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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Hey - I feel like an idiot. I'm just realizing that I'm the only one fighting this battle anymore. It's not like you've moved on - - you weren't even moved on when we met. I know you tried baby, but you really did some pretty crummy things (whether you knew it at the time or not). Bahh - - What can I do? Not a thing. When all is said and done, you are there and I am here - - in separate places with separate lives now. I keep hoping and wishing - - I can wish in one hand and $hit in the other, but guess which hand is going to fill up first. This isn't even about you anymore and I know it. I have to get myself back now.

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When you broke up with me the other night you told me that you didnt feel the same way about me anymore, that was a dagger in my heart. I was not expecting that. I could not stand to cry in front of you in that hotel room for the rest of the night. I regret telling you to not ever contact me again, but I said that because I was hurt and I am just trying to protect myself. I know you feel guilty about doing this on christmas, but Id hate for you to have that burden on your already troubled mind. If the feelings are not there, they simply are not there. There is nothing else to talk about. I enjoyed our time together and I hope both your life and your son's life are beautiful. I miss you both very much.


Love, Josh

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Dear Alias Number _______,


Thanks! In your own messed up way, you did give me my dignity back.


I sunk to my rock bottom this past weekend. I offered you amends, apologies and friendship. The only thing I would delete is my offer of friendship. I want nothing further to do with you.


Once I seen that you had The World's Shortest Relationship deleted, I immediately thought about deleting every single one of my posts. But, I decided against it. I have nothing to hide. NOTHING. In my post of amends, I gave you honesty. Despite ALL of the feelings I have toward you, through all of the emotional ups and downs that I have ridden since we parted, the one consistent thing that I have felt is this overwhelming need to express my gratitude to you for pointing out the root cause of my "inner demons". I won't even discuss the manner in which you did it nor my feelings toward it. Yes, you can go right ahead and pat yourself on the back. You have cured what ailed me! Woo hoo! Through your diligent efforts and my self honesty, you can rest assured knowing that one day I will know love.


And now that I have sunk to my personal rock bottom and made my amends, I feel ready to move on and to forever let you go. You will not hear from me again.


Best wishes to you.



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I miss you so much. I can't believe it's been 28 days since you asked for space... I can only hope that you will see that the grass isn't greener and that what we had was amazing and for you to come back. I miss you and the life we had together. I know my faults, I can see that now so please can we just now work it out? I love you and for me, there is noone else.

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Do you know what your brother just did Ricky? He had a go at me on Facebook. He is 28 and abusing someone on Facebook. Both of you need to grow the hell up!

And as for me being a stalker, you can shove that, just because you or your brother see me down the main street of town, it does not mean I am freaking stalking you. GET OVER YOURSELF!!

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I cannot believe after over three years and your absolute hatred of facebook you decided to change your relationship status and remove our photos from your wall! You continue to amaze me how you are able to totally switch me off and forget about how we actually had something incredibly special. YOU are the one who has lost out.

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Dear douchebag,


Thank you for calling me everynight last week and asking me to dinner. We had awesome conversations and i was excited to see you finally after 10 weeks. Thank you for giving me so much hope!!!! Oh and thanks for cancelling our dinner 2 hours before u were supposed to pick me up.


I will never let you disappoint me again and now i can officially move on.


Thanks for being a douchebag!


Love, Julie

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To my ex-


I've done a lot of thinking in the 6+ months since you dropped me cold with an email. In your reasons for breaking up, they had nothing to do with me and everything to do with you, so on some level, I've never truly felt rejected by you. By posting notes to me on the anonymous website over the time since we broke up, I know that you still love me, you miss me, you think about me all the time, that you regret your decision to end things with me.


But something holds you back.


I am fairly certain you are with someone and I know her name and what she looks like. It turns my stomach to think that you are so weak as to stay involved with someone while secretly texting me, emailing me, and posting love notes to me on the web. I cannot for the life of me imagine what is going in your mind these days. I think you were with her when you sent me flowers for my birthday as well.


