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I don't wish you happiness. I don't want to think about you. I wish that I had never met you. I let you play me for a fool. You're worthless and pitiful. I will become a better person b/c of my disdain for your existence. I thank myself for giving you the cold shoulder instead of continuing to entertain your meandering, pathetic, being. You will get your karma and I hope you remember me when you do.

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Can't sleep. I was moving pictures to a folder so I wouldn't come accross them and I found the one of us the last day I saw you. The day you said you loved me more than ever. And the look you are giving me in that picture says you meant it. Then a month later you say it over, that you are interested in someone else and that just five weeks before we are to see each other again that we wil never see each other again. I cannot understand this. I try but I can't. I want to write for answers but I know it won't help either of us. Why? Why? Why?

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You have the ability, to walk into Victoria Secret Headquarters, and get a contract for modeling with the drop of a pen. No lie.


But your attitude is stinky. Not in a narcissistic way. That I can tolerate, that would amount to some confidence level.


But in a way that devalues you and your beauty. The vindictivnes, spiteful, always negative, refuse to try. Like a leaf in the wind, which ever way the wind blows, the leaf will follow. THAT'S YOU. 1000000000% You can't stay grounded, or make your own decisions, you need affirmation from your sisters to make sure what you do/say is right or wrong. It's sad. You should cut the cord. Your not a newborn.


But you will see, misery loves company. Even the people you think could never do it. They will turn out to be the first ones in line. You just don't have life experience yet. You always have a safety net, either sisters, friends, parents will give/loan you money whenever you need it. You haven't worked in 2 freaking years, because of it.

See how lazy you become just waiting for financial aid?


I look back on the last 4 years, and say "what in god's green earth made me stay"? The sex. No not really. I really did love you, more than myself. I shared EVERYTHING with you.


Sorry to sound like a broken record, but YOU WILL LEARN THE HARD WAY. You really don't know how much you hurt YOURSELF, than me. The front you are showing off for your sisters and friends, will come back to haunt you when you return to school. And that alone city I MOVED to just to be with you becomes more evident, that I am not there or coming back will play tricks on you. Your mind will start to wander. And think, and dissect things, over analyze, assume things, and come to unfounded conclusions.


And then you will learn, that the best thing to happen in your life, is gone never to return.


Then and only then will you cry. And I hope your tears leave scars, because that's what you put me through. I will have a hard time to trust the next woman that shares my life. You didn't cheat on me, so don't go saying I don't trust you.


But you LIED. You let EVERYONE into our relationship. Nothing was just for US.

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UGHH I WANT TO TEXT YOUUUU. PLEASE don't go to the bar tonight, I can't stand to see you it will throw me so far back, and I don't think it will do the same for you... i love you I wish you never cheated and lied. I wish you were who everyone thought you were. I would have been with you forever..

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i've been reading up on Bipolar all afternoon and reading about people in relationships with those who have it. You tick all the boxes! The on/off of our relationship is a common trait of someone who is bipolar. The saying one thing one minute and taking it back the next, it's all symptoms. I don't want to give up on you yet i can't take this hurt anymore. Why can't you get help! Why do you push me away! I'm on your side. I always have been.

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I guess we've spoken for the last time, barring an emergency or offer on the house. You will never apologize for any offense against me, I know. How does one get from "I do" to "f-you"?


You've got Gail back in your life. Good for her! She needs a good income and being Mrs. F. is a job, that's for sure. I predict the two of you will be married within the year, if not this winter.

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How does one get from "I do" to "f-you"?




Yeah, Brian. How do bawl your eyes out and make me promise to marry you (thank God I said I couldn't promise that), go to the pastor and ask him how you should propose to me, then end up with another girl behind my back? And have no remorse? You see nothing wrong with what you did. I tried to talk to you online a couple weeks ago and you completely ignored me. I was encouraging you to get help for your sex addicition, which is what you said you wanted. Now you are proud that you are dating "the other woman?" And you want to talk to me as if everything is just peachy? I used to tell you I suspected you had NPD, but I actually think its Antisocial Personality Disorder. Your dad and sister, sadly, agree. I was reading about Scott Peterson and the only difference between the two of you is that you haven't killed anyone...yet.

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The day when you texted me... That night I dreamt about you, for the first time since we broke up actually. I remember crystal clear what happened in the dream that night even though I forget most of my usual dreams. We were back together and I was happy, satisfied and excited. But when I kissed you, infront of your unit like we usually did after I walked you home after school, you whispered sadly, "I can't keep this relationship, I have to go." "Why?!", I asked. And before you could reply, I was sitting up on my bed with my heart thumping fast and loud. I didn't understand that dream at all.


