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I’m a writing this to reach out to you to remind you that I am, indeed, a real person. I do have feelings, empathy, compassion. I am a human being, very much like you. I DO have the ability to learn and grow. I am not a monster! I am NOT worthless! I am not all those horrible, mean things that you say I am.


I will never be the same. Ever. Our time together has hurt me profoundly and has been a catalyst to personal growth at the same time.


I understand now how the men in my life have given me a misguided notion of what love is. I fully understand how it has affected me and ultimately those that I loved. I am now able to heal the hurt little girl inside of me. For this…I thank you.


“I” have faith in me, even if you don’t.


What I don’t have faith in anymore is love.

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I hate you so much!!!!! I feel like the last 4 years of my life were such a waste! I feel so broken and useless! you're in Lanzarote and you can go on the net and facebook your ex ex gf, u seem pretty obsessed with her! but you cant even contact me, the girl who gave you almost 4 years of her life. I did nothing wrong. why am i so worthless?! I feel like i wasted all that time with you and I didnt even know you at all. I HATE YOU! it hurts so much.

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I thought we would take time off, heal, learn and some day reunite. But every time I tried to look into your life from the outside (in whatever small way I could) I found you making future plans without me. You made sure I knew about these plans and it makes me wonder whether you were punishing me for something. All I did was love you. Were you trying to break me down further so I would be groveling more? But I was always begging you while we were together. What else did you want from me? Your post-breakup behavior really was an eye opener. I was so depressed that my brain hurt and you then made sure that I knew that you were happy. I knew it was in some way your way to move on. I guess some of us need to hurt the other to move on.

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Merry Christmas~


I hope it helps you to feel better to know that I AM working on healing the hurt of the little girl inside of me. I am grateful of you for pointing her out to me and helping me to see just how much she has affected my life, my behaviors, my relationships and my loved ones. If it weren't for you, I don't know if I would have ever truly acknowledged her. It is time for the grown woman that I am to heal her wounds and misunderstanding. It is time for the hurt little girl to heal this hurt grown woman.


I hope it helps you to know that I fully acknowledge and sincerely regret all the many ways in which I hurt you. Paco, I never wanted to hurt you!


I hope it helps you to know that I will never forget you. Although, I am very deeply hurt over some of your actions, I am truly indebted to you for being the most profound teacher of my life.


I hope it helps you to know that I am now equipped with the knowledge I need to be a much better person going forward. I am now equipped with the necessary tools...integrity, mindfulness, self-love minus the ego, self respect, understanding, and self acceptance. I have a long way to go in healing but I am on the right path.


As it turns out, you are my hero in so many regards.


I am so very sorry that the only thing that may come out of this excrutiating pain we are both suffering is my personal growth. That is not what I wanted for us. Please believe that.


I hope that one day, you will find forgiveness of me.





Addendum: This is NOT an admittance to your belief that I am mentally disordered. This is simply meant to offer you some validation in that I acknowledge my baggage that I carried into the relationship, I acknowledge that it did affect us and it is simply my way of making some amends with you. It is my hope that by acknowledging to you that I am doing the much needed inner work on the issues that I brought to the relationship will help you to heal and to find some sense of peace.


Nor is this an acceptance of sole responsibility for the wreckage we've become. If it were simply a matter of me being solely responsible, I would beg you to stand by me while I overcome the damage that was done to me. I would fight for us and I would not give up.


As it is, we both damaged us. I swirled right into your insecurities and you dipped right into mine. I shimmied right into your needs and you moshed right into mine. We danced magnificently naked in the wind - flesh to flesh - soul to soul.


I'm sorry, my dear friend.

