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Everything posted by MissMetamatics

  1. I am growing stronger everyday. I realize now how I had no idea who you really are. We spent 5 years of our lives together, got married etc. And you have the capability to do what you have done, to not only me but another family. Then you befriend me again and try to cheat on your partner in crime with me? Well who wouldve thought youd cheat on the girl you cheated on me with? thats amazing!!! I guess if you cannot trust the person you starting a relationship, based on lies and deception, then who can you trust? Well I really hope you enjoyed the month of April and the first part of May. Because it'll never happen again. You will not receive my friendship, love, a stick of gum, a ride to your truck etc etc etc. And be happy I am not vindictive. Nope, ill let life catch up with you. You screwed me over worse then anyone in my 32 years of life. And I really hope something will happen to take you off that soapbox you preach on. You need to be given a serious dose of karma kicking your ass. And I hope when it happens, I won't care anymore. Piss off!
  2. I have been feeling extremely unhappy this past week. My soon to be ex husband, cheated on me, with his married coworker. When I found out on Dec. 8, 2012, I kicked him out that day & filed for divorce in January. Well in April he attempted contact with me and I regrettably let him back in. At first it was like it was when we first started dating, he told me his new lame affair partner and her are friends. Well to make a long story short, he tried to cheat on her with me. He told me "if you ever want to get back together you have a lot to prove to me". Are you f-in high? So I blocked him from the phone and both my emails & have been in nc for a week today. I want him to know I regret losing 5 years of my life, to a man who treated me as his property, spit in my face, mentally and emotionally abused me. A man I spent 5 years trying to prove that I am good enough to be in his life. Oh yeah, forgot to mention he is a narcissist. The sun rises and sets on him. But back to my original thought process. I want him completely out of my life. I don't care if he ever has a revelation that he screwed up. The fact he cannot see the destruction he helped cause, in 2 separate families, just absolutely makes me sick & repulsed. So in closing, I am starting to finally let go of a worthless pos, and close a chapter to one of the hardest relationships I have ever been in. On to new opportunities and lessons.
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