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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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If anything, I can thank you for breaking up with me; it has driven me to go after what I really want in life.


It has made me realize that there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to help others. This does not make me an altruist, mind you. It makes me compassionate and human.


Your text is making me wonder about you. Are you realizing what you left?

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Why am I still here, thinking of you... All I wanted to was talk and try to save our friendship, but you just wanted to run. You ran, and I was left with was my thoughts. Thoughts that keep me from moving on, and I just can't just get rid of them. All because you were too scared to listen. How am I so caught up on such selfish coward...


Now you keep bringing up the good times we had together... We'd still be making them if only you'd have lifted a finger... spared me a second thought... I want it back too, but I can't go back. Not while I know that you'll just leave it again over absolutely nothing.

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This ones for you.




Tough... been almost 5 months... I'm starting to heal and move on now but. Still think about ya. Just tough... I used to love you... I still do a little bit. I value myself now more than I did the first 4 months. I think you missed out on me. I stayed with you and protected and comforted you. Ahhh... Maybe you won't regret it. Who knows. What is done is done. I just have a whole slew of days before meeting the next woman of my dreams.... how many days... who knows. I hope you get help for your problems, briessa. I've gotten help for mine. I'm going to rock the * * * * out of my next relationship. Then I'll look back, think about you... and then hug the beautiful woman sleeping next to me and remember to thank her for loving me and then tell her how much she means to me. My experience with you will help in the next relationship, and I thank you for that.


Hard to believe we'll never speak to each other or see each other again... I miss going over to your place... Bleh. * * * * this edit, I don't want to miss it.

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I miss you so much tonight. I wish we could be together, I wish you were willing to try. I am having a hard time tonight. It's tough without you. You were a huge part of my life and now there is a hole in it that I can't fill. I hate this so much, I need you.

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Everytime I think about how much I miss you, how crappyy I feel for not answering your calls, how much I love you and want to talk to you....I remind myself how much you hurt me. How you hooked up with Vikki and rubbed it in my face not even a week after we were over, how you stung me along for MONTHS after that and how I all but BEGGED you for us again. How you lied to my face countless times that despite us still being on a 'break' you were not talking to anyone else. ALL lies. And i read back the messages from your facebook that I found back in the Summer tonight and they just make me sick. It hurts SO much that you could use the SAME lines on these girls you used on me. You are nothing but a player and it makes me SICK to my stomach. And now how you could go out with Clarissa after ALL this. You can't be that dumb- I mean you really can't. How is it that I knew even before you told me that she is single again? Are you that dumb you can't see she is down for hanging out with you now because she wants you again? Or do you see it and just want me to think I'm crazy because you WERE messing with her behind my back.


Either day I'm done. Done being your safety net, being the one who will always be there no matter what. You didn't make an effort for me, you wanted your title as single so guess what- I gave it to you! At least at the end of the day I will have my pride.


You know what? I don't even feel bad about not taking your calls anymore. Not at all.

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I can hardly remember what your voice sounds like, or what your face looks like as a whole. I can see bits of it, but it's hard to put together. I don't want to look at photos, even the idea of looking makes me sick.

You make me sick. I wish I could get rid of this disease you've given me.

Please come back?

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I worship every minute spent with you. Can't believe that our meeting passed that well. Now I just need a lot of strength to correct the things I've messed up (even though you didn't ask me too). It bothers you, so I'll change it because those are little things for me and big things for you.

I love you.

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I thought so. I knew you wouldn't change.

But still, my heart is in your hands. I'm so hurt. I can't seem to heal while you seem like you've never been hurt a bit.

I hate being in this alone. Weren't we both in love with each other? Why is it so different with me? WHY AM I ALONE IN THIS?

I hate you for making me love you. I want my heart back. I'm lost.