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feliz navidad mi amor

te siguo amando

pensando en lo que quieria darte hoy

mi corazon y otras cosas

siempre leo tus emails y no se porque

estoy lastimandome ahorita misma

como deseo que regresaras conmigo uff

nunca senti tanto dolor ni pena en la vida

porfis mis amor, regrese al sue;o conmigo

aun estoy viviendo por alla

deseo que podrias escuchar mis pensimentos

como quiero que puedes sentir el amor que tenga por ti

no es justo que nos esperabamos tanto tiempo seperados por ser seperados hoy

no es justo que te ama

dejanos arreglarla porfa danos la opportunidad

se que necesito cambiar

cambielos tus problemas y regresamos

nos dijimos que no nos podriamos vivir solos, faltando el otro

y la verdad no se si puedo

siento muerta

sopresame y llamame

digame que me amas y que todo esta bien

que siempre estaras aqui para mi

dime que soy tu chiquitita

tu princesa con las patas al rebes

tu ratoncita

la amor de tu vida

uff en serio que no se como sobrevivir sin vos

te aman tu cosita preciosa y el ticisito

y mi ticofante, aun me ama a mi?

por dios espero que si

cada minuto

cada momento

te amo en serio que te amo tanto

I always going to love you


con todo el amor del mundo,

Tu gringitica

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Well said. I feel the same way. I am a real person who loved, not just used someone for a warm body. I have emotions and gave my best. I am not a piece of crap to be forgotten when the honeymoon wears off. I'm not something to be thrown away when I lose my job and am materially useless. I am a human being with feelings, who trusted the man I loved and tried not to be a burden, but unintentionally was apparently. I did my best not to nag, not to waste his time, but I was just a comfort zone, I guess. I wish he hadn't led me on. Why did he do that to me? I don't want to hate anyone, but I'm sad that there are bad vibes...at least on my end. He just acts like I don't exist. In fact, nothing uncomfortable exists in his world. That sucks.

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i think i hate you. sure its not the opposite of love. I wish I could be indifferent to you, but I cant.

I wish you were more mature than you are. I knew I should have known better than to get involved with someone 6 years younger than me. But you fooled me since you seemed so together while I was the one who wasnt. But hey lesson learned for next time.

I wish you would wake up and realize that love isnt supposed to be all fun and games, that sometimes disagreements happen and they are to be worked on, not run away from.

Hope you have a fanfreakingtastic christmas without me. Hope you feel the loss when you are the only one at christmas without your SO. Or what do i know, maybe you met someone last week and invited them just like you did with me last year. Maybe I wasnt so special to you after all.


Nope im not angry at all!,

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Merry Christmas.


I specifically asked you 3 weeks ago to be the first person to initiate Merry Xmas to me, you told me you would do it to make me feel better. You told me, albeit in jest, you'll even mark it in a calendar for me. As hours roll by, you didn't say anything to me. I'm beyond disappointed and hurt, but it shows I just cannot rely on you anymore to provide me with happiness.


I still have intentions on keeping you as a part of my life, but for now, I must heal, I must focus on myself and not allow you to affect me like you've had. I still love you, but like I told you the last time I saw you, I need to learn to love you in a different way.

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I miss you. How could I lose someone like you? How could I let it get to this point. Life is so unfair. I want to hate you so much but how can I hate someone who only ever loved me until the end? Who gave me everything. The one I talked to til 3 and 4 in the morning, the one I cried with and laughed with and..lied to? I guess I know this is for the best. I hope your doing well.

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hi honey. It's so painful we didn't hear from each other this Christmas. Although you shattered me to a thousand pieces, I can still forgive your actions because I know deep inside you are troubled and confused. I also know that you are masking your emotions and trying to forget the pain as well because you have someone new. I hope someday you will learn the true meaning of happiness and contentment.

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I miss my girl. I miss her when I wake up and I miss her right before I go to sleep. I always considered my girl my gift. she accepted me 100% and I loved her so much. We have tons of little inside jokes, tons of memories and I think my X is the most beautiful girl in the world. I love her and I want to call her every day and say that. But I cant.

She is on her own path and I have to let her go so that she may find her way back to me. for now, I am on my own and it sucks cause we meshed our lives together so well when she left me, she tore a big part of me and took it with her. And left a huge part of herself here that I still feel and it freaking hurts.

I love you C.. think of me..

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It is painfully obvious how bad of a person you think that I am to believe that I would laugh at your situation. I should know this by now. The man whom I mistakenly believed to know me better than anyone in this great big world doesn't know me at all.


I know that you don't believe this but I'm gonna say it anyway...I'm sorry that things didn't work out for you. And, no...I could not bring myself to laugh. Sorry to disappoint you. Again.


