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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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YOU are the one that dumped ME! After 20 years of working so hard, the 2 of us without any help from anyone. I gave you so many chances to make your dreams come true and each of those chances you threw away when they did not work out like you wanted and you blamed everyone and everything but yourself. I tried so hard working multiple jobs, started so many different businesses from the ground up to help you realize your dreams and after all that you threw me away like a piece of garbage saying I didn't show you affection and neglected you. What the hell do you think we were doing? Working hard to realize our dreams. In one weekend you made up your mind that you were done and that it wasn't salvageable. You wouldn't give me a chance. After all we went through, I was not worth a chance. You have done nothing but rip me apart, blame me for everything and rewrite our history together since then. Like an idiot, i help you when you need help. Then when i tell you i cant, you start ripping me apart again. Now you come to me again, asking me to give you a chance when life gets hard for you. Put on your f**king big girl pants and join the real world. I'm not your damn doormat anymore.

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I woke up this morning and my friend text me saying I've got some news about her but I don't know if you wanna know. Obviously I wanted to know, so he told me that you're going Blackpool with your boyfriend and this other girl, I won't lie it did make me feel down for a couple of hours but then I thought oh well, they're a couple so they're obviously gonna do stuff like that.


It's been five months since we broke up and four months since you cut me out of your life, so tell me why you still have a picture of the teddy I brought you on Facebook? My friend told me. I don't understand and I don't want to either, I have no idea what's going through your head.


I hope you're okay and I wish you all the happiness in the world, I love you.

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I don't know why I get so upset at the thought of you not being in my life because years from now you still won't be and that's fine, because I didn't deserve the way you treated me. I loved you with all of my heart and in the end you tore me apart and left me heartbroken and a mess, I had to pick up all of the pieces when you were in the arms of the one you left me for. When I needed you the most, you walked away, I'll never forget that. But I'll always love you and one day I hope I'll stop missing you.

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We were so happy but everything changed, I thought things would never change between us. I remember when things were bad but I still tried to save what we had because I loved you but you threw all of it away. When you wanted me to leave you alone, it's because you were with him. When your phone was off, it's because you were with him and I believed you when you said your battery died, lol. You treated me like a mug.

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Does he know you like I do?


Your favourite colour is pink.

Your favourite drink is dr pepper.

Your dream car is a Mini Cooper.

You hate salad apart from onions, lettuce and cucumber.

You hate showing your feet.

You look up when you're about to cry.

You hate McDonalds milkshake.

You love sour skittles.

You hate football.

You bite your lip when you're nervous.

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Oh my darling, let me tell you what happened to me not even 10 minutes ago. This is the hardest its ever been not to contact you. I'm actually very angry with you right now for not being here.


I got home from work and my neighbor was laying in the common area with blood everywhere. It took me about a full minute before I realized that it wasn't a joke. He was screaming that he had been stabbed by his girlfriend and the kids were inside. I called 911 and stayed with him, but he kept begging me to go in his house and get his kids. I kept telling him I couldn't do that and that help was on the way. I felt so cowardly, but I didn't know what to do or even what happened.


The cops and an ambulance came and took everyone away. And I know its incredibly selfish of me to be concerned with myself right now, but I need you so badly. You, with all of your level headed rationality, would have known exactly what to do. I, with all of my emotions, floundered and stumbled and was only able to make the most basic of gestures. God, I miss my other half.

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I just spent the last 4 days at the house with the kids, now you ask me to stay through next Sunday. Is there something to this? You keep telling me you miss me. Are you using me? Are you using me to satisfy you?


It's all confusing.

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I'm sorry. I'm sorry for my behaviours that contributed to this end. I'm so sorry for making you fall out of love, or making you think that you have. I'm holding onto the fact that you are damn good at letting anger or hurt cloud your judgment. You told me yourself that you let your anger win. That way you don't have to feel.

Like a lot of our relationship, that was a pattern. I tried to talk about the bad pattern we had gotten into...but neither of us did anything to change it. It became normal. It wasn't.


I'm holding on to our connection and hoping that you are too. We have both had some pretty awful things happen to us in the last couple years. It brought us closer for a while..then I know it got to be too much.


I just want to hear your voice. And I want things to be like before. Please tell me that you feel the same way. I miss you so much. I just want you to hold me and never let me go again. xoxoxoxo

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sweetheart, we already communicate only by message. we will not call, we have no fb access. I know you feel possessive and jealous and it doesn't bother me, you know I feel the same. I understand you. I have no idea if you understand me, it feels like you do. I might leave you, again, in full.


I am tired. I have no man. no one is calling me up like they should. if I am going to be alone,I may as well go whole hog and cut you out too. unless you do some serious work in therapy, there is no hope here of change for you. relationships are an escape, so once one becomes real, it's not an escape anymore.


I know I am your only here. I know even our fb connection is important to you.I do not take this lightly, and I might not do it yet. but it is on my mind.

