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Yeah, its pretty much hopeless...


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Hmm I don't think I will ever find someone who will ever really connect with me enough to date and to eventually marry. I guess I'm not really thinking that there is something wrong with me, but that there is something wrong with everyone else to an extent. I mean I know it sounds arrogant, but from what I can tell everyone seems the same.

I think I'm really eccentric to most people, unless I really get into a conversation or get agitated, I'm pretty bad a speaking my thoughts out loud to others. I'm always in my head, and I constantly write things that I feel and analyze about the world and what I observe in it. I'm an artist, so I can get really imaginative and lose touch with reality. I tend to day dream more than most people, about things that have nothing to do with common everyday life. Unless its a world event I usually don't care about the information on the news. I rarely watch tv anymore and usually only discuss deep things with others.

I find most people I meet, can't really have these deep convos with me. My close friends and I enjoy it very much and we don't it every so often. But I can't seem to find an SO that could connect with me mentally, spiritually etc.

I don't know what the heck the agenda of the people in charge of this planet is anymore, but I don't see it holding for very long. The media spews sex like crazy and everyone is horny CONSTANTLY. I can't even have a conversation with a girl without things turning into a flirting game and I hate that. I was on a webcam site with my freinds and most of the girls that came on there had some one track minds. Even though there was one girl on there we could get a half decent conversation out of... it always reverted back to sexual induendo. I don't know why sex is so imporatant these days, while I don't think religion is the best way to view sexually realtionships it does highlight an imporatant factor in that the human sexual realtionship is something that takes mature responsibility. It can easily screw with ones mind and emotions if not careful and I have seen bad results from it when not handeled with proper care (via freinds). But for some reason its the new way to determine ones social status and its all people every think about anymore.

I'm not saying that I am not sexually interested in people, but I feel that as a human I am different from basic animals and I will not let it control my mind constantly. I speak in truth when I say that I have enjoyed talking with my various gf just about life in the world.

I was wanting to eventually meet someone to share my life with (maybe have a kid to grow into a strong respectable human) that I can really have a deep connection with, but looking at the current stiuation with the world I'm not thinking thats going to happen. As captalism collaspeses in its attemtp to make a profit of the expense of everything, including makinds sanity, things will only get worse. I guess I could be content living by myself with a couple of animals. Close relationships with animals really are great imo, I have learnt alot from my pets I have now and while not quite like humans, they really do come close to erase the loliness sometimes.

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Hey there Leon, I'm not sure if there's anything I can say that'll make you feel any better, but I just wanted to say that I can relate to a lot of what you wrote, especially about having deep conversations with others.


I don't think there is really anyone in my life that I could have a truly deep conversation about life with -- don't get my wrong, I have a great boyfriend, but I'm honestly afraid of scaring him off if I try to explain the inner workings of my mind!


So yeah, I don't have any advice, just that I understand..

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Hi Leo,


You sound a lot like me! Ever since I was little I have always been labelled as an "outsider" and everyone thinks that I'm extremely eccentric.


Its funny that you said that you were worried about not finding someone that you can connect with and eventually marry, I feel the exact same way!


I'm not great by ways of advice, but I hope that it helps you to know that you aren't alone in your feelings. I too am an artist. Most people get ticked off with me because of my unusual interests and hobbies. They also claim that I'm "too sensitive" and "strange".


I don't know if that helps you any, but you certainly aren't alone.



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I was just venting and letting out some emotional frustration. I was not expecting anyone to really respond (cause it's even hard for me to get advice on forums when I actually try). I definitely was not expecting any female responses... yeah... makes me look pretty bad...


But yeah, there isn't anything anyone can do for me. I'm not really sad, just frustrated. Sometimes I get mad at my friends because they don't ever help me, but besides some of them having insecurity issues and not wanting me to be more successful than them, they really can't help me I guess.

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Just as i was going to tell you, your not alone in the way your feeling. Two women posted they can relate, just as i was going to say there is a woman out there, that feels the same as you. I bet she can spell a little better than you though


The only type of advice i can give is to search in the right settings. Girls on the internet/webcam are probably going to be girls that are in a way * * * * ty(want to display their appearance/body). You want to find a girl who is going to art school, at an art museum, library, or wherever the smart girls spend their time.


You want to find someone who matches you or can relate to you. you said your an artist, you said people cant have deep conversations with you, well i bet an intelligent woman could.

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Yeah Leon I often feel doomed in finding anyone much less the ONE. I feel like I'm kind of on the sideline and Sooo not mainstream or normal that the chances of a girl liking me are like, 0%.


I try to keep busy with school, work, and my computers that I build but some nights just plain suck and the loneliness looms like mold on dank walls.

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The sex thing has been there since the Sixties... I think things slowed down a bit in the 80s when I was growing up because there was a bit of a moral backlash, but it's been increasing steadily as a lifestyle again ever since. I don't like it, but it's become the norm. I don't like the obsession with sex but I really can't stand the obsession with having 3 to 6 babies apiece these days a whole lot more.


That having been said, the "smart" girls around here tend to be found in many social settings (being an engineer myself, I feel somewhat confident to report out). Then again, we keep being ranked as having one of the highest percentages of well educated people in the country, so it's hard not to find someone who is smart in any place you go.


Try the gym, online dating, charity organizations, night school courses, and areas where people gravitate after work.

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