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You told me for a year that I was so important to you, was that all lies? I don't understand how you can just walk away from something that you said was so important. I loved you and you have hurt me so bad, I will probably never ever recover from this. I should have seen the signs though when we were together. You never liked anything I had, you would never ad me to FB, my request for you as a friend sat there for ages and you never accepted it.. I mean why? I was suppose to be you best friend, yet you had people you barely knew in our class on your FB but not me, but we were living together and seeing each other, you even have you ex on you FB, but what's wrong with me? I am a fool. You played with me and then when you were ready you dumped me like garbage and moved away 2 days later and left me in terrible pain with no one to turn to. I should have known something was un-finished between you and your ex, you still love her or something because you would never talk about her ever and if I brought it up you would get mad, yet I told you so much about my past, I wanted my past to be my past. You moved back to the town your ex is in and you wanted me to be you friend still but I had to go NC because you are no friend to me you are mean and you have a very selfish and ugly personality. Any one who I befriend does not make me feel this bad ever. I love you and I hate you and you have aided me to depression and crying most days, the dreams are bad at night too, why would someone who said they loved me everyday do this, I will never believe the word love again because of you You killed me.

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I wish you loved me enough to try and work something out with me. I want to say I don't know how you could let it all go, but I know how you could. You don't love me and you are never coming back. Ever. I hate you for that, but my love for the person you are will never die. Even if you forget, I never will. But I won't let you rule me anymore. I just love, and that is all.

I wish you would come back, but my wishes don't mean crap to you. Nothing I felt or wanted meant anything. Well, you meant something to me. I was a big enough person to love you and care about you, and I'm the one that is growing as a result. I win.

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I feel like i could throw up. Your really going to leave me alone now. Its what I wanted, what I asked for, I pushed you SO far away, and now I have it and it still hurts so badly. God only knows where you are, who you are with. It makes me sick to think about it...but I know I need to get passed this- get passed you.

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I hate that I am posting on ENA while you are happily living your life after cheating, lying, and humiliating me. You are the worst kind of scum. Everything about us was a lie. I hate you so much. The girl I fell in love with isn't real. I hope this catches up with you one day - I sincerely pray that one day I get the news that you have been screwed over and are suffering more than anyone ever has before. I hate you with everything I have.

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Well, it’s been several months since we’ve spoken. I no longer have any idea what you’re up to. I don’t ask our friends about you. It’s not that I don’t want to know, it’s that I can’t bear to hear it. I’m afraid I will hear you are dating someone new. I assume that person is not all that “new”, I’m sure he’s the one who was lurking in the background for years while we were together. Even after all this time, I don’t think I can handle it. Since I don’t ask about you, they don’t tell me. They know how hard this has been on me. I wonder if you have asked or if they have told you how I have been doing. Have they told you about all that has happened in the last couple months? Are you aware of the hardships I’m going through now?

I find it weird that you are no longer friends with anyone I associate with. It took a long time for those ties to be cut. Is that because you heard I tried dating again or did they cut the ties first? Just so you know, that didn’t work out. I found myself comparing her to you too often. Some of her friends associated with yours, which always bothered me. Maybe she was my rebound, however delayed it was.

I finally had to stop responding to you because I couldn’t be just a friend to you. My feelings run too deep. Maybe I should have told you why instead of just disappearing. I don’t know. I still dream of you. I dream we reconnect and live the life I had pictured for us. The thoughts have come more frequently lately. I’m not sure if it’s due to the time of year or everything that I’ve been going through. Honestly, my biggest fear is we were so right for each other but were too immature and insecure at the time for us to succeed. We had too many outside influences pulling us apart.

Please know I don’t reach out to you because it’s what you wanted. I don’t ask about you because it pains my heart to hear your name. I’m giving you what you want. If we could get a second chance, I would welcome it with open arms. I hope you are doing well. I miss you, a lot. I think of you, a lot. I care about you, a lot. What can I say, I love you.

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Why don't you call me? I want to go for a bike ride with you. I'm sure you have someone prettier to sit on your bike now, though. Someone to show off to all your lecherous biker friends. Sorry I wasn't good enough for you to show off. I'm sorry I embarrassed you all the time. I'm sorry. I suck.

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