is, why even bother caring if I wish you a merry christmas when you have your new girlfriend?


I have been 9 days NC and I'm so so proud of myself, that I just don't want to break it, even for a nice gesture such as a Merry Xmas. Of course I feel relieved in a way that he texted me, I don't think it means much bc he likes someone else now, maybe he just didn't wanna come off as a complete a**hole.


I am in no way over him, but this NC has at least helped me see we will never be back together.


So what do you guys think... would it be rude/immature if I didn't respond?

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He didn't cheat on me, but he fell for another woman at the end of our relationship, and he didn't admit it until I broke up with him (which I did because of distance, and because I knew he had feelings for this girl). I don't think I want him back, and even if I did, there's no way we ever will be.

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He didn't cheat on me, but he fell for another woman at the end of our relationship, and he didn't admit it until I broke up with him (which I did because of distance, and because I knew he had feelings for this girl). I don't think I want him back, and even if I did, there's no way we ever will be.


Then I think you know not to respond. I know it's tough to be the "bad" one, but if you don't want him back or think it's going to cause problems, who cares how you're perceived.


You're doing well with NC!

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Nah, don't be bitter. To add to what Spondence said, let him wonder. He's not a part of your life and not entitled to anything. When my ex texted me Merry Christmas this morning, my impulse was to say it back. But some good people reminded me about a time that she messaged me and I replied, and she wouldn't STOP after that. Sometimes they want to know they can get a reaction out of you. Let them wonder..."Is she having fun? she didn't reply...maybe she has a new boyfriend..."


You're in control.

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Aw.. MissKitty *hugs*.


That's the thing.. if I don't respond, I know exactly what he will think. I know him so well, and he will think I'm being an immature brat and that I'm full of hate and rage and I'll never change, etc. I know this because he's said it a hundred times. And that's the only reason, I want to respond, to prove to him that I am NOT those things. But then it's like... why do I even care what this idiot thinks of me?! I don't think I'll respond.

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I think your not responding would have something more to do with the fact that he has another girlfriend already. If he really cared about you, he would have stayed and tried to have fix the problems, instead of finding someone else. If that's you in your avatar, You are absolutely beautiful and if I were you I would not worry about it. You must have them lined up down the street.

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Leighton, your welcome. I was just stating the facts. Your ex must really be a fool and will realize it someday.

Maybe he has, hence his text. But then again, he probably did it to be in a win/win situation... if you do answer, he's got control over you. If you don't, it makes him look like the good guy

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