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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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You should watch what you say. You thought you were on top of the world, with those comments you made. Look now, nobody is around you. Everybody who was egging you on went off to live their own lives and didn't take you with them. What are you gonna say "I did this for you guys, and now you guys left me hanging." It's cold world sweetie, and you just learned the hard way, that some people LOVE drama.


And now you want to ask me for what I owe you, AFTER you told me I could keep it. What, so your siblings saw me at the club partying it up with girls, buying drinks and having a blast, and then the next day you call me and e-mail me, asking for it, after 2 weeks went by since you told me I could have it!!?


I know they told you I lost weight, I look like I won the lotto etc etc. And what, you can't believe that I am living life so happy without you? Believe it. It gets better everyday.


How sweet it is.

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if you love me so much as you claimed, how come you cannot resolve a small tiny issue? how i can marry you if your heart is so small? you are everything i wanted on the outside, the image you projected, but you are like a petty woman in your heart. i am sooooooo disappointed in you!

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Hi W, I talked to you this morning, sent you a text hoping you had a safe trip home, you responded back within a minute saying you were happy that I remembered, of course I remembered something you told me three weeks again, that is what a good BF does, he listens. You seemed excited to see me next week as I am as well. I am nervous and I bet you are too, I hope the six hour drive gives you time to think about me and my text this morning planted something in your brain saying "He is one great guy, what was I thinking taking a break with him?" Well that's my hope, I miss you, and I hope you remember how much I care about you.

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Well two weeks ago I cried my eyes out after seeing you. All the way home, in the airport, the flight and the car journey home. You said you were upset. Why ? Maybe you should have thought about that before you dumped me ! Did you think I would still be hanging around by now, I bet you did. But maybe now you get the point that I meant what I said. You had plenty of oppertunity to sort things in the times we met, but you didn't put any effort in to it. After all the hours I spent thinking about the things we would talk about, you put no effort into it at all. So sod you !

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M, I hope you're doing well. I worry so much about you. Ive been hearing a lot about you. I hope you know what you're doing, M. Let me know if you need anything. As sad as it sounds, I will always care about you, but the position that Im in doesnt allow me to be that person for you.


If you ever need anything, I hope you realize that Im no stranger.

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So i met up with my Montreal fling tonight....it was hot.......the chemistry is off the charts.....I have never experienced anything like this before.


She is very affectionate.....something you were never good at. She puts my needs first........what an odd position to be in after 4 years of bending over backwards for someone who doesn't care the same way. She is soft and sensitive....has the sweetest touch and the softest lips. She REALLLLLLY really loves kissing. Another thing that you couldnt do.


It all felt so right.


No its not a rebound, yes she knows about you and your dirty deeds. She has also been in my shoes and gets it, and gets me.

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I still want to know what you're up to. But I already know.


I know you're out with your new girl doing the same things we did. I know you're repeating the same stories and little tid bits over and over again. I know you're trying to distract yourself as much as possible. I know you're playing Xbox 24/7. I know all of your housemates still hate you, and I know your life is incredibly boring without me.


I know you, and I know your day to day routine hasn't changed. So why the HELL can't I get this urge to check your FB to go away!?!?

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I miss you so much. I cried all day. I even threw up. I want you here so badly. It was us against the world. What happened? How did they get you? Please just come home into my arms.


Let's work out our problems and be sickeningly happy like before. I don't know why you had to do this.


I miss you. I love you. I'll forgive you.

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This is the first Wednesday you missed. And you weren't at church on Sunday either. Slowly but surely, you are disappearing from our church. I felt good today for the first time in a long time. I feel I am forgiving you. But when I got to church, I had to go to the bathroom because I was having a panic attack. I saw your sister's car and thought you might be there, so I did some praying and deep breathing. Then I stepped out of the bathroom and you were not there. Nor did you come late because my class ended early and I went back in the hall...you were not there. I have to admit that it was a relief. Your sister invited me to a party next weekend. I said I would go as long as you were not there and she said you are not invited. She also said you were supposed to be helping out the church with something but you never showed.


I honestly hope that you are hitting rock bottom. I mean that with the hope that you are going to get to the point where you realize your life is not good and you have to come back to Christ. You see, a lot of people are worried about you. You have a lot of people who care about you, Brian. That is not my place anymore, but I once shared a piece of my life with you and I care on some level although I can't care *for* you. I just want you to be OK and so does everyone at our church. I hope you stay away though until you are ready to come back and be a participating member. Because there is no point in coming to church if you can't come with an open mind and open heart. If you are going to come just to make trouble or because your sister is going to kick you out, it's not for a good reason. So I hope you are feeling anxiety over your circumstances in life now (they are really bad) and that you come to realize that you had a whole bunch of people who had your back before you turned your back on them.


So come back to God. I know God is working it out to whatever He wants so I am content to let you go more and more. I am just writing tonight to log my thoughts. It was a good night and I enjoyed church. I didn't feel grief. But someday I hope to see you healed. Goodnight.

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This one is to you, L.


I've been thinking good thoughts of you lately. Last time I saw you, you had put on lots of weight and didn't look as physically attractive as I remember you, but that's ok. I would still take you back in a heartbeat. If you were single, that is. But even though you aren't single, I still love you. I hope you and your girlfriend come to Christ (if you haven't both already) because I want to see you both in Heaven. Your girlfriend seems like a nice person and very smart, from what I know. I am glad you are with someone decent. I want the best for you and I'm grateful for all that you did for me. I wish there was a way I could up for my behavior in our relationship. You really put up with a lot. I know you wanted to save me. You are a lot like me. If only you know about Brian and how our relationship was. You would be so surprised.


But anyway, I hope to see or talk to you again someday. I remember how last month, when we talked, it just flowed. I miss talking to you for hours. You were the best friend I ever had. Honest. No one knew me like you did and I don't know if they ever will again. You saw me at my most horrid and you loved me maybe more than anyone ever did. But you could not take it anymore and I understand and forgive you. Of all people, you are easy to forgive. It took me a long time, but how can I blame you? You never tried to hurt me. You cried your heart out when you left and said you'd always love me. I believe you now. I will always love you too. Forever and ever. You are my "milk chocolate...." I will remember all our firsts. I have saved all our major photos and memories. All the other guys--I threw out the gifts--but I still have the little Care Bear you gave me when I took the teacher credentialing tests. I even brought it to camp and slept with it (even when I was with Brian). You probably won't ever know that.


I love your family and I love you. I hope to see you in Heaven someday, and hopefully before that. Maybe God will grant us a miracle. But either way, I know our paths will cross somehow. You were the most special part of my life.

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mmm its so hard not to message you or contact you....


you have already msg me 2 weeks ago.. and i was strong and i refrained from contacting you.. cos you know i want something more.. not this ambiguous situation..



but i cant help but think.. maybe i shoudl msg you.. ahh




what if we are both stubborn and missed the chance....

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Hi W, we texted yesterday after no speaking for almost three weeks, gave me a lot of time to clear my head about us. I am still crazy about you and wish we didn't take a break. You seemed happy to hear from me on the text you sent back, you responded within a minute of me sending you one. I realize now that you really are a fickle person, I know you have a hard time showing your true feelings and emotions and that scares you but I want you to know that it is okay to be yourself around me. I miss you a lot and I can't wait to see you next week, you said in your text "See you soon!" which made me even more excited but I am scared and nervous because I don't know how you feel about me. I hope you know what you want because I can't feel the same way about you forever.

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