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Everything posted by waspp

  1. I simply miss the memories I had with you. I don't really care what your doing right now. But those moments we shared together- being beside you making me laugh and teasing and seeing you turning red with your hot temper; just pushed me to teased you more! ...missing those times....then i guess, yeah, I love you. But the trouble of loving you is: goodbye... call me, text me to hang out with you..will you? OMG p.s im not in my normal self, needs medication.
  2. Obviously, I'm thinking about you again. I love being with you; you make me laugh and smile. You are incredibly intelligent and generous. Remember those debates we had? it was always intense full of worst teasing and ended up in cuddling- I love it! best moments ever! You're such a gentleman, not allowing me to pay for you and even for me when we are together. How about those text messages?? We don't text that much; 1 or 2 is enough, because either: I'm not going to understand the humor of your texts or else you find my texts bit aggressive (which you, reading it loud made it aggressive! lol ) we are not meant to send SMS- is all I know. The way you look at me in two different manners: dominant and sometimes lost! Anyhow..I miss everything about you...But I need to heal, I need to grief....silly guy!
  3. Dear ex, I would never ever call or text you again. I am done with you. I'll be loving and thiking more about myself. I am eager to MOVE ON! I want to take you out completely in my mind. Burn those emotions and memories to that intense fire. Goodbye to you... I want to be free...to be new...to be me....
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