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I've been reading your messages for a while now, I wasn't sure if I should write my own. I am taking a chance tonight. I just found this site. A lot of young people posting ideas, I guess I am still young at heart if 25 is kinda old to be checking out this site.

My story is long. I'll make it as short as possible. I was with my first boyfriend for almost 4 years. He broke up with me for a good reason : I cheated on him with one of his friends. One and a half year later, after going out with other people, almost getting married to another one, I realized that my first love can never be replaced. I would do anything to get him back, I would give all my money and belongings to go back in time and erase my stupid mistakes. Nobody can replace him and I came to the conclusion that I'd rather be single forever than be with anybody else. We still talk online maybe once every two weeks, but we hang out in different crowds and very rarely see each other. When we do, we end up sleeping together... He tells me there no chance of us getting back together, his quote 'maybe in the next life'. I continue hoping that he'll come back, I dream about it every night and day. Anyone thinks there's any chance or I am just being irrational?

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Not to totally kill it for you, but I used to have hope.....it's gone. My ex fell out of love and I HIGHLY doubt she'll feel the love ever again. I'm sorry to hear your story, but it doesn't sound like he'll give you another chance. Stop sleeping with him - it only leads you both on and gives you false hopes. I'm sorry to come off as a jerk/A-hole, but it's the truth. I'm sorry.

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first of all i don't want you to take this rud, please don't...but if he says you wont get back together then stop sleeping with him. and have more respect for yourself. oh and the age thing, no way your not too old there are people that come here that are way way way way way older then you, every one no matter what age has problems and need to talk to people, and thats what this site is here for, its great, i hope you stay and like it here. well though with the whole ex dude thing, i would just stay friends, and not sleep with him anymore until you knew he would take you back. well i hope that helped.

love Qtpie87

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I wish I had wise advice to give you, unfortunetlly I don't. But I can tell you that love and a broken heart doesn't know age. I am 53 and my ex is 46; it can happen to anyone at any age.


But here I can read and get input into my situation, even if I don't post I feel better coming here. I too messed up my perfect relationship; she thought I hung the moon and was walking perfection. I would give the world to take back the pain I have caused her, which in turn made her hurt me.


Have faith, but do not be a doormat; you're more valuable than to let that happen. Good luck in both life and love.



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Thats tough...sorry you're going through it....

I'd say stop sleeping with him...right now he gets what he wants...unattached fun.


Simply say, sorry but I want more and I just can't do this to myself anymore.


I think he's probably still upset and un-trusting of you....somehow (and I don't really know how) you need him to see that he can trust you and that your love is real...without getting needy or pushy...and even then it may not be enough....


I hate to get your hopes up too much because sometimes that can bring paing, but.... A fraternity brother of mine had a great girl that cheated on him, a stupid one night mistake....they broke up and a year later they got back together (I don't know the details however.) and now they're engaged and have a better relationship than before....


So I hope everything works out for you, and I know it's hard to understand but even without your ex, you will find love again!

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