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So, I guess that's that...

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I got fired today.


I am not asking for advice on how to find another job... I've done enough searching to know that already. I Got home an hour ago and already got my resume updated and checked the paper.


I think I am still in shock, honestly. It's true I've been on probation for a while now. But I really thought I was doing better. My probation was officially up two weeks ago, and no one said anything to me, so I figured all was well.


I hate the idea of being unemployed while my girlfriend works two jobs. I've been there before, and hated it then, so why should it be any different this time?


I just cracked open a Guinness. I think tonight might be a night when I get absolutely falling down hammered. It's not like I have to get up early tomorrow or anything...


I think tonight when she gets home I'll set her down and talk to her in all seriousness about moving back to Oslo. It's something we've talked about in passing for a while now. I think the US has had it's way with me long enough and I am feeling like maybe now it's time to go back where I came from.

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Sorry to hear that.. It can be such a blow getting fired. Especially when they aren't open with you about it. It'd be nice if they had actually told you how they thought you'd done on your probation, rather than just saying nothing at all.


On the other hand, Oslo is a great place. I've only ever visited, but I really liked the place. Maybe it is time to go back and getting fired was actually a good thing.

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I'm really, really sorry to hear this. Ugh.


There's really no good "spin" on this right now, I know, but keep in mind that even you said you couldn't see yourself working there for the rest of your life.


So the rest of your life without this job has started, and I just know whatever happens next, there's a good chance you'll be thinking, "If they didn't fire me, I wouldn't have had THIS!" And it will be good. The new this.


It was causing you a lot of stress, even for the good points...and perhaps the next one (and there will be a next one) will be an even better fit.



I'd suggest something for your listening pleasure, but doubt that'd really hit the spot for you exactly.


Please be good to yourself.

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I am so sorry. If there is anything I can do, or you just need a vent, please just let me know.


In the meantime, I will cheers ya with a Guinness of my own!!


All the best,



I think the reality of all this is starting to sink in now.


When I got home my roommate got all pissy with me about how him aand my girlfriend can't just support me... At the time it didn't even occur to me to be pissed. This is the same guy who likes her and all.

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Do you have a lot of close family and friends back home? How would your gf feel about leaving hers behind?

I hadn't heard about the economy being better over there...I've mainly heard things are pretty bad everywhere...but if it is better there then it certainly is worth serious consideration if you feel like both of you could find work there and be happier socially.

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^ My Mom and sister were my close family. They disowned me earlier this year. (Yea, it's been a great year for me hasn't it, lol.)


But, I have friends there. And I have a cousin there I am really close to. The job market is better there for people like us. It's a big city and there are naturally more jobs there then in a hick town in northeast Ohio.


My girlfriend's family treats her like crap.

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I'm sorry to hear that, Frost. Man...I thought things were evening out with your job. Ya know....what they say is true...when one door closes, another opens. I quit my job (the one you knew) and started one that paid just as good, but....it CLOSED shortly after I started. I was left feeling very vulnerable. I wondered where the hell I was going to work in this economy, and I didn't want to do what I was doing before. I needed a break from it.


I'm working two full timers now. They're out there so dont get discouraged. Maybe the move would be good for you. You've been gone a long time.

My thoughts are with you...

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Did I? I don't remember saying that...


I think...unless I misread it?...you said on a thread recently that you wonder if you're taking the easy way out mentally by reviewing all the reasons this job wouldn't be a TOTAL loss, if they fired you. And it seemed from what you were saying that part of you didn't expect to be there forever and ever and ever and ever, that you couldn't even picture that (like until you retire). Maybe I didn't understand what you were saying, but I thought that was one of the things that was giving you a little more perspective.


But I agree with the others that the move might be something to think about, really. Especially if your girlfriend doesn't have much support here. Although you've said she has really good jobs. So how hard would it be for her to leave?

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I'm sorry to hear that, Frost. Man...I thought things were evening out with your job. Ya know....what they say is true...when one door closes, another opens. I quit my job (the one you knew) and started one that paid just as good, but....it CLOSED shortly after I started. I was left feeling very vulnerable. I wondered where the hell I was going to work in this economy, and I didn't want to do what I was doing before. I needed a break from it.


I'm working two full timers now. They're out there so dont get discouraged. Maybe the move would be good for you. You've been gone a long time.

My thoughts are with you...


I found one job in the paper already that I am completely qualified for. I am taking my resume' in tomorrow. And I'll probably hit the temp agency tomorrow too.


Thanks for the reply.


I still have my second job... for two more weeks. So at least something is coming in.


I hope when my girlfriend finds out she'll take it better then my roommate.

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I think...unless I misread it?...you said on a thread recently that you wonder if you're taking the easy way out mentally by reviewing all the reasons this job wouldn't be a TOTAL loss, if they fired you. And it seemed from what you were saying that part of you didn't expect to be there forever and ever and ever and ever, that you couldn't even picture that (like until you retire). Maybe I didn't understand what you were saying, but I thought that was one of the things that was giving you a little more perspective.


But I agree with the others that the move might be something to think about, really. Especially if your girlfriend doesn't have much support here. Although you've said she has really good jobs. So how hard would it be for her to leave?


I know what thread you're talking about. That isn't exactly what I said, but I know what you're thinking of.

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I found one job in the paper already that I am completely qualified for. I am taking my resume' in tomorrow. And I'll probably hit the temp agency tomorrow too.


Thanks for the reply.


I still have my second job... for two more weeks. So at least something is coming in.


I hope when my girlfriend finds out she'll take it better then my roommate.


She will. She loves you

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I'm so sorry. It's awful when life throws something unexpected like this.


I think your girlfriend will take it just fine. You've already got two places you're going to go tomorrow to try and get a new job, so it's not like you're expecting her to support you. I think it will be fine, and if you move back to Oslo, I wish you the best of luck.

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