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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I need to stop checking on your facebook for a while. It's only delaying my healing process. As much as I hate to admit it, reading about how awesome and amazing your boyfriend is sets me back considerably. I am no longer feeling worthless; in fact, for the first time in a long time I feel excellent about myself! I might even be getting a little arrogant! However, my feelings for you never diminish even a little bit, I'm just able to suppress them for periods of time. I still miss you and I miss your family. Your mum really did love me. She was the closest thing I have had to a mum of my own (excluding my own, who died in '97, as you know, so I don't remember her all that well).


I'm thinking about pulling the plug on our Minecraft server and sending you the world files so you can host it yourself. I'm paying $70/month for what is essentially a place for you to play with your boyfriend. There are more important things I can be hosting on that server - eventually I would like to operate my own Minecraft server on it, and invite people from my online community and other people that I would like to play with. We never even play on our server anymore, so why am I stuck with the bill for it? Maybe your amazing boyfriend can host it - after all, he can do awesome techy things like hook a laptop up to a TV.


I am hoping to be over you within a month or two. In a year I will be able to start going out and maybe meeting someone who is worthy of me. I will be better for her than I ever was for you, and hopefully she will treat me better than you ever did. I'm coming to the realization that it's your loss and not mine, because you didn't love me enough to want to make it work with me anyway.

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The days just keep getting longer... and the mornings I'm feeling worse than ever. This silence is absolutely killing me. I know I've blocked you only a few days ago on my phone, but I really thought I was going to hear from you from e-mail (or at least I hoped). I'm starting to wonder if blocking you was the best thing. I know it's good for many reasons, but for others it makes me feel worse about myself. It makes me feel like you don't care if you talk to me or no. I feel so abandoned, discarded, thrown out... I hate this feeling You went from reaching out every single day, to not at all since I blocked you. Well, I don't know if you have but I figured if you were trying to get a hold of me then you would have e-mailed me. Maybe you got the hint since I blocked you. I know I'm being selfish for wanting to hear from you still, even though I made the decision to block you. But you made the decision to continue lying to me, continue hurting me, and then replace me a day after we broke up. Do you understand how hurtful all this is to me? Why would you choose to do this to us?


I don't know when the day will come that I will accept this break up. Although I know it's for the best, because I deserve to be with an honest, trust worthy man. But it still hurts, because I wanted that man to be you. So badly. I tried helping you... Why would you continue lying knowing the consequences? I seriously don't get it. And what really hurts, is after the break up we talked about your lies and rebuilding trust... and I asked you or told you maybe you should try and figure out and understand why you've lied to me in the past. Because I felt if you knew the reason or understood it, it might help you from doing it again. Instead, you got defense and said no because you know to just not do it again. You acted like it was that simple. Then I called your bluff reminding you that if it were that simple, then why did you do it again? And what really stings, in the middle of this conversation, you were still lying to me about being at that resort alone. Disgusting! Do you have a serious problem with lying? Or did you just feel the need to do that with me because you didn't care? I want answers and feel like I'll just never get them I didn't want this... but now I feel you did because I can't understand why you would continue to do things that would only break a relationship, not fix it. I'm hurting so badly

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I am really enjoying my life without you, but it would be really awesome if you would stop popping into my head all the time.

The thoughts of you don't even make me sad, it just annoys me how you keep intruding into my sense of calm and peace that I am working so hard on.

I know it has been not even 6 weeks yet, but I want to move on. I want to leave you and all the stress of our relationship behind.


If only my frikken brain would cooperate!!

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She is not in your facebook "friends box" anymore, so it looks like you got really excited about liking and commenting on her things for a while, but it has died down..or perhaps you used to message her often. I'm not sure, as her posts were only made public may 2013. I wonder if you met her off plentyoffish, or if you saw an attractive girl with similar interests on facebook and decided to add her.


You were so eager to "jump" on her..even if you were hypothetical friends this whole time until that last post you made on her wall. (the intimately metaphorical poem). That's when she responded a bit coldly.


I wonder if you're so eager because you want kids so badly. You're 32. You have some time still, especially because you are male..so I don't know. You don't do one night stands or date, you say, so I guess the closest intensely intimate thing to do would be to get to know someone very well in an intimately emotional way, and share yourself with that person....Why so intense? God! What are you trying to prove? You don't see me humping the leg of the next man or woman I see. F***, man. Get a f***** grip. I told you in my meditation, that I would release this tension, but Jesus, I just feel like I don't know you anymore. You are deceitful, hiding this from me. You had strong feelings for her, if not still. I don't get it. Why?!! How?!! Why do you fall so hard so soon? It's so disrespectful to me. We only just broke up, and are still phone friends. We still have a strong connection, so why do you do this behind my back so soon? I'm owed a little bit more than that...like our relationship and post relationship friendship is a joke.

