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I just wanted to let you know that I'm not sitting around sulking all day. I'm having friends over on Friday night and cooking them dinner. You never let me cook for you. You probably thought I didn't know how. You were always trying to teach me the "right" way to do everything. You couldn't turn the teacher off. You probably thought you were being helpful, but it comes off as controlling. Does it ever occur to you that sometimes people want to do things their own way, even if they mess up? Maybe they just want to figure things out for themselves instead of just looking at the answer key?

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I think I saw you today, and my lack of dating success is getting to me. We got into a relationship, and you were my first everything, so I have to start over again.


I thought about what I didn't like about you today, such as how you treat those who are close to you, how you use people for an ego boost.


Regardless, there are times when I wish all of our plans for this year panned out.


Going to a wedding this weekend, hopefully I'll meet someone there who'll let me forget about you.


I'm angry and pissed that I allowed me to lose myself in you, and that you seemed to enjoy it at first. It's been SO damn hard to get back to where I was.


It comforts me to know that I'll find someone who loves me so much, maybe not soon, but I will.

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There is only one word for you and that is * * * * * * * ..... why me? Out of everyone you could have treated so poorly, you chose me.... ur friend of 3yrs. Your a * * * * * !


i hear ya

I know exactly how you feel.

Even after all the anger and pain is gone i still wonder, why on earth me?


Dont drag yourself down as it seems your in a similar world of hurt that im either at or have been to in the past few years.

You sound like a good person, thats why your thinking 'why me', those dealing out the pain would never feel that.

They clearly have no compassion or respect, how sad for them.

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I hope one day you come to realise how much hurt you put me through, how much pain you actually caused me. I dont honestly believe you have any idea at all as it seems youve never been able to show remorse, which tells me that all you did you have justified to yourself and therefore do not feel as though you did any wrong. Im sure one day you will realise that this wasnt just a mistake or just the way it had to be, it was a choice made by you to do what you did. It didnt 'just happen', you made it happen, you stupidly put yourself in a position that you knew was going to hurt me, you and destroy our family. Maybe it was your age, maybe you had deeper issues than i ever really knew about or maybe it was something i did that made you hate me, either way what you did was hurtful, disrespectful, undignified, selfish and cold.

Well for me, i see youve lost something really special in me and the relationship we had. The relationship for me was amazing, the friendship we had was close, the fun we had, the laughs were constant, the sex was always powerful, sensual and loving, it seemed like we had a mutual respect for each others love and each others lives. No pressure on each other reguarding how fast or slow we went with our relationship, the ability to talk about having a child and making that conscious decision to make that next step in our lives. We really did, have it all.

Like most relationships things get a little opinionated at times but thats about growing together and learning to love each other for who we are and being able to find a medium and dealing with lifes issues, not running away from them.

In me, youve lost a great and loving person, i would of loved you for eternity had you given me your heart in the way i gave you mine, youve lost an amazing oppurtinity to live life as a family together, youve lost the chance to see me become the father that i am. You lost everything good in your life is the way i see it. maybe you dont see it the way i do but i know my worth in this life and that im worth more than the way you treated me.

I think its to late for me to even accept any kind of apology from you and offer you forgivness as its been so long and in that time not once have you reached out to me and offered me an apology, an explanation or words of sorrow, this leaves more pain inside me to think that either you feel you have nothing to be sorry about or that you have to much pride and wish not to accept your mistakes.

What i do know is that i have to leave you to live your life and if you ever feel you have an unfinished chapter in your life to attend to then you will either drop your pride and attend to it or you will be thankful ive walked away from you so you dont have to deal with such things.

The last thing in my life i ever wanted to do was treat the person i love like she never existed but i know for us both to be happy then that is the only way forward.

Youve made your decision to be out of my life and now its time i honour that, youve made it clear you will spending the rest of your life with someone other than me so i have no reason to be in your life any longer, i did have hope but i didnt cling to it, i just had it. That hope is now all gone and know i was just in the friendship for no other reason than i still loved you, thats not fair to me, thats not fair to you. So as much as it hurts i know we are better are off not having any more contact with each other in this life time. If our past cannot ever be given closure then please do not ever contact me again as by me doing this, this will be my closure. So if you dont have it in you to give your own closure to the situation after having time to think about it, then please, let this be the closure in our lives. Im not angry anymore and accepted you did what you did and as time has gone by the anger and bitterness have died within me, what was left after that was the love i felt for you, i didnt ask for that to happen and didnt know it would happen after all the dust had settled but thats the truth. Im left with a love i know i can do nothing with as the person that love is felt for feels no love back for me.

It just makes sense for all concerned that if the past if left as the past then we all move on from it and allow each other to live our own lives.


