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Everything posted by Officeguy

  1. I am having an intense moment of regret and I want to call her. Did I overreact to her? Was I being too sensitive? I's it ok to be insulted from time to time? Did I expect things to be perfect?
  2. I know what you are saying. It's been a month (and I was the one who dumped her) and I'm still coming to terms with it. She is on my mind 24/7, so I'm glad this website is too. I go from hating her to missing her, to wondering if she hates me or misses me. Ugh.. so difficult. Dear Ex, I love you and I always will. When you learn to love yourself and see what I saw, then perhaps we will meet again. Until that time, I cannot be with a person who destroys my spirit with their constant negativity and belittlement. I love you, Tim
  3. My apologies. I'm still coming to terms with everything and when I hear things like this, it just makes me think of my own relationship. I was merely thinking out loud in front of an audience (Now that I'm free to give my opinion without being yelled at or punished) Cheers and once again sorry, Tim
  4. I was omitting things from my ex because I did not feel comfortable being completely open with her. I always felt judged. One of our final arguments proved me right when she took something very personal and threw it back at me. Thank goodness I did not tell her everything about me, or I'd be a right mess.
  5. Dear ex, When we first met, I thought you were the one. I wanted to make everything special. I could not take you off my mind. After a few amazing dates we decided to become exlusive. 4 days after, you fought with a family member, and you yelled at me because I wasn't listening. I felt guilty because I thought validating your stress and comforting you was what I should have done, but you wanted me to just listen. I understand now, but why did you have to yell? Why did you find little reasons to pick at me? Why did you accuse me of wanting things to be perfect, but picked at me every change you had? Why was every weekend a struggle to be happy with you because you wanted to fight? Did I mean something to you? Did you really love me? Why did you have such a high double standard where you were free to offer your opinion and I wasn't? You said I couldn't handle an opinionated woman, but really you couldn't handle an opinionated man. I did everything for you. I tried so hard to make things work. All I wanted in return was respect and understanding. I am not a child and refuse to be talked down like one. And you never have the right to put your hands on me.. ever. You cried to me saying you wouldn't know what to do if I left you, yet you crapped on me every chance you had. You go from guy to guy to guy.. is it really because they can't handle an assertive opinionated woman? No.. they don't want to deal with a rude, condescending control freak who enjoys bringing the world down around her. With that being said, I'm out of here. Have a nice life.
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