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I had a dream about you last night...I dream about you almost every night. We were talking about our relationship and I told you that if you spent as much time on our relationship as you are with the new girl you are dating things probably would have worked out.


You spent the ENTIRE weekend with her. Really? For someone that's "in a weird place and trying to figure things out" you sure seem to have figured it out. We were together for over three years and now three weeks later you're with someone new. I just can't believe you.....

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Dear ex,


I would never ever call or text you again. I am done with you. I'll be loving and thiking more about myself. I am eager to MOVE ON! I want to take you out completely in my mind. Burn those emotions and memories to that intense fire.

Goodbye to you... I want to be free...to be new...to be me....

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You piss me off. How could you look me in the eyes and tell me that you tried? If you tried, then you would still be here. Trying does not mean doing the same thing over and over and over again especially when I tell you how much it hurts me. But don't worry, I know your answer is that I kept doing the same thing. But you refuse to see your part in it. I kept grabbing hold and there you have it.


I should have been the one to leave you. Not the other way around. But I stayed because I love you. I know we have it in us to make it truly work, but it's apparently not worth the effort, I guess work is more important. When you're old and grey and alone on that rocking chair like we thought we'd be on together, I wonder if you will look back and realize that work didn't matter. People do.

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Last night was a total nightmare, I broke down, completely. I couldn't even breathe and I cried myself to sleep, how can you sleep at night knowing what you've done and how you made me feel?


Long story cut short, I realised last night that I didn't let you go, I'd been holding on when I shouldn't have been, I was holding onto you. I know you're not coming back, that's why I have no hope left. I was holding because I was scared what it would feel like to really let you go and let me tell you, I have never felt so sick in all my life. I ripped everything last night including the socks you gave me, I chucked them away because they mean nothing.


I've let you go now because I want to move on with my life, without you. I forgive you, finally. I forgive you for what you did but I promise I will never forget how low you made me feel.


Maybe I'll see you around but then again, I really hope I don't.



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I want to text you so bad right now....just to ask how your day is going. I want things to go back to the way they were. I miss you so much. It's been almost a month and every day has been just as hard as the first. I still don't understand how you're already seeing someone else. I will never understand. I love you.

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I think that once it sets in that no one else treated you the way i did its gonna hurt and you'll contact me again but i wont be there. I cant keep being in your life because i know how your story ends and i cant do it.


Its better for me that we are apart but its worse for you, in a lot of ways i was The One for you but you werent it for me, its sad but your life has been mostly sadness hasnt it.



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Recently, we have had such positive, supportive, insightful exchanges. I shared excerpts with two friends of mine, two who have gently tolerated my love for you. One said "Remember, we never doubted his affection for you. Its just that he cant deal with life." The other said "I am going to speak plainly. Its obvious you two love each other. And I am not saying that's bad. Its obvious you love him. Its obvious he loves you. But he can't make up his mind. You know he can't make up his mind. He knows he can't make up his mind. I am not saying he is the right guy for you, I am not saying he isn't. But what do you do with this?"


So sweet baby, I am giving myself a break to talk to you (sort of, since its here), to indulge my inner voice about you. What my friends say is right, and it isnt new to either of us. And, one day, I will actually like a guy. Are you keeping me, by that I mean, am I keeping me, from liking someone? I dont think so, but maybe I dont appreciate your impact on me. I have a crush on a man who seems to be keeping the thread connected but I have no clue what his intentions are.


You lament, you have been lamenting since we began, that we began after you began something else. Why do you sit, inactive, clearly wanting respecting me and holding me in high regard, fantasizing about me, connecting with me almost every day, telling me things that are important to you. Why do you sit in fear. And yes I know why blah blah blah. Honestly, if I were A, I would be stung. If I were you, I would question my attachment to A. And you will say, well, she accepts me the way I am, and that is no small thing. Except, you know, of course she does. You are weeks apart from one another.


If I think about you, it is frustrating. I am glad I learned (hahahaha) not to think of you that way.


One day, dear, you will lose me. You know this. You do not want me to have anyone else. You know that I am being choosy. I will keep this information from you. But eventually, someone will be good enough. Eventually, I will leave you, I will signal that our messages are no longer appropriate. I will fade away.


And then, what will happen? You can address this now. Not for me, but for you. I hope you will see your way to making yourself the man you expect yourself to be.


And yes, I love you babe. I do. I will not tell you, it is not appropriate. You represent where I was, not where I am going. I will box you up and put you away. Right now, I am enjoying the connection we have, because I have no other that engages me so. But damn it, I want one. I am worth it. Its like, I want to warn you but you know. You know. You are stuck. How on earth can someone of your awesome power be stuck.


I have been accepting you the way you are, I have been accepting you in your stuck-ness. Maybe that will help me too.

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As always I miss you and I love you, but I can't keep in touch with you right now. Every day is one step forward, and keeping in touch with you is twenty steps back. I hope you understand. I want to be your friend but I need time for myself now. I hope you are okay and that the surgery went well.

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