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Today is one of our would be anniversaries and I dk why it hurts infinitely more than yesterday but it does. I want to cry and cry and even when I feel like I can't anymore, it keeps coming. I feel so abandoned and our future is not mine anymore for some reason I can't accept it's not. I wish I could slap myself and remember it's over before I wake up so I don't have to feel this. It's honestly unbearable today. I just want you to hold me and tell me everything okay like you used to and knowing it isnt, that you can't give me that release and I don't want it from anyone else breaks me. I am so mad at you for all you've done, putting my health at risk bcu think u know better than I do, never putting me first or making me feel special and yet all I want is for you to hold me. Love is sick and twisted I feel like an eminem song.

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I'm having a tough time today for some reason. I wanna call you and see how you are. I want you to call me to see how I am. I wanna know what you're up to in your life again. I know you're not just going to work and sitting at home. I know you have to be hanging out with somebody...talking to someone. I miss that that someone was me at one point. I can't believe I'm still not over this....our relationship was short and it's been almost a year since things went south. I feel like it almost never had the chance to get going. I haven’t seen you since August, haven't talked to you since early December and havn't gotten a text since Christmas. We never really talked about what happened and why. I really thought we had something....A connection to build on. I saw so much beauty in you, inside and out, and I would have worked through any issues if you woulda clued me in to your thoughts. What were you scared of? Were you even into me at all? I can't be crazy because I felt that connection and you can't tell me nothing was there for you because I would know that you are lying, unless maybe the whole thing was a lie. I hate feeling this way. I’ve started to do better this year, going back to the gym....looking for a better career. It's just been tough moving on to what seems like nothing. I mean I tried dating another girl but I couldn't get past how much better I thought you were even if you weren't. I had to break it off with her to spare her the eventual heartache because she really liked me. I guess I'll just keep trying. I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for in life. I know things were tough for you growing up and now with your mom gone and grandma getting older things probably seem darker than they ever were. All I can say is that no one will ever be able to fix what is broken inside but you. I would have supported you in any way possible, but in the end, only you can make you feel better. I still hope to hear from you, as a friend I will never turn you down if you ever needed any help, as I would never turn down any of my friends. I just need to move on from this experience and hope for something better with the next girl I fall in love with.


Wow! That was a rant! I feel…..well a little better anyway.

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I dreamt about you last night. In the dream, I kept evading you bc you were out for blood. It was a long dream, and was too vivid for comfort.

I remember flying (albeit not well) to get away from you, and running. In ended with you finding me and you cutting me.

I was terrified. This effing sucks. Get out of my dreams. Why do these dreams recently involving you always end up with you looking to physically harm me?

I wish I could just get over you. I don't want to think about you anymore. Get out of my heart. I hate what you've done to me. I feel sorry for the next person that I get into a relationship with bc they will need to deal with my trust issues.

Wow. Have you screwed my trust in people completely.

Thank you T. Thanks for destroying me.

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I dreamt about you again last night...2 nights in a row. I wonder if I'll dream about you again tonight. Last night's dream...we were dancing. You told me you loved me. I told you not to say that, that it would only hurt me. Then you tried to kiss me. And I wouldn't let you. I am trying so hard, even in my dreams, to be okay without you. And I am. My dreams might not go away, but I'll be fine either way.

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These mixed signals are REALLY killing me! Its been a week since we spoke- YOU were the one who contacted ME!!! I don't understand! You gave me all this hope last week- I had all but given up on thinking you would contact me. It had been days and you all but told me to back off. You were cold and unresponsive...and then you contacted me- you said you were sorry for being distant- you all but begged me to talk on the phone! And we spoke for HOURS and you YOU were the one who said you wanted to try again, that you missed me that we had something special and when I said 'Yes we did have something special' you said 'I still think we have something special' and that you would 'always choose me over any other girl' it was such a great talk- I felt like we were going somewhere and then BAM you retreated again!!!! You ignored me- hardly even wished me Happy Birthday on Friday, didn't return ANY of my texts. I'm SO confused???!!!!??