I hope you found all you was looking for in life and it makes you happy, if not then i hope one day soon you will find your happiness


Take care

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The more time I have to think I only see one thing...... your pathetic, you even know your pathetic. Your insecurities make you hurt everyone around you and then you wonder why you can't find happiness when you put the blame on everyone else.


I knew you were down and out and with my caring heart and hand I tried to help you, I gave you everything you asked and you shat all over me.


Well guess what my friend, I am moving on and one day you will see a beautiful lady infront of you and you wont be able to have her!

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Go stick a bunch of * * * * * inside you, you'll feel better for a while. You are seriously messed up.


It's not MY FAULT you are failing at school, it's the fact you don't put the work in. You sit around at home sleeping in, playing video games and smoking pot while I'm at work and then you tell me how hard your damn life is? It's not my damn fault you are LAZY. It's not my fault that you TWIST everything I say to make it look like I am being a bad boyfriend. You have even admitted to me that you purposely mind * * * * all of your boyfriends to gain control of a relationship. You have admitted you are a bad girlfriend. So STOP telling me that I am the cause of all our problems. ARE YOU * * * * ING SERIOUS? GET THE * * * * OFF MY BACK


OK so I talk about my parents with you, say I feel bad because I haven't been seeing them as often lately. You tell me "I would never stand in the way of you and your family, you should go see them". So I go around there on wednesday night for 3 hours and you tell me that you want to break up because you can't handle waiting around for 3 hours? YOU GOD DAMN CHILD.


By the way, your classes are not difficult. I have probably read more of your study material and textbooks than you have. Your course is DESIGNED TO MAKE YOU PASS if you just attend your classes, which you're too lazy to even do. I take 2 hours out of my day to help you with an online test you are taking, and you end up screaming at me that "I can't do this, I give up". How can you be so weak willed? How can you even THINK about yelling at me because you knew one of the answers I chose was wrong? FYI: I AM NOT EVEN ENROLLED IN PSYCHOLOGY AND HAVE NEVER TAKEN A PAPER ON IT IN MY LIFE. I WAS ONLY TRYING TO HELP.


I don't give a crap if you fail anymore. You call my parents bad people because they don't give me money for nothing, while your parents are such AMAZING people because they'll send you money so you can buy whatever you want, pay for your rent and school. Then they "piss you off" because they drug test you while they pay TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for you to goto school? Newsflash: my parents are not bad people. They have instilled work ethic in me by not giving me handouts while I sit around doing nothing. I COMPLETELY RESPECT the fact that they have never given me a dollar I didnt earn. They might be a little messed up but that does not make them bad people. And I don't "tolerate them" because I love them, I LOVE THEM AND ACCEPT THEM FOR WHO THEY ARE. Something you don't seem to understand. Love to you is a bunch of handouts and someone licking your vagina while talking about what an amazing person you are.


YOU ARE GOING TO CRASH AND BURN AND I WONT BE THERE TO SAVE YOU. Go get another * * * * ing loser boyfriend like your last few. Hmmm, will it be the guy who works a weekend job as a waiter and lives with his parents? Will it be the drugged out guy who sells you weed and then starts * * * * ing your flatmate while you live there? Will it be the psycho who stalked you for 6 months after you cheated on him? You leave a storm of * * * * everywhere you go. I don't even understand why I love you. There are so many things I hate about you but they all stem from the fact you are SO HORRIBLE TO ME




I seriously wish I had the nerve to say all of this to her.

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Love to you is a bunch of handouts and someone licking your vagina while talking about what an amazing person you are.


Dayum. LOL. I know you dont mean that to be funny, but that's funny.


Go stick a bunch of * * * * * inside you, you'll feel better for a while. You are seriously messed up.


It's not MY FAULT you are failing at school, it's the fact you don't put the work in. You sit around at home sleeping in, playing video games and smoking pot while I'm at work and then you tell me how hard your damn life is? It's not my damn fault you are LAZY. It's not my fault that you TWIST everything I say to make it look like I am being a bad boyfriend. You have even admitted to me that you purposely mind * * * * all of your boyfriends to gain control of a relationship. You have admitted you are a bad girlfriend. So STOP telling me that I am the cause of all our problems. ARE YOU * * * * ING SERIOUS? GET THE * * * * OFF MY BACK


OK so I talk about my parents with you, say I feel bad because I haven't been seeing them as often lately. You tell me "I would never stand in the way of you and your family, you should go see them". So I go around there on wednesday night for 3 hours and you tell me that you want to break up because you can't handle waiting around for 3 hours? YOU GOD DAMN CHILD.


By the way, your classes are not difficult. I have probably read more of your study material and textbooks than you have. Your course is DESIGNED TO MAKE YOU PASS if you just attend your classes, which you're too lazy to even do. I take 2 hours out of my day to help you with an online test you are taking, and you end up screaming at me that "I can't do this, I give up". How can you be so weak willed? How can you even THINK about yelling at me because you knew one of the answers I chose was wrong? FYI: I AM NOT EVEN ENROLLED IN PSYCHOLOGY AND HAVE NEVER TAKEN A PAPER ON IT IN MY LIFE. I WAS ONLY TRYING TO HELP.


