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It's what I needed to hear


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Had a doctors appointment this morning and everything is going WONDERFUL!! Both heartbeats are perfect and strong. They are kicking around, Baby 'A' is finally growing properly and is catching up in size to Baby 'B' which was one of the largest concerns early on. My fluid is good, still lower than they would like but hasn't changed much since my last appointment so that is a good thing. If things keep going as well as planned we can find out in 4-5 weeks what we are having!! I am so excited! All in all is what a great appointment and what I really needed to brighten my day



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I'm glad everything's going so well!


During my last pregnancy I drank a ton of water. I'm not sure if there's a direct correlation but when my daughter was born there was 2 liters of amniotic fluid. Equivalent to the size and weight of a whole other baby!


The reason I mention this is just to remind you to drink plenty of water.

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Nevermind I just read on your other post that you were 16 weeks pregnant.

How come you need to wait that long for the sexe of the babies?



My doctor doesn't like doing a gender ultrasound until 20-21 weeks because before that it is so iffy. If they can tell for sure before that then they will tell me otherwise I have to wait until they do the gender ultrasound in 4 weeks or so.

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Nevermind I just read on your other post that you were 16 weeks pregnant.

How come you need to wait that long for the sexe of the babies?


20 weeks is when they typically do a gender ultrasound.


To the OP: Congrats! I didn't realize you were having twins.

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Ah that's good =)


Grats on the twins. It doesn't run in my family so I wouldn't get that opportunity but I wish I could.




You never know with getting pregnant with twins.. there are only 2 sets of twins in both of our families as far back as we can find and here we are so it's possible . I never expected it

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