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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Probably just PMSing but I've been feeling weird the past few days. I was so proud of myself from last weekend and not paying you attention...now it's grating on my nerves a little that maybe I was immature about it. And it's kinda grating on my nerves that YOU ignored me. I guess I did kinda think you would come up to me...but you didn't. And it kinda bothered me a little as much as I tried to pretend it didn't. It's def better that way though.

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I wish I could stop looking at his profile anonymously! Curiously he doesn't seem to have updated it at all which means that someone else might get the shock that I did one day .... I know I am spying and I need to leave well alone. I know that one day I will, but for now I just can't - I'm trying to search for some meaning in a load of confusion, pain and hurt.


He never disabled his account, but of the 6 months we were together, he had no internet access at home for 4 of those months. And I know he never logged on there when we were together (cos I did check that when we broke up!). He had other accounts though, not on paid for sites, but on domme / slave / bdsm sites that I knew nothing about.


Your situation sounds quite similar to mine .... breaking up because of an addiction? I don't want to hijack this thread, but if you ever want to chat further sometime then do feel free to PM me.

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If I hadn't * * * * ed everything up we could be happily on our way to 3 years now and the envy of everyone else because we were so happy and comfortable together. I'm sorry I was immature, I wish I could stop feeling guilty about it but I think its destroying me and there is nothing I can do to make it better between us. I ruined things completely. But you are fine and that hurts me even more. I wasn't special to you, you've just gone and had exactly the same relationship just with a different girl. that hurts me so so much. I wish we could be together and I wish I could tell you how I feel without being shot down and humiliated.

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i wish i could say that i hate you.. yeah i can but i know i wont mean it. Cause i know that i only want to say it because im hurting, hurting that you are now happy with someone else not me. i hope all is going well and that someday i find it in my heart to be truly happy for you. without the jealousy and thinking "what if's".. i had that chance and didnt go well.


i know ill get over this, no matter how bad im hurting now. and when the day comes for me to be really ok i know you'll be wishing me well.

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I wish I was with you. I miss how we both woke up together in the mornings and cuddled together. I wish you would've told me that you were starting to fall out of love. We could've fought together to keep us alive. But you decided selfishly to not let me know and to battle your feelings alone. I broke NC because a couple of days ago because I felt you thought you were unsure like last time and that you would come back to apologizing again; that we can work things out together.I still have so much hope you'd come back, when everyone of mine and your friends told me it's not going to happen. Maybe you need time to yourself, maybe your feelings are just a fleeting moment. This hope is killing me and I know the only way to full let go is to abandon all hope. Right now it's impossible. I wish you never left me like this you bastard! I feel so alone without you. The only thing I can do is work on myself and try my hardest to forcefully move on...If you were truly mine, you'd call and come back to me like before. If not then you were never mine to begin with...

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I don't want you to call me up randomly and tell me about your work, who and where your going to eat with. I don't want to know what's happening in your life. We decided to break up which means we decided to not involve each other in our lives anymore. Stay away from me, I feel sad every time after we talk. Let me heal.

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It kind of bothers me that some of my friends are friends with you. I saw a pic from Mem day weekend my friend took with you. It's what ever, and obviously I can't control who people are friends with...especially when they are just friends in passing more so then close friends...still kinda irks me a little. I finally got a chance to talk to my best friend yesterday about seeing you last weekend and she was surprised you ignored me. I tried to tell her I basically ignored YOU....but she was like 'Yeah but he could have said hi to you. What a jerk' I guess I didn't see it like that....I guess she was surprised since in March we were on friendly terms again with me even going to see you for a bit. Arg idk, this whole seeing you, ignoring you thing....I guess it's irked me more then I thought. At first I was SO proud of myself, but now I'm kind of left unsettled by it. Like it wasn't right. IDK....should just let it go. But why do I have the urge to talk to you about this? Worst idea. I just got a new phone number that you don't know. That's a blessing in and of itself so I don't always have to wonder 'I wonder if one day he'll text me' because there is no way for him to. I should just STOP this...hopefully it's just a weird phase and passes in a bit- it usually does.

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F*ck you. Leave me alone. I am not yours anymore and I do not need your approval for anything I am doing. I am doing these things for me and I am a much better person without you so don't you dare try and steal my happiness back. All you ever did towards the end was suck all of my energy and happiness, don't do it again!


I was in a place where I could think fondly of you and could respect the decision you made. Now I hate you again.