When we were together, you showed me through words and actions that I have been the one true love of your life and I feel that is true. You cherished me, were devoted to me, adored me, loved me like no other man ever has. I know what we had together.


The love you showed me when we were together was so strong that I am unable to truly feel deep anger or hatred toward you, even now.


You have flaws, but they did not affect me in the time we were together. I believe that if we had stayed together longer, I would start to experience more of the effects of those flaws. So its possible that this relationship would have collapsed due to those later down the road.


I wonder what it is like to be with one person when all you can think about is someone else. I essentially know that is what you are doing right now. I think your flaws will cause you to ruin your future relationships in the way you ruined this one with me.


You have weak character, which has been revealed over the past 6 months, but I still love you and most likely always will. I am not sure you have the capacity to be a stable long-term partner for anyone, though.


I miss you.

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Hey - I'm coming to the very clear realization that you just plain suck. You really do. I know a lot of this is anger, but there is truth in it. I know they say it takes two to eff up a relationship, but clearly you are the exception to this rule. You, and you alone eff'ed this one up - - if it ever really was a relationship (which I really don't think it was actually).


You are an emotional wreck and as they say misery loves company - - congratulations, you've had created another emotional wreck. I know it's my responsibility now to fix myself, but you sure as hell didn't help me much by bringing me to this place. You are a self-centered, pathetic liar. What you did is completely unconscionable. You are far worse than your ex because you had the knowledge he lacked, and did it anyway.


I know that it creeps into you late at night - - you will lay there with the unedited, clear knowledge of who and what you are and be miserable - - as you should be. If I could cut the part of my heart out that still holds onto you and live, I would do so willingly. My mind is clear -- my heart will learn in time and that day will come. You will realize your loss in losing me. You will realize that you will never come close to me with anyone else. You will seek me out but never again will you hear me.


You choose to erase me. Take your pretentious pity and lies and shove up your ################################.

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Dear ex,


When we first met, I thought you were the one. I wanted to make everything special. I could not take you off my mind. After a few amazing dates we decided to become exlusive. 4 days after, you fought with a family member, and you yelled at me because I wasn't listening. I felt guilty because I thought validating your stress and comforting you was what I should have done, but you wanted me to just listen. I understand now, but why did you have to yell? Why did you find little reasons to pick at me? Why did you accuse me of wanting things to be perfect, but picked at me every change you had? Why was every weekend a struggle to be happy with you because you wanted to fight? Did I mean something to you? Did you really love me? Why did you have such a high double standard where you were free to offer your opinion and I wasn't? You said I couldn't handle an opinionated woman, but really you couldn't handle an opinionated man. I did everything for you. I tried so hard to make things work. All I wanted in return was respect and understanding. I am not a child and refuse to be talked down like one. And you never have the right to put your hands on me.. ever.


You cried to me saying you wouldn't know what to do if I left you, yet you crapped on me every chance you had. You go from guy to guy to guy.. is it really because they can't handle an assertive opinionated woman? No.. they don't want to deal with a rude, condescending control freak who enjoys bringing the world down around her.


With that being said, I'm out of here. Have a nice life.

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I was right.


In the past month I’ve traveled further down the rabbit hole. I have peeled back all the layers of the onion.


I was right.


It would’ve never worked out. My gut told me this a long time ago. I did not listen to it, instead I entangled my emotions, my love, and my world with you. Yet, along the way I duplicitously continued to drag my feet and is more than likely why we both are where we are today – not together. I didn’t understand it at the time. I made a lot of excuses for the shortcomings in the relationship, both yours and mine.


You were right.


This was my first long term relationship. Perhaps it was a function of my cautious nature, but at the same time I do need to learn to love more, get more in touch with my intimate side, to understand how important that is to cultivating a relationship.


