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I miss the little things--being able to text you...hey storm clouds brewing here on my side of town, or, such and such is on TV, or so-and-so's birthday/anniversary is tomorrow..but on the other hand, I can't see being with you again. You are not trustworthy, or at the very least, you enjoy making me believe that. You have the maturity of a high school sophomore sometimes (your crude jokes) Yes, maybe I have a jealous streak, but then, shouldn't you be sensitive to that if you really cared? I ignored the red flags. You chose to be with those other women on Valentine's day-you didn't even send me as much as an e-card; but you bought them each something. You chose unilaterally to be with them on weekends, without even asking me if we could do something together. Your actions don't match your words. Ironic too, because at the beginning of our relationship, it was the same thing, except it was your actions that spoke to your attraction to me, denying it with words. I am so glad for this thread, I may have broken NC without it. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

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What really gets to me out of all this though is that you held my illnesses against me. You actually were upset with me for being ILL.


Like I choose to be born with diseases. It's not my fault that I'm sick. Yet you never heard me complaining about it or using my illnesses as excuses to not do my best. You told me over and over again that it was okay, that you loved me, and that you understood there would be difficulties with me and work due to illnesses, and yet, you lied. At the end of it all, it all came out. I hate you for that.


You knew I was extremely conscious about it. You know I felt guilt about it, but you just had to kick me while I was down,

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starting to tear up now. watching tennis, something we both enjoyed doing together. things beginning to fall in place mentally though. I understand that I never felt completely loved by you. There was always *something* that was a tug. I never felt #1 in your life, ever. Is that asking for too much? Is that being selfish? Don't partners come first? I know that I miss the companionship, and for once in my life I don't want to find someone else. It is so exhausting. I don't want you, I want what I thought we had. It was so comfortable to share the things we enjoyed. But you could do that with anybody else. I couldn't, it didn't mean the same.

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You texted me today but you are on my block list. I had no desire to text you back but I am curious as to what you said. I refuse to be your backup plan, option or your consolation prize....I deserve so much better. I forgive you for the lies but I am letting you go and moving on with my life finally. Goodbye!!!!!

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You once said that if the tables were turned, then you wouldn't like it one bit either. Why didn't that change your behavior? Because you are a manipulative narcissist. I wrote you a long email, telling you what I have learned from these insightful people here, pretending like I want you to be happy--saying to have a successful relationship, you need to change such and such. But I know I am BS'ing myself, so I didn't send it. And you know that is a major step for me, since I always have to express my feelings to you. That email will remain Just another outlet so I won't contact you. You will continue to act the way you do, and you won't have a successful relationship.

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Sundays really suck! I have respected NC for going on 4 months now and it isn't getting easier for me, it is getting more difficult! Today would be when we spent time together and of course we are not! The way you left was really dirty and cruel and quite frankly I don't deserve the labels you placed on me and I certainly do not deserve all of the blame! I am suppose to be realizing how unhealthy you are and feel relieved to be away from you, but of course I do not feel this way at all! I just feel the blame and the ridiculous hope magic could happen. I believed in you. People in my life and my own therapist say you won't get better or stick with a counselor, but I know you. I know you will! You stopped believing in me. I will get healthier and I will stick with my plan. We could have worked this out. We could have taken a break, but YOU who loved me more deeply than anyone you had ever been with didn't want to go that route. You chose more misery. I hope you are happy with the choices you made. I am not. I am a good person . I do not deserve this! P.S I hope you have a WONDERFUL Birthday....I really do...I hope you have a good birthday and I wish I were there to celebrate with you.

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You and I weren't even a real couple. Yes we had a highly inappropriate and emotionally intense friendship, but it wasn't official. You've been gone not even two weeks now. I miss you, and my brothers miss you - you were the one and only person I ever knew who was never two-faced, always kept your word and believed so strongly in the three of us as you did.