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My every thought is consumed with you. The pain is unbearable. How could you betray me? You have robbed me of my self esteem and my dignity. Death has to feel better than this. I would do anything to erase you from my memories. I'm not even alive. I feel like a zombie. Just going thru the notions of everyday life. Every second I want to cry. Curse you for doing this to me. I can't bear this pain much longer. Drastic measures will have to be taken if I don't get better soon.

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I'm doing okay, keeping busy and do hope that you're well. Glad to hear that your mom is doing well.


That said, I have to tell you that despite the fact that it's been almost exactly a year since we last saw each other, it is still much too soon for us to be 'just friends.' I hope that that is possible one day, but right now it is not. I still miss you and what we once had. My emotions are still quite raw, though not as much as before. I wish it was easy for me to let go and move on, that I could just engage in superficial chit-chat with you and be your buddy but I can't. More power to you if you've been able to move on, date other men and generally enjoy your new life. I'm still haunted by the memory of us. The hurt, anger, frustration and sadness that remain within me continue to be dredged up every time I hear from you. I have to ask you why you continue to contact me out of the blue? What are you trying to achieve? If you want to rekindle some kind of post-relationship platonic friendship, it is much too soon. I need more time and you will have to respect that if you value my future friendship. If you miss me, then just come out and say it. If you want some kind of indirect reassurance that everything's okay through casual emails, well, I can't provide that to you because it's not okay. If you're going to contact me, be direct with me and tell me what is on your mind.


Here's the thing. Unless you have something meaningful to say to me other than these routine status updates on family, cats, etc., then I have to ask you to respect my request for space. Every time you've broken no contact, you have told me you'd respect it and then you break it again. I know you probably mean well and are just trying to reach out, but it reopens the wound every time. If you're feeling a bit down and are looking for some of my familiar support, then as you've told me before, I can't be your go-to person anymore. Leave me alone and let me heal. You're being selfish, contacting me when you want to. If I contacted you when you didn't want me to, you would tell me we have to maintain boundaries. I guess your boundaries are to be respected while mine are to be broken.


P.S. As of last weekend, you're no longer the last woman I've kissed.

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Day ?


A friend of mine from college contacted me today. We talked for about an hour about what we were doing for the summer, changing our majors, and some how we began to talk about my ex. He told me that my ex still hasn't found another job (it's been 3 months and how the girl he left me for use to yell and cuss him out in front of his friends and would treat him badly. He says he hates guys like my ex (called him "lazy" and said he isn't doing anything with life except feeding his pipe dream) and is cutting him off.


I can honestly say, that after almost 4 and a half months post break up, I neither felt happy nor sad for him and his situation. It is unfortunate but he hasn't been doing anything to change it and after my friend told me a few more things that had been going on, I'm beginning to realize how delusional he is. He is a narcissistic bum who expects everything handed to him on a silver platter and expects any and every girl to fall all over him. I hope one day he takes those rose colored glasses off.

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Ok, so this morning I saw you online on OkC. And being the sad stalker type I am, I quickly logged into your account too. I wondered if you were reminiscing over the good times we had meeting on there. But clearly not. You've been getting back into the dating scene again. It's TWO WEEKS since we split up ffs, and ONE WEEK since we last talked and you said I may have been the love of your life.


Clearly, you're not devastated about this then are you? Clearly all the nice words were really just lies. I obviously didn't mean that much to you. But haha, you haven't got any messages back yet then And if you're really that type of guy that can move on so quickly and be so fake then I'm glad I'm not with you anymore.

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I'm so confused. I hate this feeling. The pain, the sadness, the loss. Everything. And now that I'm back home, every time I pass by every place I see you, I see us. But now they're just memories. We don't exist anymore. My heart is broken to pieces. I feel like a ghost, walking by each place like I don't even exist in it. It's sad, it's terrifying. No words can describe the emptiness in my heart now.

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I was surprised to get your emails. I can't respond because I've realized, that I don't want this crazy relationship to continue. You may hide behind wanting to return my stuff.... o yeah, you care so much that you return my stuff. Maybe you should have cared half as much about my feelings. You do hurtful things and hide behind "Im an ass", or "There's no good way to break up" But here's a newflash, there are kind ways of doing things because you care about the person and their feelings. BUt you are selfish and only want what you want, when you want it.


So i won't ease your guilt, I won't let you be the "good guy" that wants to return my stuff. f off... truly.

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