I don't give a crap if you fail anymore. You call my parents bad people because they don't give me money for nothing, while your parents are such AMAZING people because they'll send you money so you can buy whatever you want, pay for your rent and school. Then they "piss you off" because they drug test you while they pay TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for you to goto school? Newsflash: my parents are not bad people. They have instilled work ethic in me by not giving me handouts while I sit around doing nothing. I COMPLETELY RESPECT the fact that they have never given me a dollar I didnt earn. They might be a little messed up but that does not make them bad people. And I don't "tolerate them" because I love them, I LOVE THEM AND ACCEPT THEM FOR WHO THEY ARE. Something you don't seem to understand. Love to you is a bunch of handouts and someone licking your vagina while talking about what an amazing person you are.


YOU ARE GOING TO CRASH AND BURN AND I WONT BE THERE TO SAVE YOU. Go get another * * * * ing loser boyfriend like your last few. Hmmm, will it be the guy who works a weekend job as a waiter and lives with his parents? Will it be the drugged out guy who sells you weed and then starts * * * * ing your flatmate while you live there? Will it be the psycho who stalked you for 6 months after you cheated on him? You leave a storm of * * * * everywhere you go. I don't even understand why I love you. There are so many things I hate about you but they all stem from the fact you are SO HORRIBLE TO ME




I seriously wish I had the nerve to say all of this to her.

Dude, you've been taking it in the ass for a long time. This break up was the best thing that could've happened for you. You deserve so much more than this girl^

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It's got to bother you deep down inside, even just a tiny bit. I know that even though you don't give a hoot about me anymore, you still want everyone in the room to worship you, and I bet there's a small part of you that is bothered that someone isn't paying attention to you.


And you take everything so damn personally. All of your friends moving away because they can't find jobs in the area doesn't mean they hate you. It means times are rough and that their lives don't revolve around you. And you know what's funny? My life did revolve around you, and I know hers doesn't, so why the hell did you leave me for her?


You're this sickening oxymoron of wanting attention but also wanting to be treated like crap. Maybe it's the chase. You had already completed your quest to conquer me, but she was still out there roaming around free. She's more exciting, isn't she? Did you miss that? Did you miss the way she wouldn't even hug you when she picked you up from the airport after not seeing you for three months when you two were dating the first time? Did you miss how she didn't get a Skype even when you were 5,000 miles away for three months but suddenly got one and added you the day after we made our relationship public knowledge?


And I know she's coming back from Africa to visit this Sunday, and there's this dirty little part of me that prays to God that she'll rip your heart out again and leave you high and dry. Even if you don't come crawling back to me, maybe then you would finally finally finally figure out how to be satisfied with yourself and your life without depending on other people for temporary highs.


And I hope that one day you realize what you had and what you threw away. Everyone- my friends, your friends, your family- said I treated you too damn well, that you didn't deserve a girl like me.


I know in my head that I deserve better. I just wish I could convince my heart to stop hurting like this.


And I'm so scared that she did change. I'm scared that you two will get married and live happily ever after. I scared that even though I had the best intentions and tried so, so hard, I'm going to finish last. I'm scared that life isn't fair and that no one gets what they deserve, good or bad, and that people never learn their lessons and that the people who work hard for something don't always get it.


Maybe that's the real reason I can barely get out of bed in the morning: not because I miss waking up next to you but because I'm afraid that hard work and good intentions will still leave me empty-handed and alone at the end of the day.

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I've not heard from you for over a week. damn i miss you so much. i hate living with my flatmate. she is like a grandma and doesnt speak to me. she only speaks to the cat. all i want is to speak to you. to chat about nothing in particular. to get ready for winter together. last year was so different. it was perfect. i wish i realised then what i should have done to keep you. i remember thinknig to myself last year, what a good thing i had with you and to not screw it up. but it still happened. i hate it. i want us to rewind. please can we rewind?? i want to go back a year. it was perfect. now life is hell. i just want to disappear.

