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i heard from her today


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Hey thanks Melissa, its nice knowing that you are not alone. You are when it comes to your friends because they arent going through what you are. My friend got to marry her best friend/lover. That was my dream. He was my best friend in the world. That song by Tim McGraw, My Best Friend, was my song for him.


Sunnyv, you can interpret (sp?) the song however you woud like I guess. I think he is telling his g/f not to let go of him and their relationship. That you fall in and out of love but dont let go.You need to listen to it. Its depressing to me because he let go of us. He let go of something so beautiful and he didnt want to work on it. He just gave up on us. I just dont want him to let go. I would hope that he knows what he lost, a great friend and a great partner. You cant find that everywhere, as you well know.

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SunnyV- how was your weekend? I did 3 hikes in 3 days and I am so tired. I hope I sleep well tonight. I should, im tired and sunburned. Went on 6 mile hike today. I just hope that one day I will be so tired that I would finally have a good night sleep and not think about him you know. Ive already lost something like 12 pounds since he left me and Ive met so many awsome people. The problem is that he would have loved those hikes. Thats what I always think aboutm, sad but true.

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Lyrics to Never Say Never :

Some things we don't talk about

better do without

just hold a smile

we're falling in and out of love

the same damn problem


together all the while

you can never say never

when we don't know why

time and time again

younger now then we were before

don't let me go,

don't let me go,

don't let me go,

don't let me go,

don't let me go,

don't let me go


picture you're the queen of everything

as far as the i can see

under your command

i will be your gaurdening

when all is crumbling

steady your hand


you can never say never

when we don't know why

time and time again

younger now then we were before

don't let me go,

don't let me go,

don't let me go,

don't let me go,

don't let me go,

don't let me go


we're falling apart

and coming together again and again

we're coming apart

but we hold it together

hold it together, together again


don't let me go,

don't let me go,

don't let me go,

don't let me go,

don't let me go,

don't let me go(x2)

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Hey sunnyv,


You're welcome, i'm glad i could help I'm trying to take my break-up one day at a time. This break-up had been really hard on me, everything reminds me of my ex, plus i'm considering giving back the promise ring that he gave me on our 2 year anniversary. I"m so confused, i don't know if i should give it back. I wouldn't give it back in person, I think i would just FedEx it to him. What do you think I should do? With my past time i'm trying to focus on school. What are you doing to get over the break-up?

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I am hiking, a ton. I went on three hikes this weekend. One each day. These are like 6 mile hikes with a hiking group. You can meet a alot of people on these hikes. Melissa, go to link removed. You can find a group near you, anything you are interested in. Not just hiking, they have everything. My ex let me keep my engagement ring, which was VERY expensive.

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I know that the pain will still be there. I cry on my hikes, under my sunglasses, but I do it because I hope one day it will make me feel better. Maybe meet someone new. Im also losing weight so when/if my ex see's me again i WILL look good.

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thanks amanda for posting those lyrics. i will have to add that song to my ipod so i can listen to it. like i said i always catch the end of the song on the radio so i will definitly check it out.


i'm doing alright. had a rough day, feel like i took a step back. i didn't contact her or anything, i was just sad for most of the day. i thought about how we used to spend fathers day at her parents house and that she was probably there with somebody new or whatever and that i feel like such a small speck in her past life. so insignificant or something like that if you understand what i am trying to say. just a depressing hard day.


i played with my sister's dog a lot. that kinda helped until he decided to lay down in poop without me seeing and rolled in it then i had to clean him off and wash him and that made me laugh for a minute but then back to sadness.


melissa-thanks. i would say don't give the ring back-sell it and make money off of it or keep it. but don't give it back. its yours. just a thought. do what you like but i would say keep it.

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You know what sunnyv, you just made me laugh. I had a dog pee on my once, but my fiance was there so that makes me sad. My dog decided to poop in the middle of the hiking path, so embarrasing. Perhaps you should get a dog. they are great to have. I had a bad weekend too. You are not alone. Its hard to think that they have moved on. This last week was bad, it just was. I cried on my hikes. I cry after my hikes. I always think that he would have liked that hike. I hate it. I hate not being able to sleep. I want to sleep a full night and think about meeting someone new but its too hard because I still hope that one day he will come back. He will come back or I will find somebody else, whatever comes first i guess.