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Well, after 15 years of marriage, last night was my first night after moving out. Is being on your own worth throwing away 15 years and three kids over? You didn't make yourself happy, so instead you blamed me for it.


Although we still get along great, I'm not really sure if I want to be your friend anymore. All those cards and letters you gave me over the years were lies apparently. You said you meant them at the time. Tell me, what does forever mean to you?


Know this, I will never take you back. I won't be there if you decide you made a mistake. You gave up on me, and for that there is no going back for me. I don't resent you, I don't hate you, but you're no longer someone I will take care of.


I will live my life for God, the kids, and me. You have fallen off that list. I do hope you're happy in life though, as I would never want you to suffer or struggle.


I thought you were my soul mate, my destiny in life, but I was wrong.


Have a good life.

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I don't want you back but I still miss you. And even though I miss you, I literally want nothing to do with you anymore. Forget texting me and whatever else, I've almost got over you and I honestly can't even believe it, this is why I feel so happy right now. All I've thought about all day is how I want nothing to do with you anymore and I've never had these thoughts before and I'm so glad I'm getting them now.

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Today I am destroyed. Last night I made the mistake of thinking if I went out with someone new, I could be hopeful about a future without you.. The date wasn't bad, but it wasn't amazing, it didn't make me excited for a new future it just made me long for the past and mourn it more. If one person could give enough love for 2 people I certainly could. Unfortunately , I can't love enough to make you want me My heart keeps rebreaking instead of healing it's just open w salt waiting to be poured with each new milestone without you. I know contacting you makes no sense at all, might as well dump an entire container of salt and light it on fire if I was going to do that, but I'm disappointed. I have no right to be disappointed bc I shouldn't have expectation anymore, but the last few nights I have been praying for god to fill your heart with love, to know that I still love you and that you need to fight for us before you leave in 2 days.. However, of course nothing has happened and I think the most painful part is, you are probably forgetting me or have forgotten about my existence already Life can be so cruel, one person pines while the other moves on as if nothing ever happened. It completely invalidates the person who is hurting and adds another complexity to the already complex and messed up situation. I keep thinking about what you will be like when you go out with someone new, even though part of me has inklings that you already have and that's why you didn't want me.. If you haven't, I keep thinking about how you will be in bed with her stroking her cheek and holding her the way you held me, giving her love that you didn't give to me in the end.. Giving someone else everything I wanted and feeling complete while I continue to break with every person that isn't you. Because you and us were what I wanted, it wasn't enough for you. I am at a stand still and I'm unsure how to stop this from bleeding out/ getting worse. How is time supposed to make it better when it's getting worse? I wish my heart could stop loving you and forget all the memories that keep playing like a movie in my head while you create happy memories with someone new I hate feeling like this.. I want to be okay and I don't know how because I can't control this feeling. That's also one of the worst parts while I can't stop loving you, you couldn't start. Why is the universe punishing me?

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so, I am not doing nc for now, and I am not sure I want to later. when a man shows up, I will.


for now, I accept that you exist.


I struggle with all other realities about you. well struggle might be an overstatement.


if is not relevant.


I miss the part of you that never existed.


meanwhile everyone else is just so.... but I am trying. if I were to tell the truth,I still wish it could be you, except that you are not the you I imagine.


of interest... if B was W, then you are C. I'm working through my brothers. amazing. too bad I have such a big family!!

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Tonight is odd, I keep missing you but Shawn gave me a good point, why am I concerned w your happiness? Mine doesn't matter to you and the only way I will move forward is if I focus on my happiness not yours, when you love someone you become selfless and think only about that other person but you have basically died in my life so I need to start thinking about myself so I can focus . This is going to be hard.

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You're a freaking shell of a man, 3 year relationship, meeting my entire family.. talking about having kids and marriage in the future.. and freaking break up with me OVER THE PHONE. You're a c***. Oh and sleeping with me 2 days before was VERY classy too. HAVE A NICE LIFE.


(Sorry for the language)

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The part that gets to me is that you don’t even have the guts to call or see me in person. You hide behind intermittent emails. You don’t want to deal with what you left, you don’t want to deal with me, I get that. I’ve been on that side of it before. But I thought what we had warranted more than an “I need space” talk & your subsequent bolting for someone else. I don’t want you back but I don’t think I deserved that either. Ahhh but what do I know.