A field consists of many "weeds" and so little flowers. Sometimes a weed is just a weed and sometimes what we believe to be a weed could turn out to be a beautiful flower with the right care and nurturing. Sometimes the prettiest of flowers have thorns. So, it is important to treat all weeds and flowers with great care as you travel through the fields. You never know when you will happen upon the most beautiful flower you've ever seen. When the time comes that you do run accross a flower in a field of weeds, be sure to nurture it right away.


I could keep going with this analogy but I think that I will stop here.


In fact, it all stops here.


I've been telling myself that I need to stop but for some reason, I have been quite unable. However, I now I have finally realized that this flower is all dried up and blackened. If I ever want to blossom again, I need to start nurturing myself.


I'm sorry that I turned out just to be a thorny weed to you.


I'm certain that you will come accross your flower someday. With the right care and nurturing, you will be rewarded many times over.

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Will you ever come back to me? I know what we had was special to you and I know you loved me so why did you have to ask for space? Please come back, I miss you so much and I know you are missing me too. We CAN work it out - I know we can.


I love you, please come back to me x

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We spent the whole w/e talking on ur doing, Sat u drove me crazy with all ur txts. I had almost been in the right place mentally about our break up. I only talked to u, cos I thought I was strong enough to deal with it.


I started to feel good about us again, u opened up and shared all ur feelings. You werent that cold person anymore.


Then last night u said.... If u lived closer, things would b different.... I wish things were different, but they arent


You broke me all over again

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I am missing you so bad right now. I feel like I am dying, literally dying. I can't stop thinking about the day that I left and your face and the emotions. I can't stop thinking about if you still love me or not. I can't stop waiting for you. I know I can't be your friend so I understand why you are not calling me, you don't cry like this and feel like this over a friend you miss. I miss us. I only hope that you did not jump into another relationship and that you are truly doing the things you need to do to better yourself before you CAN be in a relationship again, whether it is with me or with someone else. If you can be strong and fix your issues you will make a women so incredibly happy, I only hope that it can be me someday. I know I have not even started working on mine, I am too depressed, but thank you for making me realize that these are not something I should be living with. I only wish that I had realzied it before you so it could have been easier. I hate that my anxiety and your hard time talking are the two things that stood in our way. I hate that my anxiety has always stood in my way of relationships and I didn't really try as hard as I could to get rid of it before I met you, or at the beginning.


I hope that whatever you are doing that you are happy, know that after I fix my problems I will still be here. Te sigue amando por la eternidad. I only hope that you will still be thinking of me after you come out the other side of your barrier. God I love you so much I feel like I love you more than I love myself.


If only you could know.

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You know somthing,


It's funny. This situation happens today and the first person I want to call is you. Not so I can brag that someone else likes me or that I'm moving on. It's that I miss my best friend---you, Lee. You and I were good friends before we got together. We knew each other's hearts and minds even though we were into each other right away.


This new guy doesn't know even a fraction of what you know. He likes me now, but I wonder if he'll get tired of me too. In fact, I credit you for those fears. You always told me you loved me for "who I was," but you also left me, in fact, for "who I was." I'm afraid to be in another relationship because how can I be myself? I'm afraid that being myself will push a man away. I have insecurities. Men like strong women. I am actually working on myself in that regard but I know I'll never be perfect. I am what I am. Is it good enough for someone? it wasn't good enough for you. It probably won't be good enough for brian.


People used to make fun of me. You knew I was a nerd and so were you. But you got me to believe that I am a beautiful nerd. You said "You just don't understand how lovely you really are." I said you were just saying that because you already were attached to me. But it seems like someone who barely even knows me likes me. How can that be? Could someone actually be attracted to me beyond just for "comfort?"


I'm just feeling all these things. Before, I could talk to you. I could tell you anything, before. Even about this new guy. That's how strong our love was at one point.


I guess...the love between us is gone. Certainly the friendship is. I feel a bit sad. You were the best friend I ever had. I'm not friends with Brian and I don't want a relationship with someone I don't "know." I wish he liked me for who I was too. I wish he wanted to get to know me before giving me elaborate gifts. I feel I don't deserve them. I want to have the chance to be a real friend to Brian, not just someone to relieve his pain. and I don't want him to be a rebound either. I want real love.


I miss you. I pray you find real, God-centered love.

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