Regardless, what you “needed” could not be provided by any one person as you have managed to convince yourself. You came from a tough upbringing, far more difficult than people can possibly understand. However, happiness does not come from how other people make you feel or how your body looks. True happiness comes internally. You just don’t know any better.


I was right.


All those times I was scorned for being too cautious of some of the people you surrounded yourself with. Yet, if you’re honest with yourself and you look back at all those failed friendships and people who screwed you over - you’ll see the truth. People you once told me I was wrong about, you now hate. I mean c’mon now.


I was right.


Right now you feel like you’re right. You feel like you had absolutely no role in this. You’re riding the emotional high of a person who pumped your ego up over the past couple of months as your body transformed. You’re riding the emotional high of a person who sold you a dream. How quickly your love and emotions transferred over to him is alarming. You lied, you denied, you deflected, and attempted to "soften" the real story. You just don’t know any better. You were never taught any better. You know it, I know it. Rinse, recycle, repeat.


I will be right.


You’ve chosen a lifestyle and career chalk full of narcissism, body dysmorphia, substance abuse, and addiction. It is not normal to put your body thru what you are. All in the name of what, a trophy? Satisfaction from people oogling over your body? Is that where true happiness with one’s self lies? It does not. You’ll soon learn this. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but in time. And when it hits you like a 2,000 pound brick, I will be long gone. There was no way I could’ve followed you into that world, no matter how much I tried to convince myself towards the end. Your core values are simply not a match to mine.


I was right.


Don’t get me wrong. This hurt like a son of a b*tch. I feel like I’ve had to ween myself off some powerful medicine. There were days when I felt like I had woken up without one of my arms. There wasn’t a single aspect of my day that you didn’t touch, as I’m still constantly reminded. I even nearly bought you an engagement ring, but in the end…


I was right.

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I was omitting things from my ex because I did not feel comfortable being completely open with her. I always felt judged. One of our final arguments proved me right when she took something very personal and threw it back at me.


Thank goodness I did not tell her everything about me, or I'd be a right mess.

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I was omitting things from my ex because I did not feel comfortable being completely open with her. I always felt judged. One of our final arguments proved me right when she took something very personal and threw it back at me.


Thank goodness I did not tell her everything about me, or I'd be a right mess.


I'm not sure if you were responding to my post about my ex lying by omission, but I can assure you, he would never have any reason to feel judged by me. I am extremely even-tempered and very empathic and non-judgmental toward those who are close to me. His behavior was not due to feeling judged by me, I can guarantee that. I am actually going to move that post to a different thread where I feel its more relevant.

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I'm not sure if you were responding to my post about my ex lying by omission, but I can assure you, he would never have any reason to feel judged by me. I am extremely even-tempered and very empathic and non-judgmental toward those who are close to me. His behavior was not due to feeling judged by me, I can guarantee that. I am actually going to move that post to a different thread where I feel its more relevant.


My apologies. I'm still coming to terms with everything and when I hear things like this, it just makes me think of my own relationship. I was merely thinking out loud in front of an audience (Now that I'm free to give my opinion without being yelled at or punished)


Cheers and once again sorry,



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Yes, I feel it has helped tremendously. Its here 24/7 so anytime you need to post or read, you can. I feel being here and reading other people's stories has really helped me move past the intense pain I felt several months ago.


I was actually doing really well until a recent incident happened- you can see my thread called "feel like the other woman" to read more if you are interested.


But I remember the first 2 months after my break up- I was a zombie. It was horrible.

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I know what you are saying. It's been a month (and I was the one who dumped her) and I'm still coming to terms with it. She is on my mind 24/7, so I'm glad this website is too. I go from hating her to missing her, to wondering if she hates me or misses me.


Ugh.. so difficult.



Dear Ex, I love you and I always will. When you learn to love yourself and see what I saw, then perhaps we will meet again. Until that time, I cannot be with a person who destroys my spirit with their constant negativity and belittlement.


I love you,



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