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im going to keep this short. I have been on and off with the same girl for over 4 years. we have a beautiful boy together who is 2. I cheated on her a very long time ago which was the biggest mistake of my life. Anyways we moved back in together then broke up and she has been living with her parents for a little under a year which is 45 min away. throughout that year we have seriously been on and off. it is very hard because we dont live together. Ok a few weeks ago, we got into this big fight because my son was taking pictures with my phone, all you can see is my legs and theres like 10 different blury pictures. She had been drinking quite a bit and thought it was pictures of my penis which i was sending to a girl. She started crying and i was so upset that i let her cry. She had her dad come pick her up and we didnt talk for a week or so. We finally kinda started talking and she said she needs a little time before we get back together, which i said "i couldnt agree more" even though i want to be with her now. I am really sick of walking on egg shells with her. Do i treat her to good? show too much efection when im with her? I know not to say anything from her on out and just let her come to me when she's ready. I just want to make sure this time its for real cause i dont think my heart can take anymore pain.

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Its always her breaking up with me. I want this family to work and i know she does too. One minute she's saying how much she loves me and she cant wait to spend the rest of her life with me. then we have a fight and she stays mad for way too long. I foregive really easily cause i think fighting is pointless.. I wish she thought like me

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In all honesty this sounds really immature in my opinion, it's really not about you two anymore, it's about your baby together. Do you personally think that what you two are doing is healthy for the child? I don't, and if it's just causing you guys to bicker and have problems, then why would you want to get back together? If things are 20/20 then there is no point, and if it's only hurting the child with him seeing you fight, there is no point.

I would take a little focus off of each other and worry about your child.

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