Everytime I open my locker at school, I see our little diary and that picture you drew me. Beside the picture, you wrote, "You are my little rabbit. I can be mean to you. I can play with you. But I will never let go fo you because no one will love you as much as I do." Okay so you said that, but what did you do? It greatly saddens me. And that sentence never fail to bring tears to my eyes.


I sometimes lie to myself, I can live full well without you but the reality is that I still need to in my life and most importantly, I love you.


Right after we broke up, I said that I would wait for you. Sorry I've just changed my mind because after 1 month, you have shown no interest in me whatsoever. So now will live without you. I know this hurts but I will never come chasing after you. It was your fault and I have wasted more than enough time and money to make to happy all because I love/loved you. I am sure no one will ever love you as much as I do. I am moving on. I will heal.


Bye for now.

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After I found out you slept with her I burned all of the thigns you gave me. It hurt to see the license plate with our names on it become engulfed in flames. When you found out about this you put up new pics of you and her.. and you changed your relationship status. I didn't look at your page but my friends told me. They tell me the things you say about me, and it hurts to hear it. How could you ever say you love me and then tell all of our old friends that I'm crazy and I stalk you. You texted me everyday when I did NC and you drove me crazy.


It hurts to hear and see you happy with someone else. I know I broke up with you but its still hard to see it. I just needed you to grow up, you took me for granted instead of growing up and seeing that all I did was take care of you, you found someone else to do just that. You told me I was your soul mate, you pulled my heart along for months saying we could try agian but you never meant it. You used me.


You blame me for all the things that go wrong in your life instead of taking a good hard look at yourself and seeing what you have done wrong. I hurt you I know, I left you I know and Im sorry that in a months time you gave up on us, but I just needed you to see what life was like without me babying you. You toyed with me, you played with me and I wish that I could just get over it and be ok but the truth is it haunts me. I've cried so much just thinking about it.. it hurts my heart. You hurt my heart.. how can I just forget you and move on.. please just free me from this pain

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This. I hate Friday nights. I would be over at your house. Are you seeing Toy Story with "your girlfriend?" Ugh. We had a date to see that movie, which you flaked out of me on. It sickens me that your family is letting this sex addiction thing go. Your sis was ready to kick you out if you didn't get help, the pastor was on your case, your dad told you NO DATES. Now, it seems everything is peachy. She'll probably sleep over like I did and USE MY PILLOW. OMG. What did you do with the stuff I gave you? I can imagine you gave it to "Anna." Did you tell her she can keep a pair of shoes in your room too? What happened to my toothbrush? Did you let her use it? Throw it away? I noticed at church the other day you were wearing the sweatshirt you always let me wear. Do you let her wear that too? So many things disgust me. You recycle women like underwear. You even gave me one of your many ex's water bottles. I have to throw that away. What did you do with the jewerly we made together? The CDs? We were supposed to go camping, do karaoke, and do the road trip this summer. Stinks that you're probably gonna do it with her. But the worst is if you take her on vacation with your family and they get close to her. I will not like that. Nor will I like it if you bring her to church!! I noticed that she sarcastically said to my friend "God Bless you" on her profile. Please...keep her away from our church. I know I can't keep her out, but I will go to the pastor and tell him that she is causing problems. I don't even like you as a person anymore, but it's not fair that you get to do all the fun stuff you planned with me with her while I sit alone on a Friday night. I was good and put up with a lot of bs and you were evil and you get to have fun. I know in the end, justice will be served, but in the meantime, it sucks.

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Same date as mine, except mine was 2008.


I used to love and cherish that number, 720. Now I hate it. I'm so glad today is finally over.


You have no idea how often I see the number 27 :sad: It's the date of my birthday, and his too (different month), and a host of other things. It's scary. I think that whole element of it made our relationship a little more romantic....and even harder to leave, because it sort of represented all the hopes and dreams of being together and keeping it going.

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You have no idea how often I see the number 27 :sad: It's the date of my birthday, and his too (different month), and a host of other things. It's scary. I think that whole element of it made our relationship a little more romantic....and even harder to leave, because it sort of represented all the hopes and dreams of being together and keeping it going.


I understand completely. We used to see that number everywhere and it felt so special as if we was a sign that we were meant to be. The number 20 was even the number on my basketball jersey from when I was younger. The funny thing is she broke up with my on a 20th so I guess I'll be hating that number for a while.