Was it all a lie? Did you pitty me?? Did you say that to me to keep me strung along? I don'tt UNDERSTAND!!! If you've moved on I wish you would tell me! But you didn't seem that way when we spoke last week- you still seemed interested, like you REALLY missed me!! but then disappeared on me! I'm SO confused! And hurt and frustrated!! But I vowed to myself that I will do what I was doing before you contacted me last week. NO more contact from me. If you want to talk to me you know how to reach me....but I will NOT contact you. Maybe your waiting for ME to initiate? But that can't be it....because the last few times I have you've blown me off. I don't understand. If your not interested, have someone else- what ever I wish you would just tell me.


This sucks I'm so confused!

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Oh my gosh. I feel like relapsing and sending you a text message or a simple email saying "hi, how are you doing?"


Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.


But i miss you. I miss talking to you. And listening to your silly stories. Hearing your voice.

Will you be a bit more of this and that & a bit less of that and this in your future relationship?

I'm doing my best to feel good.

But right now, I just can't seem to STOP thinking of YOU.



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I also relapsed today. I contacted you by looking for an excuse.. You called me and my heart sunk. But the conversation helped me see how much you don't care about my feelings and how much you don't listen to me. You will always put yourself first. Whats the point of a future where I come last? I told you I'm sorry for texting and goodbye. I just hope I can get some strength to stick to that and heal.

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So I checked your social networking pages. You haven't updated anything, but I'm not surprised. Too busy with the gf? Whatever. You guys are perfect together. I checked it out of habit, not because I want to get back together with you.


I don't think about you that much anymore... except for those times when I consider how much you've cheated and betrayed me. Mostly they are just fleeting moments of "what a jerk" and those kinds of thoughts. Awesome, huh? I bet you didn't know that I had this ability to transform myself to this degree. Yeah, it's a hidden talent.


You didn't think that I could change, could you? You thought I'd be stuck there forever and you never even wanted to give me a chance. Ha! Now I've proven you wrong. I've done so many things... SO MANY. And what have YOU done? Sleep around some more? Sleep around with an older woman? Wow, what an achievement. I'm so proud of you -- you're a winner.


I realise now that it was all just an excuse for you to leave me, because you were bored with me and our relationship in general. That's okay. There's gotta be someone out there who can see clearly and can see what an amazing girl I am.


I acknowledge that the relationship had gone stale and had stagnated. That wasn't all my fault though -- you are partly to blame. You were just as boring as I was. You were flatter than month-old coke.


I am capable of change. At least I can say that about myself. What can you say about yourself after all this? That you're a playboy? That you will date older women who aren't even very attractive merely because they have a vagina? That you are "mature" and "capable of long-term relationships"? What are you trying to prove with this older lady stuff?!?! Don't lie and try to tell me that you are genuinely ~into~ her, lol. Full of crap, you are. You have a problem. And you're cheap. What was that bullcrap you used to feed me, oh, that you didn't do one-night-stands often? LOL. So full of denial and BS.


You are in the same place you were before I met you. Me? I've taken a fast train out of where I used to be.


I am so much better than you and you will NEVER have me.

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Why do you seem to be rubbing my nose in the fact you are so happy with the new gf???? I hope she is worth it....

You have lost your home and you have started to lose your daughter.... she doesn't ask for you any more, let alone talk about you!!! Shes moving on and I wish I could....


You utter saddo

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Dear ex,


I am sorry we couldn't be friends when you tried the other day, as I explained, I do love you too much and it hurts to talk to you and the days in between not talking to you kill me. I wish so much I hadn't tried to contact you initially when we broke up. I wish I kept strong.. But I knew you wouldn't write to me and if you did it would be vague and you'd never tell me what you're thinking because I know you find it hard.


I just wish so much that you'd find the words, tell me everything. I feel like I meant nothing to you this entire time, even though you assured me I did, and I believe you. I want so much to move on from you, but I am so afraid that I will stop loving you and you'll come back to me eventually and I'll have nothing left to give you, then conflict those thoughts with the fact that I know you won't write or come back.


I want to just get over you. It took me 3 months to get as far as I did and when you wrote, it set me back to the beginning again. I know you're happy and I'm happy you're happy. I am glad you're having a good time with your/our friends. I wish I could be a part of it, but I just can't do it to myself. It hurts me so much.


Just... why can't you write to me like I did to you? I know you keep it inside, I just wish, for me, you wouldn't. I hope I'm not stuck on you for much longer. I hope I don't think about you forever. I have so much love to give to someone and I hope the person I find will deserve it.