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Since you don't seem to get the picture Im getting sick of you. I dont want you in my life these days. Stop asking me to meet up. Look girl, I know I was just a game to you, and yes we have tried to be friends since, but you know what? I dont think you have any real respect for me. For someone who cant make up her damn mind you seem to be enjoying stringing me along, so its ultimatum time for you: **** me or stop ****ing with my head.


It's fine if you do or don't, I'd never persue a relationship with you again. In fact, I know a great lass who wants to spend time with me and is good for me. You two are kind of similar, main difference is she doesnt have the mentality of a selfish child, and she actually puts others before her, unlike you and your whims.


Last call to get anything out of your system, afterwards feel free to screw anything and everything with a pulse. Remember this though: I was nothing but supportive to you, so good luck with your depression without me, you damn traitor. Now if you excuse me I have some positive people to talk to.

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This is not getting any easier, it's really getting harder. This NC is killing me... have you even realized yet that I've blocked you? I guess you don't care, because if you did, all you had to do was e-mail me. Why are you so selfish? You hurt me numerous times by lying, then had the audacity to take another girl to that resort in my city the day after we broke up. How can you not see how cruel and disgusting that is? I don't care that you're single, it's still wrong. And is that why you wanted to break up? No matter what you say, I feel you pushed the break up so you could go with someone else, to see if the grass was greener. Then realized it wasn't, came back to me and wanted to work things out with me, but push the easy button and think I'll never find out you did that. You scumbag. Every time I miss you, I remind myself that you are sick in the head. I can't understand how someone can repeatedly lie to the face of someone they love and care about, talk about marriage and babies with... over and over without feeling disgusted when they even look themselves in the mirror. I let you get away with it several times and finally I'm standing up for myself. It's sad, because I always knew I deserved better, but my love for you kept me going. We were great aside from your untrustworthiness. But unfortunately that's enough to permanently end a relationship. You obviously don't care because you kept doing it. Why was I not good enough for you to stop lying to me? Why did you feel the need to do that? Why do you like attention from other girls? It hurts so bad that you continued this bad behavior... and now we can never be again. It kills me that you chose this, not me. I gave you enough chances and you blew it. I wish this would get easier for me already. I feel you've probably already jumped to the next girl because you can't stand to be alone, meanwhile I'm still suffering. I don't know when I'll ever trust another guy again. I don't know when I'll ever be able to put myself out there again... you've broken me, Congratulations for being the first. And hopefully for you, I will be the only one that got away. I think a part of you has already realized that, but I hope over time when you realize I'm not talking to you anymore and haven't in a while, then it will hit you. I hope it officially hits you when I've officially moved on from you.

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I miss you today.


I was there for you when you told me about your addiction to heroin and never left your side. I traveled an hour to see you everyday while you were in the hospital. All I ever did was care. This is how you repay me? You scream at me and call me names because I did something out of CARE and LOVE. You obviously didnt see it that way. I didn't do anything wrong.


You say you don't care about what happened-you're over it. So why can't you be with me? But you tell me I didn't lose you--we can still be friends. Well I can't be friends with you right now.

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Ex #1: I love you. I always have and perhaps always will. I still want you and still miss you.


Ex #2: I wish only the best for you, but I wish I had never met you. You have hurt me so deeply. I want answers, but I can't imagine there ever being anything you could say to make it any better.

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I have been feeling extremely unhappy this past week. My soon to be ex husband, cheated on me, with his married coworker. When I found out on Dec. 8, 2012, I kicked him out that day & filed for divorce in January. Well in April he attempted contact with me and I regrettably let him back in. At first it was like it was when we first started dating, he told me his new lame affair partner and her are friends. Well to make a long story short, he tried to cheat on her with me. He told me "if you ever want to get back together you have a lot to prove to me". Are you f-in high? So I blocked him from the phone and both my emails & have been in nc for a week today. I want him to know I regret losing 5 years of my life, to a man who treated me as his property, spit in my face, mentally and emotionally abused me. A man I spent 5 years trying to prove that I am good enough to be in his life. Oh yeah, forgot to mention he is a narcissist. The sun rises and sets on him. But back to my original thought process. I want him completely out of my life. I don't care if he ever has a revelation that he screwed up. The fact he cannot see the destruction he helped cause, in 2 separate families, just absolutely makes me sick & repulsed. So in closing, I am starting to finally let go of a worthless pos, and close a chapter to one of the hardest relationships I have ever been in. On to new opportunities and lessons.

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