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I understand completely. We used to see that number everywhere and it felt so special as if we was a sign that we were meant to be. The number 20 was even the number on my basketball jersey from when I was younger. The funny thing is she broke up with my on a 20th so I guess I'll be hating that number for a while.


In my case, her bday is on the same date as my mom's, and mine is on the same date as her mom's.


Its all these little things that made me think we were meant for each other.

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I am starting to loose feeling for you,and it is scary. 4 years and I felt the same from our first date, till I left out the door after everything you said to me and how you treated me. 4 YEARS!!!!! I never lost any love for you during that time.


But now, as of today, I just don't care. And that scares me more than anything.


I don't wish you harm, or bad luck, nor do I wish you good things. I just don't care


If I see you again, or not. I don't care


You just became another girl to me. I used to think about you, and what you are up to. But now, I DON'T CARE.


I can honestly say, I just don't care about you anymore. It's gone. Your face in my head, has no emotion to it at all. Not even anger. It's a release of frustration, anger, sadness. Also, it does put me on edge on how passionate I was with my love for you. And now I just don't care. 4 years is no small relationship. And I don't care.



What you said to me, when we last talked 2 weeks ago, is/was all the motivation I needed, to be extremely focused on myself.


I thank you for that.


It is your loss sweetheart.

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I wonder who the --- you think you are? Who made you king? Why does the world have to revolve around you and your tiny mind? You are the most selfish, inconsiderate, thoughtless, mean person I have ever known. You have no idea how to treat a woman with respect. All the rotten things you've done to me - you think that you did nothing wrong. All the nasty words you called me - you think that it's funny or you pretend it never happened. You twist my words so much that I could never speak to you about anything but day to day things. My tears meant nothing. My love meant nothing. I meant nothing. You tell me you never lied to me - but there is such a thing as lying by omission. You will never meet my friends. Your family will never know my name. When I cry, I am crying out of humiliation and sadness that I let someone treat me so badly for so long. I let you do it. I was a doormat. You did not appreciate me, you took me for granted. You easily took whatever I gave to you and never gave anything back. You leave this stupid 4 year fling we had knowing that someone loved and took care of you so very well and I leave with NOTHING,

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i'm really missing you so much just now. I want to text you and tell you but i know it's pointless. For the past few hours i feel like i've been just sitting waiting for a text from you. I don't know why i put myself through this. I do deserve better than how you treat me but as the anger fades my heart just pines again for you. When will this end?

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I want to email you or text you saying my life is going to be much better without your crappy influence in it...but hey! I don't need you to know what I'm thinking. You don't even deserve it!


I appreciate all the good times we had. I really do. I'm reading some old emails and messages, and it's really making me feel better. But you know what? I don't want you.



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I wish I had something entertaining to do right now so I wouldn't be thinking of you with that girl. I don't think I miss you...just the fun we had and your broad shoulders. You were cute...gotta hand it to you. I saw plenty of young, toned guys at the river today but none of them were as good-looking as you. Wish I wasn't so shallow about that, but I guess that's all you had going for you. I do miss the way you'd look at me when I'd wake up in the morning. You used to watch me sleep and I'd catch you with your face in your hand. It was so cute.


But actually missing you as a person...I don't think so. I missed the potential of what I thought you could be, but the bad things cancelled them out. Your character was one of a lying, cheating, manipulative scum bag. How can I respect that? You were sneaky, deviant, a theif, and had no problem hurting others. But then you could be so sensitive with your crying, your declarations of love, your tender touches, the way you'd look into my eyes, and your sweet companionship. I heard your sister make a noise like you do, with the same gesture, the other day, and it made me sad. Specifically, it was the way you used to go "mmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmm?" when I'd address you to ask you something (now that I think about it, my ex fiance did that too and it always got to me!). That always turned me on and you knew it, so you did it a lot. You charmer.


But I have to remember that it wasn't really "you." Your potential is not "you." You could have been someone special, but you're not. There are people who are already awesome and don't have to be changed in order to be. I will wait for someone like that. Someone who is already who I wanted you to be. Not someone whose good side was only a tiny fraction of the overall personality. Looks and sex appeal aren't everything.


Still, yours tempt me. That is why I choose not to look at you from now on. Or smell you (for some reason, I am addicted to your sweaty smell). Or hear you (your voice is wonderful and you're such a great singer...good thing you were kicked out of choir or I'd have to look and listen to you ever Sunday).

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