People say that if someone wants to be with you, they'll move heaven and Earth to be with you and you won't even tell me what you think. It's okay though, I do understand. Like I said, I'm happy for you. I just wish I was happy too. I wish I could stop thinking about you every day and stop feeling the way I do right now.


I wish I would stop feeling anger and resent towards you for leaving me questioning everything like this. I want to only be happy for you. I love you so much but I hope I won't always. I really can't go through life feeling this jaded towards everything. I asked you never to contact me again. I regret it so much but I know it's for the best for me. I really just want to get happy again.


I love you.

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I used to be so in love with you. I used to think we were perfect for eachother in every way. But being as you've stuck around through the years, after breaking my heart, well it's opened my eyes. You aren't the guy I fell in love with anymore, you haven't been for quite some time. You're pathetic and needy and so very insecure that you always have to be in a relationship in order to feel whole. You've jumped from relationship to relationship since me, all of which were short term. This relationship you're in now will most likely fail, just like all the rest....and if that's the case, I can expect you to come running back to me like all those other times before. You're a loser, who's too afraid to admit that I was the best you ever had...too afraid to admit that you still have feelings for me....and well, you're not worth my time, tears or wasted efforts no more. I don't ever want to see or speak to you again. So don't even try to call/text/message me, for I will not answer anymore. You had 3 years to fix things with me...3 years that you decided to waste by playing head games with me. Well, thanks for that. Cause had I not seen what a self centered ass you truly are, I probably would have never gotten over you. With that said, Goodbye.

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Hey. Met someone new so if all goes as planned you are going to have to stop randomly trying to show up in my life for a week or so. It feels good to say I am close to moving on. I also like knowing the d-bag you are dating is a real POS. You really screwed that one up. But everyone saw that coming so it should be of no surprise. Haha.

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1 yr of dating I feel it was all lies. U told me u wanted to marry me and took me around to ur whole family. U wanted me to take the step and I bought u a one carat promise ring. Which u gave back to me a week later. Because u were unsure. I feel like a fool

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This hurts


I don't get you I really don't. It's been one week to the day since you contacted me again....since I thought maybe things would work out....guess I was wrong. So all the 'I want to see you' and all the plans you made- saying you wanted to take me to 'our restaurant' that you wanted me to come and see you and go to that show with you at the end of the month. Was that all a lie? Hell I was ready to come up this weekend....guess I got too ahead of myself- even though you said 'any time!' And you really looked like you meant it- I mean granted it was over a video chat, but I know you- at least I thought I did....and I saw those same familiar tears in your eyes. Were they all just good acting? I haven't texted you since the weekend. What for? So I can look stupid? If I ask you if you want to talk and you shoot me down again- Ill be hurt. It will be better to just leave you be. I don't understand you....I really don't. You say your having a rough time- WHY?? Your mom? What else is new?! But what hurts most is when you were struggling you USED TO turn to ME for comfort! It hurts me to think of who your turning to these days....but I can't go there.


I'm sure you have someone else. You were jealous I could tell...when you asked me if I had someone else and I was evasive. Difference between you and me is I bet you DO actually have other girls on hold....me....not so much. I'm still struggling to get over you. But I wasn't going to sound like a pathetic looser to you and say 'nope no one since you' so I played coy. Especially because you've been upfront about being on dates with other people since me, telling me about a few girls. It hurts, the hardest thing is to act like I didn't care- but I'll be damned if I let you see that I do. I just WISH that if you wanted to move on, date other girls- you would just let me go instead of keeping me on a string. What was the point of telling me 'I'll always choose you over any other girl, and I hope you would do the same with me' WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?????? I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!


UGHHH!! I am NOT contacting you!! NO WAY!!!!!

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I wonder if you are happy now. You seemed hurting a lot last time we met. When I was softly touching your hands. You were hurting so bad that you couldn't breathe well! At least, I felt some emotions coming out of you and I know that I live within you at some point. It's killing me, but I'm forced to stay away from you when I wish I could feel you near just like I did last time. Sadly, I can't give you more than I already gave to you. I can't allow you to go beyond your selfishness. I'm not cheap, and I'm not easy to have. That's what you seriously need to know, and I need to prove it to you. This I pray...

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