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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I'm still mourning our relationship. I was so determined after a year to be moving on. It is a year & two months now and I still miss things about you. I am getting over you and moving on, slowly. I sometimes picture our life together and it just seems like yesterday. It seems like I could go back & nothing would have changed.


You irritated the heck out of me most of the time but I miss your sunnier personality. I don't miss the part that hated me but I do miss you. You said at the end that you had learnt a lot from our relationship and that it would benefit you in the future. I wish I could say the same because I used to think that I knew who I was. I thought I knew how love worked. But I don't.


I don't think for one second you will miss me or do anything other than get on with your life. But I miss you. You were so special to me. I'm sorry I couldn't be so special to you. I hope you & all our friends in Scotland are doing well. I miss those birds. I hope they are happy wherever they are.

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We've talked every day. If I weren't so hesitant wed be hanging out every day. We both want that. I know your not the right one. I know I can do better but I still miss me. If you want me back then why aren't you trying? You just hurt me. Even if you did change your not the guy for me. I am just scared of being alone for the first time. It's lonely. It's sad. I wish you were th right one. It would have been great. I need to remember you treated me bad. I don't owe you anything. I owe me myself back. I want to be close and friends but what point is that? If I remain in contact with you it will prevent me from moving on- I know I have to fix myself first before the thought of anyone else- I'm just scared there wont. It's lonely.

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Ugh I feel stupid. Why do you call me every morning only to ignore me for the rest of the day???? Then I text you, thinking you would respond, cuz hey you have been calling me and this week you have been sleeping in the bed with me.


But no, one hour later you havent, and I know you have read it because you have been on FB, so I know you are on your phone.


I guess this will all be on your terms. I feel so guilty about taking you for granted that I am allowing you to do as you please right now. Get my hopes up one day only to smash them the next by saying "I love you but I am not IN love with you."


What is going on in your head???


Do you WANT me to leave you alone? If so, why do you call me every morning? Why do you question me when I dont answer?


How do I act? I dont know how to navigate this road.


We have a baby, you say you want me to be on my own to appreciate you, I can, and I will....but these mind games are killing me.

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We had an hours of talk, I was glad you picked up the phone after going soon to be two months after break up. Your so cold, I can feel it girl... But there is something different about you, your points of view and life have changed. I hope you stay true to whom you are. That classy , picky personality that you and I once had.


I do loved you before. But I tend to take things for granted, I am sorry. Miss L, your a wonderful girl and I know you won't easily give yourself away to other guys. You have to aware. I hope we could reunite and create new feelings instead of the old ones.

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You just started a new job today, after being unemployed for a few years now. Wow, what a big day. I want to call you and ask you how it went, but still, I want to give you your space. We had a brief exchange through facebook, and I still count this as NC, since we haven't spoken on the phone in 7 weeks. Maybe I'll wait to the full 8 weeks, that's recommended for NC. We'll see. I do know that there is no way in hell that I will be repeating the same patterns from the relationship in the past.


I want to give you your space. I love you, but I don't want to close in. You called me a few weeks ago. I didn't answer. Who knows who will be the one to call the other. I just know that right now, I am laying low.

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I wish you would contact me -- just so that I could , for once , have the pleasure of ignoring you


I went through this! He did call, and I just looked at my phone and laughed my ass off. I wanted him to reach out, so that I could ignore him, but it wasn't a game. It was because he had caused me so much pain, and ignored me so many times.

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I miss you. I do, genuinely miss you. No one believes me, they just think you were someone who treated me like crap. But I do. I miss having you in my life, i miss your jokes, your smile, the way you were. I am sorry that I got so angry at you last time that we spoke and that I lost the plot. I don;t know if we will ever talk again now, and i'm going to have to live with that for the rest of my life now, the fact that the last words I said to you were in spite and anger. I was overwhelmed with hurt and pain. And I am sorry. I would give anything to say that to your face. I'm sorry we couldn't leave on good terms. I hope you can forgive me, or more importantly, that I can forgive myself.

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posting here to get it out.


your role in my life so far has been to remind me what i am capable of, to remind me of happiness and forward energy, to remind me there are 1500 ways to get to the next step.


Oooohhhhh that makes me want you and you are so physically attractive it is killing me


and you value me highly


and i must must must leave you alone, and let you come to me, letting you focus on your post-break-up dalliances. you know i know that is what you are doing. you are rather surprised by yourself right now, i know. trust me, btdt.


gd this is frustrating. I wish I could just talk with you. I miss being friends, and I know we are still friends, but I am holding back for balance. As i must. I just want to play with you. And then drag you home. And then have you fall in love with me, I admit. So, hold back I must.

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Dear HJ,


Day 4 of NC of about a hundred NC attempts now and it has been painful to say the least. Been hanging out with my old pals but i just can't feel happy. I wonder what you're doing now, if you're thinking about me or if you were lying about missing me. That email you sent me really threw me off. If you didn't even love those other guys then why did you date them? If you love me like you always say you do then why do u not want to be with me? Why do you keep saying you're afraid of getting hurt again?


I was immature back then but i spent half a year cleaning up my act and one and half years trying to chase you again and endure seeing you with other guys. You even said if i was how i was like now back when we broke up, we might still be together even now. Why not make it a reality? Can't you see all this time i'm waiting for you and hurting. Sorrys don't mean anything to me. I just want to be with you and create happy memories with you again.


Am i that unworthy of love and a second chance?

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you're out all day at work. i don't have much of a social life, in fact, it's pretty dead over here, as far as friends go. now i'm thinking about you all day. just hoping you'll throw me a bone at the end of the day. you're tired, or you're going to drink with your friends. you know, maybe i'm not right enough with myself to be with you again. there has always been so much separation, and i always just needed to have some friends to pass the time. also, a job that i enjoy wouldn't hurt.

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nothing really much to tell you except probably the fact that I think im now over you and now no longer miss you like the way I used to ... In fact, i think I am ready now to fall again

let's see I have a few invites that I am thinking for this next week and there's this someone whom I'm thinking would be my next prince ....

But I have to be careful this time , although I know this new guy really meant well , I have to make sure that I am already over your shadow which I think I am almost there.

You know what I like about him? Is he is eactly opposite of you and he made me forget all about you when we are together so that's a sign for me that I should be giving this new guy a chance ..let's see ..

I wish you're happy too

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Sometimes missing you doesn't bother me but on some days it really hurts, today is one of those days.


I remember when I used to feel down you made me feel better, when I feel down I kind of feel lonely because I'm on my own.


You made your choice and it wasn't me, I just hope you're happy wherever you are.

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You are a good person to know. You are a library of useful information, that is quite unique. You dive into the details of things that I have no interest in, for the most part. When there is something I want to know, I can just ask you, which is nice. The other side to the coin, is that it means we have hardly anything in common. You focus on worldly affairs, and I focus on the self. We don't mix too well for the most part. In reality, it's probably still best that we only remain friends. I don't mean that I'm going to message you this instant, and see how you're doing, but over time, I may reach out to you here and there. Unfortunately, with us, it's like mixing oil and water. We only remain a mixture for a short while, and then we once again, separate.

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