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i heard from her today


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Yes I do feel like sometimes he would want to talk to me but wouldnt know what to say or react. I dont know what is going on in his head though. I realize though that I have been chasing him for the last 6 months and im tired. If he wants me he knows where I am and he will actually have to put some effort into getting me back. I want to be swept off my feet again. Something he used to be really good at. One thing I regret is telling him that i dont want to be friends with him because I couldnt take it. I told him that i never wanted to see or hear from him again, but that was said out of anger, which i think he knows. I feel like a kid, where nights are scary again and nightmares (dreaming of our ex) scares us to death. I go to bed late and wake up early, not usually my usual behavior.

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What do you guys think about a rebound? Just want to know if you guys could rebound as quickly as somem of our exes. Although, I dont know if he is w/ anybody. He wants his freedom so why would you date another girl right. That is not freedom.

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I def could not do a rebound right now...I impulsively signed on to emharmony the other day and met up with a new guy for coffee but it just didn't feel right. We clicked and spoke for 3 hours at a starbucks and any other time in my life i totally would have been excited to see him again but i just don't think i could do it right now. I think about if my ex has found someone new but he said he wanted time to be on his own and have his freedom. If anything he's looking for someone to screw around with but not to make any real commitment to

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Well I kind of meant for the dumpees. Would any of you just have "fun" with someone? No strings attached or anything like that. We see the dumpers do it but do the dumpees? Have any of you thought about just hooking up w/ someone, no commitment?

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Sunny and Amanda I couldn't agree with you more, I'm so glad I'm on here because right before I read Amanda's post about her lazy ex I realized that my ex is super lazy! God forbid you should have to work on a relationship it's so much easier just to quit and not try and now that I think about other aspects of his life, he's sooooo lazy, no exercise, sits in an office all day, comes home to eat and watch t.v. and on top of it all somewhere in between finds time to nap!


About the rebound, I tried going out with a guy right after I broke up with my previous ex and I felt horrible, it did me more bad than good, I felt like I was cheating on my ex because I wasn't over him yet. I think you should give yourself time. It's not fair to someone who may be genuinely looking for a relationship.

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i think a hook up works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. it depends how far along you are in your healing. i think what does happen is that months after the hookup sometimes you will still end up thinking about your ex. its all a personal preference. sometimes you still think of your ex while you are out with that new person. i dunno. i think the most important thing to do is work on yourself. hookups don't allow you to work on yourself. you fall back into that trap of doing for someone else again, if it ends up being more than a one night stand. and one night stands really are not that impressionable and really are only for people who are very insecure. i would stay away from them especially if you are hurting over your ex. chances are it will make you feel even worse not to mention you will have that in the back of your mind if you do hook back up with your ex or even if you meet a new person that you really like down the road.


its ok not to have someone and to be alone for a little while. its actually quite healthy.

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Oh man, another rough morning. Its been 5 and a half weeks and I am tired. I hate the feeling I get in the morning. I miss him so much. I love him. I just want him back. His birthday is coming up this saturday and I will not be doing anything. No card, no well wishes. I want him back and I cant send a card just to get a no response or a friend response. Its so hard. I miss my best friend.


I dont like seeing the sun come up.


Oh ya, I feel like a kid that needs their hand held. I feel so helpless and like crap. I just want to curl up and die basically.

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its been a month and i'm improving day by day.


my mood at the moment is frustration that she never sat me down and talked through her issues a lot earlier in the relationship so we could try to sort them out. but then she might have still split with me. i do have moments where i would like to sit down with her and discuss where we went wrong. even on msn would be better. my head is a bit clearer than when we split up. but i'm guessing she is enjoying her independence at the moment and if she told me that then that could set me back


managing to get out of the house most days and evenings even if to go to the gym. that helped a lot.


dont think i am ready to handle seeing her in the street or anything yet.

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