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hi amanda


yes eventually one day i hope to get a dog. my ex was always mean to me about getting a pet. funny though because with her exs before me, they always had a pet and she was never mean to them about having one. i think my ex is just an extremely sellfish person and when she dated me it was all about her or the highway.


glad i could make you laugh for a minute. sorry it also made you sad. see now i am having a moment where i can't sleep through the whole night. totally sucks. woke up thinking about my ex and wondering what she is doing right now. ugggh.


i am just like you-wish she would just come back to me and say i miss you.

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it is very up and down at the moment for me. we broke up a month ago. saturday felt a bad day. i seemed to be going through my head how i should have done things differently, suinday was fine and this morning i feel i just want to pick up the phone or email her and talk to her and chat on what she has been upto. i know she isnt coming back but the urge to contact her is so strong

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hi adam


yup thats how i feel. it comes and goes where you get teh urges to want to contact them, but then you get scared. if you can see from this thread when i did contact her over a month ago it was not that good of a reaction and so i haven't contacted her. or when she has contacted me i responded back like a dummy and she was able to have the last good word. now i am in nc and it is what it is. i hate playing games but i am doing it to get stronger myself. my ex i feel unfortunately is playing a game so there is not much left for me to do then play the game and just get stronger myself.


try to stay strong adam. if you feel the urge to contact her and you want to, just be prepared or either a good reaction from her or a bad reaction. have you talked to her lately? if so how was it?

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Not spoke to her at all in that month. only contact is a text message thanking me for a concert ticket i got last october for her birthday 2 weeks ago. i just replied glad you had a good time. i think she is just keeping away so that she doesnt hurt me anymore and give me false hope. when we split up i said i dont hold any grudges - thats so she wouldnt contact me out of guilt. not sure if i will contact her. not much to say at the moment apart from questions about things i could have done differently and wish we had both been more open about our feelings. i just cant see me breaking no contact because i dont want to set myself back. in the end she knows exactly how i feel so no point trying to persuade her to come back. i'm trying to move on and if she wants to come back then she has to do it herself and persuade me she is back for good.

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Oh I am so tired of this. I cant get a good nights sleep. I am so tired. I wake up EVERY morning with my heart sinking. Every single morning. My heart feels like it is on the floor. I feel like crap every single morning. I feel sick to my stomach. I miss him so much. He just dropped off the face of the planet when it comes down to me. I dont see him on AIM, he doesnt check his myspace anymore. Nothing, he just does not even want anything to do with me. I know I cant contact him. He dumped me and he has made no moves what so ever. He hasnt tried to contact me what so ever. Oh i feel so bad and Im so tired.

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Amanda- I'm sooooo sorry to hear that you feel that way. I know exactly what you're going through, I woke up this morning with a horrible nightmare that my b/f and I were back together only to wake up and realize that it wasn't true. My heart literally sunk to the floor. I feel like $hit all day everyday, and i can't eat. I've dropped 7 lbs just from being so sick to my stomach. My b/f must have blocked me on aim too because he's never on and he used to go on every single day. The worst is that we have a mutual friend that lives in my neighborhood...like 4 houses down the street from me and I always see his car there. It's just a constant reminder, i wish i could just go over and hang out together like the 3 of us used to but i know i can't. It makes my heart sink every time i see his car. All i can say is try to hang in there, and you're not alone

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I know how that feels. I have dreams about him as well. You wake up with the worst pain. I have been waking up like this for 5 weeks now. I am tired. I want to sleep in but I cant. Some people think that if you completely cut themselves out of someones life that it will make it better but thats not always true. It will still follow them like a shadow. Now i dont know if this is true of everyone but I dont see how he could not think of me. I look on this site and there are much more people on here who want their exes back then those who actually get them back. Its sad.

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Today I am kinda sad.. Today marks the one year mark where I moved from florida to Philadelphia to be with my EX. This time last year I was so incredibly happy and completely excited and in love to start my new life with the women I love with all my heart and soul. She was extremely excited as well. Actually I think As I write this at 10:20am I was just landing in Philly airport.