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i hope your having a good night with your kids, i miss friday night dinner with you and the kids, even with the slamming doors and 3 cranky teenagers

im sitting on the couch we used to cuddle up on and ordered a pizza, so its movie night with my daughter listening to the rain and thinking of you

i just need to stay strong, the reasons are still there and i need to remember that, im still not a priority to you, maybe one day you will realise that i deserve to be and see that i was the best thing that happened to you

you wont find some one who will love and support you as much as i have , you were given it all freely with no conditions but unconditionally

i hope you relaise this before ive had enough heartache

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I don't know how I'm suppose to feel now. Your mom emailing me brought up some emotion in me....I have missed her, but I know staying in contact with her is no good for me. No good for her either. Neither of us will get anything out of it. I don't know what she wished to accomplish by emailing me. I wanted to be honest with her because I DO miss her....but I think I opened a can of worms. It makes me really sad that she misses me more then you. Her saying 'You were a big part of my life and i can't let that go. I miss you a lot' stabs in in the gut. Your mom misses me and you could probably care less. Wow. I don't even know what to say to that! Being in touch with her at all is bad because I know she will bring you up. She already did. You need surgery?? As much as part of me may be angry with you I don't want that for you. I do hope that your okay, it makes me sad to think of you in pain or anything. I wish I could turn that 'care' switch off in my mind but I can't. I may not want you to be happy, or with anyone but I don't want you injured. I'm NOT that cruel. I wonder what your going through now, if you go through surgery will you think of me? Will you wish I was there for you like I was the last time you had surgery? I waited on you hand and foot, cooked all your meals, took care of you. Read to you when you were sick and dopped up on pain meds. I know you never forgot that because you brought it up once months later....I wonder if you'll wish I was there to do those things now. Because even if you have a new girl by your side I KNOW she will never do those things for you. Not like I did.


I think that's part of it too. I think your mom realizes how amazing of a girl I was for you. I think she realizes that you will never find better....I hope you realize that too. Everytime she emails me she says 'Your a good girl' she said it again this time. I guess she hasn't been happy with the girls you've dated since me. I just don't even know what to say to her email. She wants to call me and talk. I know I shouldn't get any sort of emotions up and think 'maybe this can lead to something' because it has nothing to do with you. She doesn't want you knowing we are in touch. That kinda huts a bit, because I bet you don't want me anywhere near your life or your family. Of course not....because I am not a part of either....which should be reason enough for me to stay away. I'm so confused. I also feel guilty talking to her, knowing your birthday was a few weeks ago and I didn't say anything to you. She said 'Please keep this between you and me' does she actually think you and I still talk or something??? Maybe.


I'm confused....idk what to say here. Part of me has been thinking of messaging you a belated happy birthday message....probably a bad idea. Still your on my mind, but I refuse to make myself look dumb because we left things so strange. The ball was literally in your court. If you wanted to talk to me, reach out you knew how and you haven't....in 4 months. Safe to say you won't. Your mom even asked me 'Are you happy' in her email. Loaded question. That was the question I asked you the last time we spoke. I don't know how to answer it....I should probably lie...

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i shouldnt have texted you the other day. i thought i would be ok with it. in a sense i am, because our conversation showed me you really do not care about me any more. it is so hurtful because even though i messed up i do care about you. you said you thought i didnt want to have anything to do with you, in a sense that is true. if we cant fix this then i want nothing to do with you. i asked you plenty of times for us to fix it and you said no each time, i never thought i would feel like this....but im glad you showed you dont care about me in the slightest.

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Thank you! I think a combination of god and memory of you pushed me into the direction I've been longing to go in but didn't actually move in until this morning. It all started yesterday, I have been sort of talking to this guy Matt who reminds me of you. He's 28 and owns a successful business (drives a lambo, speaks well, persuasive suave but sweet or so I thought like you) turns out he isn't so sweet. He lied to me and then said all of these hurtful things about me as a person almost a personal attack. Then it made me miss you more because it made me see again how no guy completely compares to you because no guy will be you. You would never personally attack me, even in the most heated of fights when you could have brutally bruised my ego you didn't. Then I posted here, but I'm finally at the stage where I can make connections logically. You really want nothing to do with a relationship with me and I can't change that. You don't think about me the way I have been thinking about you and it's time to stop. I want to stop. So I go to bed and have this dream about a spider attacking me and I'm going into anaphlactic shock and my brother is taking me to the hospital. I woke up and I realized "this is the first dream I've had that's been just about me in so long". I keep saying I want to nurture myself but am I really doing it? Yeah, I'm still single and I'm doing my school work finally getting a's but what about the rest? I'm still trying to fill holes w other people. It's like I want someone else to show me the things I want to learn instead of doing them myself. So this is the part where you come in, I thought about advice you were tryig to give me when my world was in shambles complete shambles. You said write on a mirror or get a whiteboard. for some reason I know this is the key element I'm missing. Starting my day off correctly. Visualizing my goals and putting them into action with positive reinforcement. I rber yours was "today is a great day. I feel great. My attitude is perfect" I said that to myself today and guess what? I'm up at 830 going for a run and doing homework and it feels good. I think I will change the positivity quotes up every day but it really helped so thanks. I'm also going to learn a new word every day and finally learn to paint. I really do admire who you are. I think you are a perfect mix of an acty good hearted person and that killer instinct needed for success. I'm starting to just miss talking to you and listening to the things you say. This is progress. And it feels great.

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