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my GF and I are going through a really hard time right now. She is in school with a really busy schedule around 5 hours away from me. We havnt seen eachother in 2 months (which was killing us). One of her friends decided to show her this singles site that I was on from before I was with her. I hadnt been on the site since I met her. I am truly madly in love with this girl. We had planned on getting married and the whole deal. She had planned to come home to my place for 2 weeks to spend lots of time together for the Christmas break. Now she doesnt know if she is even going to come see me and not sure if she wants to even stay with me because she thinks I was cheating on her through the website.


I am not doing well right now...cant eat, sleep, or work. ALl I think about it her. She said she needs to get her exams done and then we can talk about our relationship. It has been almost 2 weeks of just sitting here wondering if she is leaving me. I am 33 and she is 26 so we were both ready to start our lives together.


This similar situation happened to me 2 years ago and it took everything for me to get back to being normal. I am back on anti depressants. I dont do well with rejection....Im breaking down. My family is really helping me, but I am putting them through absolute hell since they feel helpless.


Someone please talk to me...I feel so alone...I feel so sick...Im trying so hard to think positive, but this "not knowing" is unreal...PLEASE HELP ME..PLEASE

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well the similar situation was with a different girl. She had found a porn site on my computer, and to her, she thought me looking at porn was cheating. It was mostly a way out of the relationship though...finding out she wasnt very happy at the end of the relationship.


With my new GF, the singles site was from when I was single. I had removed all my info including pictures and blocked ALL incoming messages/emails. I hadnt been on the site since I had met her. SHe had been cheated on badly with her ex, so she has major trust issues.

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You haven't seen eachother in 2 months! Wow that must be really hard does she not have anytime at all to see you? Even just a day? How about you go to hers and surprise her? I know she is probably mad at you but just tell her you want to talk face to face to set things straight, seeing eachother will definitely help.. it would show her you are making an effort to sort things out, travelling 5 hours is quite a bit of effort for just a few hour together but if show that you think it is worth it she will be delighted. 'Just phone her when you are there and say im here, where are you?..Sitting and doing nothing is clearly killing you, so do something..


Is there anyway you can prove that you have had no activity on this website since you have been together?


Im sorry if you have already thought/talked about all of these..Hope it all works out for you..

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We had planned to get together a month ago, but she got H1N1..so I didnt want to take the chance of getting it from her. The her essays and work load ramped up right to exam time which is right now. I know that if I went to see her right now, she would be upset just because she is trying to do well at school and she said she cant deal with us and school at the same time. Its just so hard not knowing whats going on in her head...not having any control...and just trying to go on with my every day life. I just cant do it...I dont know if its part of my personality, but Im a very emotional type of guy.


The part that hurts even more, is that I am ruining the Christmas mood for everyone around me.. I am very close ot my family and it is killing them to see me like this. I dont want to ruin things for them I dont know what to do....Im dead inside

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If there was no way to prove that it was actually your profile you may want to analyze to see if there is something more to these recent developments. It seems odd to me that someone in a very trusting relationship, i automatically assume ALL long distance relationships are trusting, would suddenly become so worrisome over something that is clearly not a very big deal.

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