While I could say our friendship during it's course was healing in many ways, including addressing some issues I had previously ignored or rather had not recognised from my past; at the same time, you did bring out a lot of my insecurities - I felt I wasn't pretty or smart enough for you.


If I was, I might've been your girlfriend, right?


But it's like that song by Billy Joel, "When you love someone, you're always insecure".


And if you ever do come back to visit, I have to confess that I wouldn't be with you, even if you asked me to be with you; even if you told me none of the women out there were what you were looking for. Because it just hurts too greatly, and because I realise that being such opposites as we were would never, ever work out - at least not in a healthy dynamic.


As I'm the younger one and still at such an impressionable age, I could easily have been molded into what you wanted me to be - but that would mean losing myself. That would mean admitting that what I believe in and centre my life around was nothing but utter "bull" as was your open opinion of spirituality.


But it does sting greatly that you thought it would be better to marry a woman from your own heritage because that's what your mother wanted.


I always suspected you were a mommy's boy.

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to the both of you: I need something that serves my needs.one of you wishes he chose me over the other. one of you chooses your random sex over my monogamous sex. neither one of you is serving my needs. so now I have virtual sex and frequent sweet friendship dates. yeah, that's sweet and all. but no. I want a proper date, I want to make out with you, I want to be your girl.


I'm off to get what I want. atm at least, I am not paying attention to you.

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Are we ever going to talk?


You know...I really would have thought I'd meant enough to at least get some sort of response back as a reply to my message to you before the BU. It really feels like I was nothing to you, seeing that all there has been for the last 9 weeks is dead silence. I mean, f... It just breaks my heart.

I get it, all this would be unproductive. I get it, I'm being crazy. I get it, I fell in too deep.


It's just that I've pictured you in my mind constantly these days, my heart f aches.

I miss you. You have no idea how much.


I just wish things were different.

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I have sent so many emails to you in the past months, but only got 3 replies from you.

I have so many things to say to you, but you don't care, you really don't care about me.

I really wish that you could show a little bit your emtion, show that you care, but all i got is indifference.

If we are really not meant to be together, i wish you well, i wish you find someone who you really want, and be happy with her.

I am so sad that i am not that girl.

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Well. You're so angry. I hope you realize soon that its so terribly misplaced. You're angry and hateful and I'm nuts. I'm nuts for still wanting you, for still wanting that talk, for continuing to try. What kind of moron continues to put themselves in the line of fire like that? Guess I just need to know that I meant something to you

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you know what? I have this fantasy that you are coming back for me. I need to let that go. I mean just go out with me now then. I don't get it.


So, you know, if it's just sex, then I guess you're gone, but I know it isn't, so what do you do now?


do you ever respond?

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dear ex,


i dont understand why you think it's ok to text me after a month and a half just to show off that you got a new job! Were not together, so I dont care. Besides, it just confims that we shouldnt be together since youre going to be traveling 90% of your time and Im not going to be with someone who is never home. Also, you have loser tendencies with your drug and alcohol habits which I should have never put up with and never will again. Thank you for being the one to break it off because had you not, then maybe I'd still be in the hell I was in for 6 months.

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You had 23+ years before ever meeting me to find yourself and figure out what you like. You had your college years and relationships with other guys to figure yourself out. Why did you lead me on and wait until we got married to come out of the closet? Now you're free and happy; hoorah for you. What about me? What about us? Guess none of that matters now that you have your gf/soulmate. Glad it was so easy for you to give up on us and move on to someone else. I never even got a chance to fight for what I loved(you, us), its all about you and what you want. You even abandoned your family that has been there for you all your life, for this person. Smh; hope it's worth it.


Hope your life with your soulmate and new friends is everything you dreamed of. Friends will never leave you. Sorry I held you back from your smoking, drinking and party life style. -_-

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Thank you for paying me the money you owed me. I don't know why it took a year. Maybe you were angry with me for that long. Sadly, I still miss you & love you a bit. Just didn't love the way you treated me. I suppose that really is goodbye :s

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