Now I am alone, and not excited about anything today. It really hits home to think just 365 days ago a women was telling me she loves me unconditionally and was so excited to start our new life together for the rest of our lives.


Wow what a Liar!!!

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I know what you mean about sleeping in, i've tried doing that but i think it makes me more depressed. I can't sleep at night either so what i do is try and stay up to like 2 am so that when i go to bed i can just fall asleep very quickly and not have to think back of all the good times me and my ex had together. I wish i could fast forward to when i feel better

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Today I am kinda sad.. Today marks the one year mark where I moved from florida to Philadelphia to be with my EX. This time last year I was so incredibly happy and completely excited and in love to start my new life with the women I love with all my heart and soul. She was extremely excited as well. Actually I think As I write this at 10:20am I was just landing in Philly airport.


Now I am alone, and not excited about anything today. It really hits home to think just 365 days ago a women was telling me she loves me unconditionally and was so excited to start our new life together for the rest of our lives.


Wow what a Liar!!!



yes, sometimes i'm left scratching my head how things can turn around. in my case it was 3 months before the break up she seemed really into me and planning for the future. its hard not to analyse everything and try to find the turning point and think you can fix it

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Today I am kinda sad.. Today marks the one year mark where I moved from florida to Philadelphia to be with my EX. This time last year I was so incredibly happy and completely excited and in love to start my new life with the women I love with all my heart and soul. She was extremely excited as well. Actually I think As I write this at 10:20am I was just landing in Philly airport.


Now I am alone, and not excited about anything today. It really hits home to think just 365 days ago a women was telling me she loves me unconditionally and was so excited to start our new life together for the rest of our lives.


Wow what a Liar!!!


Sorry you are feeling sad today, pdoog. I sometimes think about things I did with my ex and conversations we had prior to break up and can not believe that it went from something so good to something so hurtful, in a short amount of time.


Do you think they were liars or something happens with them that we are never aware of?

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One of the most difficult things is to look back at the good times. All the times that you spent together where you were so happy. The future was in your hands. It was the two of you versus the world. All the plans. I had big plans for us this summer. All sorts of things planned. It would have blown his mind.


Melissa-Im with you. I stay awake as long as I can so that i can fall asleep quickly. I hope that if im really tired i will sleep a full night but thats not true. I still wake up with that feeling. Everybody on here knows what I am talking about. The last night I slept well was when he was sleeping next to me.

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Amanda- I totally agree with you, the last time i got a good night's rest was when I slept next to my ex. It makes me so depressed to think about what i've lost. He was my comfort and safety...I didn't realize how much I would miss him until he was gone. I want him back sooo bad but i know there's not much i can do unless he wants the same thing. The worst is that I was sooo close to his family, i've hung out with his sisters a few times after the break-up but it makes me even more depressed. It makes me think about when we all used to hang out together. It's almost scary to me to think that this 1 person made me so incredibly happy and could also make me so incredibly sad. The worst part is that right b4 we broke up i bought him tix to see John Legend as a surprise because i knew he wanted to go to the concert sooo bad but didn't have the money. Then we broke up and I ended up giving him the tix (since they were a gift) and he said he still would want to go with me....should i go? the concert is in 2 weeks? if not he said he would give me the tix back...but i wouldn't be able to go without him it would be too painful because we used to always listen to John Legend when we first started dating and it brings back so many good memories

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If hanging out with his sisters is difficult can you imagine hanging out with him. You always like to think that if you hang out that he would change his mind. We never know but if you get that friend vibe that will hurt. i was close to his family as well and I actually saw his mom a month after. I cried and it was horrible so I dont think that i will be seeing her anytime soon. His little brother was like my little brother. Its so sad. I miss all the of them. His mom sent me a letter saying how badly she felt. She is ashamed that her son could hurt me so much. She thought he would change is mind but he didnt. All he tells her is that he doesnt want to get married. He is even planning a trip to europe with the friend I hate. We were supposed to go there together. that was a dream for the both of us.

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